Selected Conference Contributions


Panos, E. (2022). Hydrogen as an energy carrier: modelling challenges and its role in decarbonisation and system flexibility. Lecture in Operations Research -Methods for Energy and Resource Markets (OR-RES), 11 November 2022, TU Berlin , Berlin, Germany, Download

Panos, E., Kober, T., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S. (2022). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways towards net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050. European Climate Energy Modelling Platform  (ECEMP) Conference, 5-7 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium , Download

Hirschberg, S., Sacchi, R., Kannan, R., Spada, M., Heck, T., Schenler, W., Panos, E., Bauer, C., Kober, T., Burgherr,  P. (2022). Sustainability Assessment of Technologies and Scenarios for Passenger Transport: The Swiss Case. International Operations Research Conference 2022, September 6 - 9, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany, Download

Panos, E., Kober, T., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S. (2022). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways towards net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050. 40th International Energy Workshop (IEW), 25-27 May 2022, Freiburg, Germany, Download

Panos, E. (2022). The open-source TIMES\MIRO App. IEA-ETSAP Webinar, 20th May 2022, Stuttgart, Germany, Download

Panos, E. (2022). CPLEX\Barrier Options for TIMES Models. IEA-ETSAP Webinar , 11th March 2022, Video  Download


Panos, E. (2021). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways: towards net-zero emissions in 2050. 14th Integrated Assessment Modelling  Consortium Annual Meeting, 1st December 2021, Download

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Netto-Null CO2 Emissionspfade für die Schweiz – Kostenimplikationen und die Rolle der Elektrizität. VSE Webinar: Energiesektor und Klimawandel, 23th June 2021, online

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Pfade zur CO2-Neutralität der Schweiz: Technologie- und Kostenimplikationen im Kontext des Energiesystems, Studiengruppe Energieperspektiven, 17th June 2021, online

Panos, E., Hassan, A. (2021). Acceleration strategies for energy systems models: insights using the TIMES modelling framework. 39th International Energy Workshop, Online, 14-17 June 2021Download

Stermieri, L. (2021).  A new framework to include societal changes influenced by digitalization in net-zero energy scenarios. IAMC 2021- Fourteenth IAMC Annual Meeting, Digital event :

Stermieri, L. (2021). Digitalization and energy transition: The disruptive effect of new social practices on the energy system. IEW 2021- International Energy Workshop, Digital event

Stermieri, L. (2021).  Digital energy transition: diffusion of new social practices and their impact on energy system. IAEE 2021- International Association for Energy Economists (IAEE) , Digital Event:

Densing, M., Wan, Y. (2021). Modeling intermittency of solar and wind availability: Low-dimensional scenario generation capturing the statistics of both spatial and diurnal variations39th International Energy Workshop, Online, 14-17 June 2021


Panos, E. (2020). Energy System transformation pathways - Towards Net-Zero emissions in 2050. SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2020Download

Panos, E. (2020). How to build a TIMES model from scratch - Building a multi-regional model using a single excel workbook and TFM_DINS. IEA-ETSAP WebinarView online

Panos, E. (2020). Long-term energy transformation pathways - Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model. SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling Final Event, 15th December, 2020, Download

Stermieri, L. (2020).   The disruption effect of digitalization on the energy sector: a multimodal approach. Winter 2020 - 78th Semi-annual ETSAP meeting, Digital event:

Mazzoti M.Panos, E. et al, (2020). The role of hydrogen in decarbonizing Switzerland. ACT ELEGANCY Final Conference Webinar, 19th June 2020, Download 

Fiand, F., Panos, E, Goldstein, G. (2020):  An open source TIMES/MIRO App. IEA-ETSAP Workshop (webinar, July 2nd, 2020)View Online and Download 

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020): Die Energielandschaft im Wandel – Zukünftige Dekarbon- isierungsszenarien für die Schweiz. Energie-Apéros Aargau (webinar, Oct. 21, 2020). 

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020): Energiesystemanalysen und Szenarien – Reflektionen über die zukünftige Umgestaltung des Energiesystems. Industriewelt Baden - Exibition Unter Strom (invited talk) (Baden, Sept. 24, 2020). 

