Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Description Code digit Pensum Date
DevOps / Systems Engineer (80-100%)
7904-00 80 - 100
4309-02 100
Kaufmännische*n Assistent*in (50%)
9714-01 50
Hochschulpraktikant*in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (80-100%)
1301-T1 80 - 100
PhD Student for the development of a detector for airborne measurements of particles related to Solar-Earth radiation
3206-00 100
Trainee in micro-porous layer preparation and characterization
5422-T1 100
Scientist in Nuclear Reactor Core Simulations
4102-00 100
Software Scientist / Research Software Engineer (Experiment Software Stack for SwissFEL)
7901-00 100
PhD Student in the field of Geochemistry and Materials Science
4402-00 100
PhD Student in Probing and controlling emergent electrodynamics in quantum spin ice materials
3301-00 100
Postdoctoral Fellow in Fundamental studies in EUV photoresist materials
6217-00 100
Postdoctoral Fellow development and characterization of charge integrating detectors / 80% or more, flextime
6221-02 80 - 100
Postdoctoral Fellow for machine learning enhanced multiscale reactive fluid dynamics
4403-01 100
PhD Student
7102-00 100
Postdoctoral Fellow
4602-00 100
PhD Students
7300-00 100
4406-00 100
Postdoctoral Fellow
5101-03 100
Fachspezialist*in Safety mit Erfahrung im Brandschutz
9670-00 100
Fachspezialist*in Sicherheit und Brandschutz
9670-02 80 - 100
Laborantin - Laborant EFZ, Fachrichtung Chemie
- 100
SAP Technology Consultant
9142-00 100
8416-T1 100
IT-Workplace Engineer (80-100%)
9523-00 100