Data privacy policy for the CPT Website

The responsible body is:

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen

The protection of your personal and individual-related data is of upmost importance at CPT. The general PSI terms and conditions for such data apply at CPT Additional terms, which regulate the storage and processing of personal and individual-related data, are described below:

Contact by E-Mail or Telephone

If you contact us via the E-Mail address or telephone number listed on our website, we will store and process the data you have given us on a voluntary basis during this communication.

When contacted via E-Mail we process the E-Mail header including the sender’s displayed name or E-Mail address. We process the message contents and any attachments. We require these data in order to respond to your request, to provide you with accurate information or to complete the tasks outlined in your E-Mail. Your data are only used for the purpose of helping with your request. The data trusted upon us is only passed onto third parties if this is necessary in order to act on your request.

Contact via contact form for the CPT Newsletter

You can register for our newsletter "SpotON+" via a contact form. We collect and process this data, which you provide to us on a voluntary basis. The processing of your personal data is limited to the data required for sending our newsletter. We use a service provider (Brevo, formerly Sendinblue GmbH) for the distribution of the newsletter and other important information. Your data is managed in Brevo. The data servers are located in Germany. Your data will be stored by Brevo until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You have the right to change, amend or update your stored data at any time. To do so, use the link (Change your profile) at the end of each newsletter or write to us ( You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. A link to unsubscribe is provided at the end of each newsletter. By unsubscribing, your consent to the storage, use and transmission of your data to Brevo is revoked and your data is permanently deleted.

Your data protection rights

Using the contact information at the top of the document you may contact us to exercise the following rights:

You have the right to request information about the storage and processing of your data, to request their correction or deletion, providing this does not violate our legal responsibilities.

Embedded YouTube-Videos

We embed YouTube-Videos into the CPT website. When you visit a website via the YouTube-plugin a connection is made to a third-party server. This server will receive information about the webpages you visit. If you are signed in to your YouTube account then YouTube can attribute your browsing behavior to your personal profile.  When a YouTube-Video is played, then the provider employs cookies to collect information about your user behavior.

Further information concerning the purpose and the scope of the data storage and processing policies employed by YouTube and Google can be found in their own data protection statements. They also contain information regarding your rights and setting options to protect your privacy ( Google may process your data in third-party countries.

The provision of your personal data occurs with your consent on a voluntary basis. However your access to certain features of the website may be restricted if these data are not provided.

Changes to our data privacy policy

We reserve the right to adapt our data privacy policy e.g. when introducing additional services. When you return to our website our new data privacy policy will apply.

Contact information

If you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding the collection and use of your personal data, please feel free to contact