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A mass spectrometer on tour...

Tofwerk AG

Tofwerk AG is located in Thun and develops time-of-flight mass spectrometers and ion mobility spectrometers for scientific, industrial, and scientific research. The time-of-flight mass spectrometers of Tofwerk are among the fastest in the world. They can record up to 100.000 complete mass spectra per second in order to monitor fast processes. Tofwerk collaborates with PSI on the development of a new mass spectrometer for the analysis of aerosol particles. While Tofwerk is responsible for the hardware and software development, PSI provides its knowhow in the field of the atmospheric chemistry and its infrastructure for testing and performance evaluation. The project is supported by CTI.
The collaboration with PSI is essential for the development and marketing of this mass spectrometer. We thereby can profit from the unique infrastructure at PSI as well as from the expertise of PSI scientists and graduate/PhD students for evaluating the performance of the instruments. This will significantly contribute to the further success of the project. PSI also supports us by presenting their findings on conferences – which is essential for the worldwide marketing of our product.
Mike Cubison, Project Manager; Marc Gonin, CEO, Tofwerk AG