Personnel Policy

Our success is based on the performance and motivation of our staff. We therefore strive to create a general framework that will provide them with the greatest encouragement and the most satisfaction in their work. 

Since 2016 we have been awarded the certificate «Friendly Work Space®». This quality label issued by Health Promotion Switzerland rewards institutions, which have integrated occupational health management in their corporate strategy and promote health and well-being of all employees with appropriate measures.

PSI commits itself to the principles of the European initiative Human Resource Strategy for Researchers of the European Commission and carries the label „HR Excellence in Research“ since 2016. This award reflects our commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures as well as good employment conditions.

HRS4R - Human Resource Strategy for Researchers

PSI is proud to be recognized as one of Switzerland’s Best Employers 2022 by HANDELSZEITUNG and Le Temps , in colaboration with Statista survey.

We have ranked #1 for the sector Education & Research and #6 in the overall ranking of best employers in Switzerland.

This recognition goes out to all PSI employees – thank you for helping us to make PSI a great place to work - an “ambitious and friendly” working space characterised by passion for innovation, flexibility, excellence and fostering of diversity and inclusion!

"One of our tasks is to promote what unites us, because excellent research is always based on teamwork, intensive communication and a shared culture," says Karsten Bugmann Head of HR at PSI.

Best Employers 2022
PSI achieved the first place in the Grand Prix Suisse «Health in the Company» 2018 - for the successful reintegration of employees into the workday.

The prize has been awarded for more than 25 years by Citizen @ Work Swiss, the Swiss section of the European Network for the Promotion of Health and Economic Development. It honors innovative projects that have been proven to improve employee health. The award is supported by Health Promotion Switzerland, Suva and the Federal Office of Public Health.


Human Resources

 +41 56 310 47 62