
Das PSI bietet mit seiner weltweit einmaligen Forschungsinfrastruktur einzigartige Möglichkeiten für die nationale und internationale Spitzenforschung.


Unsere Forschungs- und Servicezentren betreiben international anerkannte Spitzenforschung in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften und stellen der Wissenschaft wie auch der Industrie hochkomplexe Grossforschungsanlagen für eigene Forschungsvorhaben zur Verfügung. 

Zhu et al

Continuum Excitations in a Spin Supersolid on a Triangular Lattice

Magnetic, thermodynamic, neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering are used to study spin correlations in the easy-axis XXZ triangular lattice magnet K2Co(SeO3)2. Despite the presence of quasi-2D “supersolid” magnetic order, the low-energy excitation spectrum contains no sharp modes and is instead a broad and structured multiparticle continuum. Applying a weak magnetic field ...

Andriushin et al

Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a “spin meta-cholesteric” phase in Sr3Fe2O7

Topologically nontrivial magnetic structures such as skyrmion lattices are well known in materials lacking lattice inversion symmetry, where antisymmetric exchange interactions are allowed. Only recently, topological multi-q magnetic textures that spontaneously break the chiral symmetry, for example, three-dimensional hedgehog lattices, were discovered in centrosymmetric compounds, where they are instead driven by frustrated interactions. Here we show that ...

3D image of a magnetic skyrmion

Skyrmion topology quantified in 3D

Researchers from an international collaboration between the United States of America and Switzerland have performed three-dimensional magnetic imaging of a magnetic skyrmion using soft X-ray laminography. This allowed for the investigation, in three dimensions, of the topological profile of the magnetic skyrmions.