Die jüngste Grossforschungsanlage des PSI erzeugt sehr kurze Pulse von Röntgenlicht mit Lasereigenschaften. Damit können Forschende extrem schnelle Vorgänge wie die Entstehung neuer Moleküle bei chemischen Reaktionen verfolgen, die detaillierte Struktur lebenswichtiger Proteine bestimmen oder den genauen Aufbau von Materialien klären. Die Erkenntnisse erweitern unser Verständnis der Natur und führen zu praktischen Anwendungen wie etwa neuen Medikamenten, effizienteren Prozessen in der chemischen Industrie oder neuen Materialien in der Elektronik.
Mehr dazu unter Überblick SwissFEL
Öffentliche Führung: Radiopharmazie
Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Radiopharmazie am Paul Scherrer Institut. Erfahren Sie, wie radioaktive Stoffe zur Diagnostik und Therapie schwerwiegender Erkrankungen wie Krebs eingesetzt werden.
Öffentliche Führung: Hotlabor
Entdecken Sie bei unserer Führung die Kernanlage Hotlabor, eine für die Schweiz einzigartige Experimentiereinrichtung zur nukleartechnischen Untersuchung und Analyse von hochradioaktiven Materialien.
Öffentliche Führung: SwissFEL
Der SwissFEL ist eine von gerade mal fünf Röntgenlaser-Anlagen weltweit, welche harte Röntgenstrahlung in Laserqualität erzeugen und der Forschung zur Verfügung stellen können. Auf unserer Führung werden wir die Funktionsweise und die wichtigsten Forschungsziele des Röntgenlasers kennenlernen und dann auf einem Rundgang selber einen Blick auf die wichtigsten Komponenten der 700 m langen Anlage werfen.
YBa1−𝑥Sr𝑥CuFeO5 layered perovskites: An attempt to explore the magnetic order beyond the paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point
Layered perovskites of general formula AA'CuFeO5 are characterized by the presence of spiral magnetic phases whose ordering temperatures 𝑇spiral can be tuned far beyond room temperature by introducing modest amounts of Cu/Fe chemical disorder in the crystal structure. This rare property makes these materials prominent candidates to host multiferroicity and magnetoelectric coupling at temperatures suitable for applications. Moreover, it has been proposed that the highest 𝑇spiral value that can be reached in this structural family ( ∼400 K) corresponds to a paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point with potential to show exotic physics. Since generating high amounts of Cu/Fe disorder is experimentally difficult, the phase diagram region beyond the triple point has been barely explored. To fill this gap we investigate here eleven YBa1−𝑥Sr𝑥CuFeO5 solid solutions (0≤𝑥≤1 ), where we replace Ba with Sr with the aim of enhancing the impact of the experimentally available Cu/Fe disorder. Using a combination of bulk magnetization measurements, synchrotron x-ray and neutron powder diffraction we show that the spiral state with 𝐤𝑠=(1/2,1/2,1/2±𝑞) is destabilized beyond a critical Sr content, being replaced by a fully antiferromagnetic state with ordering temperature 𝑇coll2≥𝑇spiral and propagation vector 𝐤𝑐2=(1/2,1/2,0). Interestingly, both 𝑇spiral and 𝑇coll2 increase with 𝑥 with comparable rates. This suggests a common, disorder-driven origin for both magnetic phases, consistent with theoretical predictions.
Neues Verfahren steigert Leistung von Lithiumbatterien
Ein neuer Ansatz des PSI zur Leistungssteigerung von Akkus bietet der Industrie neue Chancen für effiziente und langlebige Energiespeicher.
Ein Tag im Personalrestaurant Oase
…..willst Du mehr wissen, was es alles braucht, um Dich im PSI zu verpflegen?
Araris Biotech: Strategische Partnerschaft im Bereich der Krebstherapie
Mit der neuen Partnerschaft mit Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. setzt Araris einen weiteren Schritt in der Weiterentwicklung innovativer Krebstherapien.
40 years of LNS
On 1st October 2024, the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering & Imaging turned 40 years old, which was celebrated during the traditional end-of-year party on 17th December.
