Poster Campaign «Werde Wissenschaftlerin!» «Werde Ingenieurin!» «Werde Technikerin!»

Only about every fourth position in the natural sciences, technology and engineering in Switzerland is filled by a woman.[1] At PSI, the ratio of women to men in these fields is not different. That is why PSI would like to set an example and provide female role models on the International Women's Day on 8 March. On posters in Baden, Brugg and Aarau, PSI is showing female natural scientists, technicians and engineers who provide information about why they have chosen this profession and what fascinates them about their work.

With this campaign we want to motivate more young women to choose careers in these fields. This would foster diversity as well as counteract the lack of qualified personnel in these fields.

The posters will be shown for two weeks from 2nd March on at the above mentioned locations and online on LinkedIn.

[1] see Federal Statistical Office, Numbers of 2017,…, visited on 23.2.2020.