March 8 is International Women's Day. The day originated from labor movements during the early 20th century for equal rights, women's right to vote and the emancipation of women workers. The United Nations (UN) also chose this date as the "United Nations Day for Women's Rights and World Peace."
To celebrate this occasion, a wide variety of events, activities and street namings after women scientists will take place on March 8 within and around the ETH Domain. Here are a few highligths:
- ETHZ: Gender in Leadership and Leadership in Gender
- EPFL: Make way for women! Talks, workshops, comedy show and the official naming ceremony of several streets on the campus after the names of women scientists
- Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz: Science after noon: Drei Frauen – drei Generationen
- We Advance: Let's Change the Rules of the Career Game
- Pionierinnen der Gewerkschaftsgeschichte! Vortrag von Dore Heim | Facebook-Link