Neue Schutzschicht macht Akkus leistungsfähiger
Die Energiedichte von Lithium-Ionen-Akkus erhöhen – eine am PSI entwickelte nachhaltige Methode zur Kathodenoberflächenbeschichtung macht’s möglich.
Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2
The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is revealed using inelastic neutron scattering. The magnetic excitations emerge from the Brillouin zone boundary at the high symmetry Y and T points and disperse along the crystallographic b-axis. In applied magnetic fields ...
PSI-Jahresrückblick 2024
Lichtblicke – PSI-Forschung im Jahr 2024
Small-angle scattering interferometry with neutron orbital angular momentum states
Methods to prepare and characterize neutron helical waves carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) were recently demonstrated at small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) facilities. These methods enable access to the neutron orbital degree of freedom which provides new avenues of exploration in fundamental science experiments as well as in material characterization applications.
However, ....
Mitigating Cracks in Multi-Material Printing
Integrating metallic powders with thin foils in laser powder bed fusion can reduce interfacial cracks and improve microstructure quality in titanium-aluminum multi-material printing.
100 Tage als Mediamatik-Lernender am PSI
Als Mediamatiker helfe ich die Internetseite zu pflegen, auf Social Media zu posten sowie Fotos und Videos zu bearbeiten. In den ersten 100 Tagen meiner Lehre am PSI konnte ich schon viele grossartige Erfahrungen machen.
Die Kabel der SLS
Gebäudetechnik, Magnete, IT – viele Gruppen sind am Upgrade der SLS beteiligt. Ihr verbindendes Element sind mehrere hundert Kilometer Kabel.
IMPACT: Upgrade an PSI-Forschungsanlage beschlossen
Die Finanzierung der Umbauten an der Protonenbeschleunigeranlage des PSI wurde vom Schweizer Parlament bewilligt.
Fractional quasiparticles in three dimensions
Specific signatures of fractionalization have been observed in a three-dimensional system known as quantum spin ice.
Mapping the Nanoscale Architecture of Functional Materials
A new X-ray technique reveals the 3D orientation of ordered material structures at the nanoscale, allowing new insights into material functionality.
Exotics among the atoms
Muon experiments at the PSI are focusing on different isotopes.
Together for Science with Neutrons, Muons and X-rays
Strategic partnership between research facilities in UK and Switzerland will create new capabilities to address global challenges using neutrons, muons and X-rays.
ANAXAM feiert 5-jähriges Jubiläum
Wir gratulieren ANAXAM ganz herzlich zu seinem fünfjährigen Bestehen! Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2019 hat sich ANAXAM als verlässlicher Partner für die Industrie etabliert, der innovative Lösungen in der angewandten Materialanalytik bietet.
Jahresschlussapéro 2024
Ein erfolgreiches Berufsjahr geht zu Ende
Brigitte Decrausaz receives DECTRIS Award of Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at UZH
Brigitte Decrausaz, PhD student at LNS, received the DECTRIS Award 2023/2024 for the Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at the University of Zürich.
Auf dem Weg zum Kohlendioxid-armen Strassenverkehr
Forschende des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI zeigen, wie sich der Strassenverkehr durch eine geschickte Integration von erneuerbaren Energien dekarbonisieren lässt.
Not Rocket Science, just Nuclear Rocket Science
The PSI Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT) conducts computational and experimental research with focus on the safety of nuclear reactors and systems. In recent years, it established the EPSILON program to coordinate and consolidate its research activities on nuclear space applications. Among other things, developments were initiated towards an open-source European platform for high-fidelity simulations and experiments dedicated to space nuclear reactors. Referred to as the openSPACE platform, its underlying concepts are a) to include not only solvers but also reference simulation models as well as experimental validation data; b) to make all of these available to the broader and combined nuclear- and space communities for usage and/or further developments. Through this, the goal is thus not only to facilitate collaborative research in this area but also to enable effective support to the European Space Agency for thorough design, safety and performance evaluations of nuclear reactor systems for in-space propulsion and/or surface power. A first development phase focused on nuclear electric propulsion was proposed and retained among the two projects selected in 2023 by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for its MARVIS call (Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Ventures in Space) and funded by the Swiss Secretariat for Research and Innovation (SERI). This project, to be conducted via four inter-connected PhD theses, was launched in October 2024 and this marks thus a key milestone for the propulsion of PSI nuclear research towards space.
