Park Innovaare: Financing of new Campus is secured

Congratulations: After an intensive round of negotiations, Park Innovaare concluded an investment agreement with CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop for the realization of the new buildings. With this agreement, Park Innovaare has come another step closer to realizing its goal: a state-of-the-art infrastructure of about 38’000 sqm next to the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI that is ideal for industrial R&D projects.

PSI as main tenant of the new building will rent 70% of the available space for additional workshops, laboratories, and offices for its research projects. The remaining 30% will be leased to start-ups and research departments of large companies.

Park Innovaare expects the new building to be ready for occupancy in 2023.

(From left to right) Dr. Benno Rechsteiner, CEO innovAARE AG, Dr. Urs Hofmann, Head of the Department of Economics and Internal Affairs of the Canton of Aargau, Maria Gumann, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop, Dr. Remo Lütolf, Chairman of the Board of Directors of innovAARE AG