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020). “Szenarien für das Schweizer Energiesystem im internationalen Kontext”. VSE Forschungstagung "Aktuelles aus der Energieforschung"  (June 26, 2020). 

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020). “Energy System Transformation Challenges for Switzerland - an integrated model-based analysis”. Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) - Scientific Energy Lecture (invited talk) (webinar, July 16, 2020) 

Stermieri L., Panos E., (2020). Digital energy transition: diffusion of new social practices and their impact on the energy systemIAEE Conference 2020, June, Paris, canceled-Covid-19. Download


Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2019). Non-Linear Demand Curves in Electricity Markets: Impact on Market Power Estimation.  16th European IAEE Conference, 25-28 Aug, Lubliana.

Panos, E., Kober,T. (2019). Flexibility needs in the energy system for the integration of distributed renewables, 38th International Energy Workshop, Paris, France, 3-5 June 2019, Download

Panos, E. (2019). Acceleration strategies for speeding up the solution time of the TIMES energy systems model generator, 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2019), Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 June 2019, Download


Kober, T., Panos, E. (2018). Energy system implications of a well-below 2C emissions trajectory, Annual conference of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies, Oslo, Norway, 22 Nov. 2018, Download

Kober, T. (2018). Power-to-X Technologies and Market Environment in Switzerland, 7th Symposium Heat and Electricity Storage, Rapperswil, 6 November 2018

Panos, E., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2018). Langfristige Preisentwicklungen im Strommarkt, SWISSCLEANTECH Tutorial, Zürich, 23. Oktober 2018

Panos, E., Kober, T. (2018). Langfristige Perspektiven von Speichertechnologien und alternativen Flexibilitätsoptionen in der Schweiz, ZHAW Energie- und Umweltforum, Winterthur, 24 October 2018

Kannan, R., Kober, T. (2018). Incorporating detailed technology data in bottom-up energy systems models: Insights from Swiss and international studies, Asian Energy Modelling Workshop, Singapore, 10-11 September 2018

Densing, M. (2018). Explicit solutions of stochastic energy storage problems, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2018), Valencia, Spain, 8-11 July 2018

Panos, E., Densing, M. (2018). The future development of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements in 2030: will the current trends prevail or reverse is ahead?, The 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-21 June 2018, Download Presentation

Kober, T., Panos, E (2018). Energy System Challenges of deep global CO2 emissions reduction under the World Energy Council’s scenario framework, 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19 June 2018

Densing, M., Panos, E. (2018). Electricity Market Prices under Long-Term Policy Scenarios, 41st International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) International conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 10-13 June 2018, Download Presentation

Kober, T., Panos, E., Densing, M. Kannan, R. (2018). Zukünftige Rolle der Schweizer Wasserkraft im Gesamtenergiesystem, VSE Fachtagung “Zukunft der Wasserkraft", Olten, 27. June 2018, Program

Singh, A., Kannan, R., Kober, T., (2018). Long-term evolution of European electricity sector, The 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-21 June 2018,, Download Presentation

Kannan, R., Kober, T. (2018). Tradeoff between system embedded and dedicated energy storage in integrating large share of renewables, The 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-21 June 2018,, Download Presentation

Kober, T., Friedl, M., Mühlethaler, J. (2018). Saisonale Flexibilisierungs-möglichkeiten der Energie-versorgung in der Schweiz, FESS Speicher-Roundtable, Bern, 28. Februar 2018, Presentation

Panos,E., Kober, T. (2018). Long-term evaluation of electricity-based storage technologies vs alternative flexibility options for the Swiss energy system, Treffen der Studiengruppe Energieperspektiven, Baden, 22.3.2018


Densing, M. (2017). Modeling of electricity markets and hydropower dispatch, SCCER - Supply of Electricity Annual Conference, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 14-15 September 2017, Download Presentation

Kober, T., Panos, E., Volkart, K., Hirschberg, S. (2017). World Energy Scenarios 2016, World Resources Forum 2017, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-25 October 2017, Poster

Kober, T., Yazdanie, M. Densing, M. (2017). Energiedrehscheibe Basel: Langfristuntersuchungen der zukünftigen Basler Energielandschaft basierend auf einem ökonomischen Optimierungsmodell, in novatlantis Bauforum, Basel, 21. Juni 2017, Presentation

Panos,E., Kober, T., Kannan, R. (2017). Die Bedeutung von Flexibilitaetsoptionen und Netzen fuer die langfristige Entwicklung des schweizer Electrizitaetssystems, in VDI-Berichte 2303, VDI Verlag GmbH - Duesseldorf 2017, Abstract

Panos, E., Margelou, S. (2017). Modelling the long-term solar PV penetration in single- and two- family houses in Switzerland, Energy Systems Modelling and Optimisation Workshop, Prague , Czech Republic, Presentation

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2017). Strategies for integration of variable renewable generation in the Swiss electricity system, IAEE 2017 European Conference, Vienna, Austria, Presentation, Abstract

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders K. (2017). Stochastic bi-level electricity market modeling, 2nd Workshop of SET-Nav WP10 Modelling Forum - Modelling of Risk and Uncertainty in Energy System, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland

Yazdanie, M., Densing, M. (2017). The Role of Decentralized Generation and Storage Technologies in the Future Energy Systems of Swiss Communities, INSMART - Integrative Smart City Planning (Final Conference), Brussels, Belgium, Presentation


Marcucci A., Panos E., Kypreos S., Fragkos P. (2016). Realizing the 1.5oC target: energy transformation and the need of flexibility, 9th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium Conference, Beijing, China, Presentation

Yazdanie, M., Densing, M. (2016). Decision-making for energy system planning using TIMES: the uptake of decentralized generation and storage technologies on a community-scale, EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland

Densing, M. (2016). Stopped AVaR: A multiperiod extension of the risk measure AVaR, with application in power optimization, 14th Triannual International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP 2016), Buzios, Brazil, 25 June - 1 July 2016

Kannan R., Hirschberg S. (2016). Long term Swiss Mobility Energy Scenarios – An integrated energy systems approach, SCCER-Mobility Annual Conference 2016, Zürich, Switzerland, Poster

Volkart K., Densing M., Panos E., Mutel C., Sabio N., Strachan N. (2016). Implementation of multi-objective optimization in the MARKAL framework for simultaneously analysing the economic, societal and environmental performance of the global energy system, wholeSEM Annual Conference 2016, Cambridge, UK, Presentation

Panos E., Kannan R. (2016). Long-term national electricity and heat supply scenarios, CHPSWARM project communication event, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Poster

ETH, PSI (2016). Potenzialanalyse eines Schwarms biogener Wärmekraftkoppelungsanlagen zur Kompensation fluktuierender erneuerbarer Stromquellen, CHPSWARM project communication event, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Volkart K. (2016). Integration of Energy System Modelling and Multi-criteria Analysis, Frontiers in Energy Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Panos, E. (2021). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways: towards net-zero emissions in 2050. 14th Integrated Assessment Modelling  Consortium Annual Meeting, 1st December 2021, Download

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Netto-Null CO2 Emissionspfade für die Schweiz – Kostenimplikationen und die Rolle der Elektrizität. VSE Webinar: Energiesektor und Klimawandel, 23th June 2021, online

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Pfade zur CO2-Neutralität der Schweiz: Technologie- und Kostenimplikationen im Kontext des Energiesystems, Studiengruppe Energieperspektiven, 17th June 2021, online

Panos, E., Hassan, A. (2021). Acceleration strategies for energy systems models: insights using the TIMES modelling framework. 39th International Energy Workshop, Online, 14-17 June 2021Download


Kypreos S., Marcucci A., Panos E. (2015). Is Direct Atmospheric Capture the needed backstop technology for decarbonising the global energy system, or does it just complement BECCS?, 8th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium Conference, Potsdam, Germany, Presentation

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Decision making in electricity markets: Bi-level games and stochastic programming, Energy Science Center Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Bilevel oligopolistic electricity market models: The case of Switzerland and surrounding countries, OR2015, Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Vienna, Austria

Densing M. (2015). Stochastic programming formulations of coherent multi-period risk measurement, 13th Swiss Operations Research Days, IBM Research, Zurich

Densing, M., Hirschberg, S., Panos, E. (2015). Future Energy Scenarios (keynote), ICOSSE 2015 (4th International Congress on Sustainability and Engineering, Balatonfured, Hungary

Pattupara, R. (2015). Long-term evolution of the Swiss electricity system under a European electricity market: Development and application of a cluster of TIMES electricity models, 1st SimLab Educational Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Volkart K., Panos E., Densing M. (2015). Review of Global Energy Scenarios, SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Poster

Volkart K., Mutel C. (2015). Integrating LCI Data and Energy System Modelling, LCM 2015, Bordeaux, France, Poster

Volkart K. (2015). Integrating Global Energy-economic System Modelling and Life-cycle Assessment, wholeSEM Annual Conference 2015, Cambridge, UK, Poster

Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2015). Achieving universal electricity access by 2030 in a sustainable way, IEW 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Presentation

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2015). Can the decentralized CHP generation provide the flexibility required to integrate intermittent RES in the electricity system?, 67th Semi-Annual IEA-ETSAP meeting, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Presentation

Volkart K. (2015). Integrating LCA and Scenario Modelling of the Energy System for Sustainable Policy-making, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Presentation


Densing, M. (2014). Price-Duration Curves: Decomposition and integration into hydropower optimization models, 3rd Asset Optimization Day (AOD 2014), Bern, Switzerland

Densing, M. (2014). Hydropower optimization against the market: Generalizations of the newsvendor problem, 4th Energy Finance Christmas Workshop (EFC14), St. Gallen, Switzerland

Kannan, R., Turton, H. (2014). Transition to a secure and low carbon Swiss energy system, 66th Semi-Annual IEA-ETSAP meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, Presentation

Kannan, R., Turton, H. (2014). Interplay between electricity and transport sectors -Integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity system, IAEE European Energy Conference, Rome, Italy, Presentation

Pattupara, R., Kannan, R. (2014). Exploring uncertainties in CCS – De-carbonization of the power sector & country-wise opportunities, IAEE European Energy Conference, Rome, Italy, Presentation

Panos E., Densing M., Turton H., Volkart K. (2014). Choosing a tempo to power Sub-Saharan Africa in 2050: Jazz and Symphony scenarios of the World Energy Council, IEW 2014, Beijing, China, Presentation


Densing, M. (2014). Pumped-storage hydropower optimization: Effects of several reservoirs and of ancillary services, IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, Presentation

Volkart K. (2014). Development of a New Methodology for the Integration of LCA and Energy-Economic System Modelling, LCA XIV, San Francisco, USA, Presentation

Pattupara, R., R. Kannan and H. Turton (2014). Alternative low carbon electricity pathways under a European nuclear phase-out - Achievement of Climate goals, 53rd meeting of the EWGCFM, 2nd International Conference of RCEM, Chania, Greece, Presentation

Pattupara, R. (2014). Development of the Cross border Swiss TIMES electricity model – a tool for analyzing uncertainty in the evolution of the Swiss electricity system, 6th workshop of the SAEE Student Chapter, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Volkart K., Weidmann N., Bauer C. (2014). Integrating LCA, Scenario Modelling and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis for Sustainable Policy-Making in the Energy Sector, SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, Presentation


Densing, M. (2013). Price-driven hydropower dispatch under uncertainty, Workshop on Risk Management in Energy Production and Trading, Vienna, Austria, External Link

Pattupara, R., R. Kannan and H. Turton (2013). Influence of long term electricity sector developments in Europe on the Swiss electricity system: Risks and opportunities for electricity trading, 63rd Semi-annual ETSAP meeting, International Energy Agency, Paris, France, Presentation

Densing, M., Turton H., Panos E., Volkart K. (2013). Global Energy Scenarios 2050, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France, Presentation

Volkart K. (2013). Carbon Capture and Storage – A future option for Switzerland?, 51st LCA Discussion Forum, Bern-Ittigen, Switzerland, Presentation

Volkart K. (2013). Towards integration of energy-economic modelling and life-cycle assessment, 5th SAEE Student Chapter Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation


