About Research at PSI

Instrument of the TOMCAT beamline at SLS (Photo: PSI/Markus Fischer)

PSI is the largest research center for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in three main fields: matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. Modern research infrastructures are crucial for the international competitiveness of Switzerland in the international research and innovation system. PSI is highly experienced in construction and development of large research facilities, to operate them efficiently and to make them available to the science community and industrial partners.

PSI conducts fundamental and applied research aiming to achieve scientific progress in different thematic areas, to answer questions of increasing social relevance and to foster economic development by promoting knowledge and technology transfer. PSI's in-house research is focused on areas in which the on-site large research facilities are especially suited and advantageous for the research activities. PSI is committed to scientific excellence and promotes interdisciplinary research.

PSI closely cooperates with other institutions of the ETH domain, Swiss Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences or academic institutions from abroad and benefits from the complementarity of research skills among collaborating partners. Beside the traditional form of joint research projects with different partners from Switzerland and abroad (e.g. participation in the European framework programs) PSI is also actively involved in national initiatives strengthening networks of collaborations and partnerships, e.g. National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCRs) or the recently established Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER).