Top infrastructure for your learning success

The PSI Education Center has modern classrooms, group rooms and practical training rooms as well as an outdoor training facility. The rooms on the upper and lower floors are accessible by wheelchair.

-> Further information for participants with disabilities

Our premises:

Chemistry and physics laboratories

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A C-lab with chapels and additional workstations for 16 persons is available for work with open radioactive sources (e.g., Tc-99m). Additionally, 16 work stations are available to experiment with closed radioactive sources, including determination of decay types, shielding, and gamma spectroscopy.

X-ray laboratory

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Our course participants use the largest digital X-ray laboratory in Switzerland. In the fully equipped training hospital, there are a total of 3 X-ray systems with practical equipment as well as 7 additional X-ray systems for experiments. Using numerous phantoms such as the skull, spine, pelvis, thorax, hand and foot, comparisons of image quality and dose can be made.

In addition, you will find the now only red light laboratory for practicing conventional X-ray techniques that are still included in some training regulations.

Training facility

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Realistic outdoor or indoor situations can be simulated in the "Spürgarten" training facility. This allows first responders to train road accidents or radiological incidents. A course room with laptop, beamer, and space for 16 participants is available. 


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Our 6 modern classrooms offer space to 16 to 20 people in seminar seating. For larger trainings and events there is a lecture room on the ground floor with space for 100 people in theater seating. For very large events, the auditorium on the PSI West site is available with 300 seats in fixed auditorium seating.

Group rooms / Meeting rooms

For workshops in small groups, for group work or meetings, 2 contemporarily equipped rooms for 6 to 10 people each are available.


Our modern training building has 6 contemporarily equipped classrooms, 2 smaller group rooms and meeting rooms, 1 large lecture hall, 1 X-ray laboratory including red light development laboratory, 1 physics laboratory and 1 chemistry laboratory. In addition, the "Spürgarten" training facility is located on the PSI premises within walking distance.

Room rental

The majority of our premises are well utilized. However, we are happy to accept requests for room rental. Send us an email with your preferred dates and the room you would like to reserve.

Priority is given to our own courses and PSI internal bookings.