Communiqués de presse
Une nouvelle couche protectrice rend les batteries plus performantes
Augmenter la densité énergétique des batteries lithium-ion: c’est possible grâce à une méthode de revêtement de la surface de la cathode. Ce procédé durable a été développé au PSI.
Décision concernant IMPACT: la mise à niveau de l’installation de recherche du PSI sera réalisée
Le financement des transformations à l’accélérateur de protons du PSI a été avalisé par le Parlement suisse.
Vers un trafic routier faiblement émetteur de dioxyde de carbone
Des scientifiques de l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI montrent comment une intégration habile des énergies renouvelables permettrait de décarboniser le trafic routier.
L’ESA débarque en Suisse
La signature d’un contrat entre l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) et le PSI marque le lancement de l’European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre ESDI.
PSI Stories
«Le plus grand défi est le manque d'acceptation des éoliennes»
Russell McKenna, expert dans l’analyse des systèmes énergétiques, explique à ETH-News quelles sont, selon lui, les mesures les plus importantes à prendre pour développer l’énergie éolienne.
2024 au PSI: rétrospective
Recherche au PSI en 2024: des signes prometteurs
Les câbles de la SLS
Technique du bâtiment, aimants, informatique: de nombreux groupes participent à la mise à niveau de la SLS. Ils sont reliés entre eux par plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de câbles.
IMPACT: pour la société suisse
Pour être à la pointe, au niveau mondial, dans le domaine des muons et de la production de radionucléides médicaux: l'importance de la mise à niveau prévue.
Science Features
Mapping the Nanoscale Architecture of Functional Materials
A new X-ray technique reveals the 3D orientation of ordered material structures at the nanoscale, allowing new insights into material functionality.
Together for Science with Neutrons, Muons and X-rays
Strategic partnership between research facilities in UK and Switzerland will create new capabilities to address global challenges using neutrons, muons and X-rays.
Neat, precise and brighter than ever
Researchers at SwissFEL succeed in improving the temporal coherence of XFEL pulses
New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems
Quantum many-body problems involve the highly complicated process of predicting the behaviour of many interacting quantum particles. A newly developed benchmark helps to solve these problems.
Scientific Highlights
From scientists for scientists
Understanding the Interplay between Artificial SEI and Electrolyte Additives in Enhancing Silicon Electrode Performance for Li-Ion Batteries
Maintaining a stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is crucial for Li-ion battery safety, especially with high-capacity anode containing silicon. Therefore, our study explored long-term cycling of Si electrodes with artificial alucone-based SEI, deposited by molecular layer deposition (MLD) in combination with a fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) electrolyte additive. MLD of flexible Li-ion permeable artificial SEI coatings onto electrode resulted in improved capacity, enhanced Si electrode cycle life and capacity retention.
Operando Neutron Characterization During 3D Printing
A new laser powder bed fusion device enables real-time neutron diffraction and imaging, providing detailed insights into structural evolution, defect formation, and temperature mapping during metal additive manufacturing.
YBa1−𝑥Sr𝑥CuFeO5 layered perovskites: An attempt to explore the magnetic order beyond the paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point
Layered perovskites of general formula AA'CuFeO5 are characterized by the presence of spiral magnetic phases whose ordering temperatures 𝑇spiral can be tuned far beyond room temperature by introducing modest amounts of Cu/Fe chemical disorder in the crystal structure. This rare property makes these materials prominent candidates to host multiferroicity and magnetoelectric coupling at temperatures suitable for applications. Moreover, it has been proposed that the highest 𝑇spiral value that can be reached in this structural family ( ∼400 K) corresponds to a paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point with potential to show exotic physics. Since generating high amounts of Cu/Fe disorder is experimentally difficult, the phase diagram region beyond the triple point has been barely explored. To fill this gap we investigate here eleven YBa1−𝑥Sr𝑥CuFeO5 solid solutions (0≤𝑥≤1 ), where we replace Ba with Sr with the aim of enhancing the impact of the experimentally available Cu/Fe disorder. Using a combination of bulk magnetization measurements, synchrotron x-ray and neutron powder diffraction we show that the spiral state with 𝐤𝑠=(1/2,1/2,1/2±𝑞) is destabilized beyond a critical Sr content, being replaced by a fully antiferromagnetic state with ordering temperature 𝑇coll2≥𝑇spiral and propagation vector 𝐤𝑐2=(1/2,1/2,0). Interestingly, both 𝑇spiral and 𝑇coll2 increase with 𝑥 with comparable rates. This suggests a common, disorder-driven origin for both magnetic phases, consistent with theoretical predictions.
Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2
The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is revealed using inelastic neutron scattering. The magnetic excitations emerge from the Brillouin zone boundary at the high symmetry Y and T points and disperse along the crystallographic b-axis. In applied magnetic fields ...