Job Opportunities Job Opportunities AllBiology and ChemistryBoardCenter for Proton TherapyScientific Computing, Theory and DataEnergy and EnvironmentNuclear Energy and SafetyResearch with Neutrons and MuonsLarge Research FacilitiesHuman resourcesLogisticsPhoton research Job opportunities in sections AllAdministrationApprenticeship positionsMiscellaneousDoctoralEngineering / LaboratoryIT / Information TechnologyInternshipPostdoctoralScience Segment Search 17.09.2024 •Doctoral •5505-02 •100% PhD Student 17.09.2024 •Doctoral •5505-01 •100% PhD Student 16.09.2024 •Diverses •9131-01 •100% Gruppenleitung Einkauf 16.09.2024 •Diverses •9130-00 •100% Sektionsleitung Materialwirtschaft 13.09.2024 •Doctoral •5105-01 •100% PhD Student in transient operando spectroscopy of supported metal catalysts 13.09.2024 •Doctoral •2411-00 •100% PhD Student 11.09.2024 •Doctoral •6317-00 •100% PhD Student in X-ray imaging - Multiscale characterization of mineralized biological tissue 10.09.2024 •Technik/Labor •3603-01 •100% Konstruktionsingenieur*in 06.09.2024 •Diverses •9231-01 •30 - 40% Raumpfleger*in 36.56 % 06.09.2024 •Postdoctoral •5703-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in Catalyst development for sustainable fuels production 06.09.2024 •Diverses •5400-00 •100% Gruppenleitung Engineering & Technical Support 06.09.2024 •Technik/Labor •9620-02 •100% Ingenieur*in / Physiker*in 06.09.2024 •Diverses •2201-00 •100% Chemie- oder Biologielaborant*in 05.09.2024 •Internship •8123-T2 •100% Trainee (Research on Large Language Models) 04.09.2024 •Engineering / Laboratory •8222-00 •80 - 100% Group leader Hardware development (80 - 100 %) 04.09.2024 •Science •7101-00 •100% Scientist (Tenure Track) 04.09.2024 •Postdoctoral •6313-01 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow ultrafast science in condensed matter 02.09.2024 •Doctoral •8123-00 •100% PhD Student for Synchrotron Diagnostics 29.05.2024 •Informatik •9523-00 •100% Windows System Engineer 30.08.2024 •Informatik •9142-00 •100% SAP Technology Consultant 30.08.2024 •Wissenschaft •9611-01 •100% Physiker*in / Naturwissenschaftler*in 29.08.2024 •Diverses •9670-02 •80 - 100% Fachspezialist*in Sicherheit und Brandschutz 29.08.2024 •Doctoral •6313-02 •100% PhD student for Ni-based model catalysts for dry methane reforming 23.08.2024 •Diverses •9671-00 •100% Mitarbeitende*n im Sicherheits- und Zugangskontrolldienst 21.08.2024 •Internship •5422-T3 •100% Trainee in electrocatalysts preparation and characterization 16.08.2024 •Praktika •9151-T1 •60 - 100% Praktikum im Bereich Controlling 60-100% 15.08.2024 •Doctoral •9622-02 •100% PhD Student on electrochemical approaches in radioanalytics 13.08.2024 •Postdoctoral •6516-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in Kagome Lattice based Quantum Materials 12.08.2024 •Doctoral •5422-01 •100% PhD Student in microstructural analysis of the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using scattering techniques 08.08.2024 •Postdoctoral •5101-03 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Elektroinstallateurin - Elektroinstallateur EFZ 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Fachfrau - Fachmann Reinigungstechnik EFZ / Praktikerin - Praktiker Reinigungstechnik EBA 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Fachfrau / Fachmann Betreuung EFZ, Fachrichtung Kinder 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Köchin - Koch EFZ 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Physiklaborantin - Physiklaborant EFZ Untertitel
13.09.2024 •Doctoral •5105-01 •100% PhD Student in transient operando spectroscopy of supported metal catalysts
11.09.2024 •Doctoral •6317-00 •100% PhD Student in X-ray imaging - Multiscale characterization of mineralized biological tissue
06.09.2024 •Postdoctoral •5703-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in Catalyst development for sustainable fuels production
04.09.2024 •Engineering / Laboratory •8222-00 •80 - 100% Group leader Hardware development (80 - 100 %)
29.08.2024 •Doctoral •6313-02 •100% PhD student for Ni-based model catalysts for dry methane reforming
13.08.2024 •Postdoctoral •6516-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in Kagome Lattice based Quantum Materials
12.08.2024 •Doctoral •5422-01 •100% PhD Student in microstructural analysis of the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using scattering techniques
01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Fachfrau - Fachmann Reinigungstechnik EFZ / Praktikerin - Praktiker Reinigungstechnik EBA