Bauer C., Volkart K., Eckle P. (2012). Reducing the carbon footprint of the Swiss energy system: Which options are most sustainable?, 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, Presentation

Densing, M., H. Turton and G. Bäuml (2012). Conditions for the deployment of alternative drivetrains: An energy system perspective, 12th IAEE European Energy Conference, Venice, Italy, Presentation

Densing, M., H. Turton and G. Bäuml (2012). Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles, 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, Conference paper

Densing, M. and J. Mayer (2012). Multistage stochastic optimization of power dispatch and multiperiod duality of CVaR, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin, Germany, Presentation

Densing, M. and J. Mayer (2012). Multiperiod Stochastic Optimization Problems with Time-Consistent Risk Constraints, Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Klatte D., Lüthi H.-J., Schmedders K. (ed.), Springer, 2012, p. 521-526. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29210-1_83

Densing, M. (2012). Stochastic programming formulations of coherent multiperiod risk measurement, 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2012), Vilnius, Lithuania, Presentation

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2012). Nuclear fuel cycle options for climate change mitigation, International Energy Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, Presentation

Volkart K. (2012). Mitigation of CO2 Emissions in the Future Swiss Power Sector: Which Options are Most Sustainable?, SETAC Europe 18th LCA Case Study Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, Presentation

Weidmann, N., R. Kannan and H. Turton (2012). Potential impact of post Fukushima nuclear policy on the future role of CCS in climate mitigation scenarios in Switzerland, International Energy Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, Presentation


Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2011). Cost of ad-hoc nuclear policy uncertainties in the evolution of the Swiss electricity system, International Energy Workshop, Stanford, United States, Presentation

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Mitigation, technological change and international technology spillovers, International Energy Workshop, Stanford, United States, Presentation

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Implications of global challenges and uncertainties for regional energy strategies, World Engineers' Convention, Geneva, Switzerland, Presentation

Volkart K. (2011). Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) in Germany - A Technology Assessment in Consideration of Environmental, Economic and Social Aspects, Smart Energy Strategies Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, Poster


Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2010). Can a TIMES model be substituted for an Economic Dispatch model?, ETSAP Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Presentation

Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2010). Experience from the development of a new Swiss TIMES Electricity Model, ETSAP Workshop, New Delhi, Presentation

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2010). Effects of economic crises and the cost of capital on technology choice, International Energy Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Presentation


Gül, T., S. Kypreos, H. Turton and L. Barreto (2008). Cost-effective technology choices in personal transport, 1st International Conference on Mobility and Energy, Vienna, Presentation

Gül, T. and H. Turton (2008). Illustrating Perspectives of Energy and Mobility, WEC-Europe Regional Meeting, Istambul, Turkey, 16 October

Kypreos, S. (2008). Technology Assessment and Global Energy Modeling, European Energy Institute, February, Athens, Greece

Kypreos, S. and B. Magne (2008). Uncertainty and Discounting in the Monte-Carlo Version of MERGE, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France

Kypreos, S. (2008). Linking MM with MERGE to study national policies under consistent global developments, ETSAP Workshop, Paris, France

Kypreos, S. (2008). The Transport Module; Integration in MERGE and some Scenarios, ETSAP Meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Reiter, U. and H. Turton (2008). Impacts of Climate Change on Electricity Production in Europe - Adaptation Options for Power Producers, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France

Turton, H. (2008). Sustainable development and automobile transport: an integrated global scenario analysis, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France

Turton, H., B. Magné and S. Kypreos (2008). Technology options for low stabilization pathways with MERGE, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France


Gül T., S. Kypreos and L. Barreto (2007). Hydrogen and Biofuels - A Modelling Analysis of Competing Energy Carriers for Western Europe, World Energy Congress, 11-15 November, Rome, Italy, Paper, Presentation

Kypreos, S., T. Schulz and A. Wokaun (2007). The Vision of a 2000-Watt Society: An Energy-Economic Analysis for Switzerland, 4th European Congress, 27-30 November, Porto, Portugal, Presentation