Scientist careers: Kaoutar Radi, participant of CONNECT Round 5, now Technical Project Manager in the development team of Hilti's Diamond Business Unit
The CONNECT program fosters exchange between highly qualified and ambitious female scientists and role models working in industry. In addition to direct matches between program participants and partner companies, the program encourages scientists to explore and pursue career options beyond academia. Every year, ca. 35 scientists and 3-4 partner companies, plus the federal administration, sponsors, universities of applied sciences and startups benefit from the program. In today's post, meet Kaoutar Radi who participated in CONNECT Round 5 and got encouraged to continue her career at Hilti, one of our partner companies. She tells us about her journey from wanting to explore potential career paths, to the connection she felt during the visit at Hilti, and her current role as technical project manager in the development team at Hilti's Diamond Business Unit.
Origin of the Suppression of Magnetic Order in MnSi under Hydrostatic Pressure
We experimentally study the evolution of the magnetic moment 𝑚 and exchange interaction 𝐽 as a function of hydrostatic pressure in the zero-field helimagnetic phase of the strongly correlated electron system MnSi. The suppression of magnetic order at ≈1.5 GPa is shown to arise from the 𝐽 collapse and not from a quantum fluctuations induced reduction of 𝑚. Our work provides benchmarks ...
Understanding the Interplay between Artificial SEI and Electrolyte Additives in Enhancing Silicon Electrode Performance for Li-Ion Batteries
Maintaining a stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is crucial for Li-ion battery safety, especially with high-capacity anode containing silicon. Therefore, our study explored long-term cycling of Si electrodes with artificial alucone-based SEI, deposited by molecular layer deposition (MLD) in combination with a fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) electrolyte additive. MLD of flexible Li-ion permeable artificial SEI coatings onto electrode resulted in improved capacity, enhanced Si electrode cycle life and capacity retention.
Preparing the Future of PSI Large Facilities in Atmospheric Research
The Multiphase Chemistry Group in the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) looks back to a nearly 20 years record of activities with in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and in situ scanning transmission X-ray spectromicroscopy (STXM) to address key fundamental questions in atmospheric chemistry. This is the time to consider new horizons, align with current and future needs in atmospheric sciences, and to identify novel opportunities driven by upcoming trends in methods, technologies and facilities. This has been the topic of the Workshop ‘X-ray and Neutron Spectroscopy, Scattering and Imaging in Atmospheric Chemistry’, held at PSI 13 – 15 November 2024.
Anionic Disorder and Its Impact on the Surface Electronic Structure of Oxynitride Photoactive Semiconductors
The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy, stored in the form of hydrogen, bears enormous potential as a sustainable fuel for powering emerging technologies. Photoactive oxynitrides are promising materials for splitting water into molecular oxygen and hydrogen. However, one of the issues limiting widespread commercial use of oxynitrides is degradation during operation. While recent studies have shown the loss of nitrogen, its relation to reduced efficiency has not been directly and systematically addressed with experiments. In this study, we demonstrate the impact of the anionic stoichiometry of BaTaOxNy on its electronic structure and functional properties. Through experimental ion scattering, electron microscopy, and photoelectron spectroscopy investigations, we determine the anionic composition ranging from the bulk toward the surface of BaTaOxNy thin films. This further serves as input for band structure computations modeling the substitutional disorder of the anion sites. Combining our experimental and computational approaches, we reveal the depth-dependent elemental composition of oxynitride films, resulting in downward band bending and the loss of semiconducting character toward the surface. Extending beyond idealized systems, we demonstrate the relation between the electronic properties of real oxynitride photoanodes and their performance, providing guidelines for engineering highly efficient photoelectrodes and photocatalysts for clean hydrogen production.