General requests / Contact form
List of contacts
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the contact list, please use the contact form. Your enquiry will be forwarded accordingly.
To notify us of address changes or to delete your address from our address database, please click here.
Would you like to be informed about public events at PSI? Then you can register in our address database. The events are currently only in German.
Please fill in the form and we will keep you informed about events at PSI by e-mail.
Customers: (only in German)
Contact for media representatives
Martina Gröschl
+41 56 310 52 13
Please use our order form. (only in German)
Inquiries and registration
+41 56 310 21 00
Requests based on the Federal Act on Freedom of Information in the Administration must be submitted to the email address below.
In order to process your request as efficiently as possible, we would be grateful if you could provide as detailed information on the document as possible. For example
- Creation date (the FoIA only applies to documents from July 1, 2006), title or subject, reference,
- Authority that created the document,
- Subject area.
We would be grateful for any callbacks if you could give us a contact address and telephone number.