About Us

Andrea Biedermann

Leader PSI Career Center

Andrea is a scientist with additional degrees in coaching and higher education. Having studied geophysics at ETH Zurich, she led postdoc projects in Norway and the USA before coming back to Switzerland as SNSF professor at the University of Bern. Andrea has supervised students from the bachelor to PhD levels, and had many conversations on their future, during which she discovered her passion for counseling. The fascination for the counseling process increased further during her own leadership coaching. In the end, Andrea shocked her science colleagues by turning down an 800 k research grant to take over the lead of the PSI Career Center. While she does miss science sometimes (mainly the conferences; the 'you should have cited my paper'-reviews not so much), she truly enjoys her new job and all the inspirational people she meets. Andrea is happy to share her experience and support PSI PhDs and postdocs as well as other interested staff with career-related questions.

Check out the Services page for links to individual counseling, courses, online resources and more.