Magné, B., S. Kypreos and L. Barreto (2007). Endogenous learning and competition among energy technologies: An assessment of climate stabilization costs with the MERGE-ETL model, Proceedings of 9th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) European Energy Conference, Energy Markets and sustainability in a larger Europe, June 10-12, Florence, Italy

Magné, B., A. Grimaud, A. and Rougé (2007). Carbon storage and climate policy in a growth model, 15th European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), June 27-30, Thessaloniki, Greece

Magné, B., A. Grimaud, A. and G. Lafforgue (2007). Innovation markets in the policy appraisal of climate change mitigation, The Economics of Technology Policy, Monte Verità Conference, Jun 17-22, Ascona, Switzerland


Bauer, N. and O. Edenhofer (2006). Linking Energy System and Macroeconomic Growth Models - Is the Supply Curve Enough?, 3rd International Workshop on Integrated Climate Models: an Interdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Impacts and Policies, 12-12 January, Trieste, Italy, Paper, Presentation

Krzyzanowski, D.A., S. Kypreos and L. Barreto (2006). Assessment of Market Penetration Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles - A Study Using an Optimization Model, CORS/Optimization Days International Conference, HEC Montreal, 8-10 May, Montreal, Canada, Presentation

Schulz T.F, L. Barreto, S. Kypreos and S. Stucki (2006). Assessing Wood-Based Synthetic Natural Gas Technologies using the Swiss-MARKAL model, International Energy Workshop, 27-29 June, Cape Town, South Africa, Presentation


Barreto, L., A. Wokaun, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, D. Krzyzanowski and H. Turton (2005). Technology Assessment and Climate Policy, Swiss NCCR-Climate 2005 Pitstop Conference (Boxenstopp), 17 May, Bern, Switzerland, Presentation

Hirschberg, S. and S. Kypreos (2005). The China Energy Technology Program (CETP) Methodology and Conclusions, International Energy Agency (IEA/AIE) Annex IX Technical Conference Energy Models Users’ Group: Global and Regional Energy Modelling, 4-7 April 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, Presentation

Kypreos, S. and R. Krakowski (2005). An Assessment of the Power- Generation Sector of China, International Energy Agency (IEA/AIE) Annex IX Technical Conference Energy Models Users’ Group: Global and Regional Energy Modelling, 4-7 April 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, Presentation

Turton, H. and L. Barreto (2005). Combining Climate Change and Security of Energy Supply: An Analysis with the ERIS Model, 7th IAEE European Conference, 28-30 August, Bergen, Norway, Presentation

Wokaun, A., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto, D. Krzyzanowski, P. Rafaj and T. Schulz (2005). Strategien für eine kosteneffiziente Klimaschutzpolitik, Swiss NCCR-Climate 2005 Pitstop Conference (Boxenstopp), 17 May, Bern, Switzerland, Presentation


Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2004). The Energy-system GMM Model for Integrated Assessment, ETSAP 2004 Winter Semi Annual Workshop, 22-26 November, Florence, Italy, Presentation

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2004). Marginal Abatement Curves in the Energy-Systems GMM Mode, ETSAP 2004 Spring Semi Annual Workshop, 21-25 June, Paris, France, Presentation

Bauer, N., O. Edenhofer, H. Held and E. Kriegler (2004). Uncertainty of the role of carbon capturing and sequestration within climate change mitigation strategies, In: E.S. Rubin, D. W. Keith und C. F. Gilboy (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Paper and Plenary Presentations, Cheltenham, UK

Edenhofer, O., N. Bauer, H. Held and M. Pahle (2004). Endogenous Growth, Biased Technological Change and Energy Use, Monte Vertia Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED), June 7-10, Ascona, Switzerland

Edenhofer, O., H. Held and N. Bauer (2004). A regulatory framework for carbon capturing and sequestration within the Post-Kyoto Process, In: E.S. Rubin, D. W. Keith und C. F. Gilboy (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Paper and Plenary Presentations, Cheltenham, UK

Krakowski, R. (2004). Global Energy Landscapes for the Future, Neutron & Energy for the Future Workshop, June, Washington, USA

Kypreos, S. (2004). The Price of Carbon Stabilization; Results of MERGE and GMM, Workshop on "Future International Actions on Climate Change, June, Berlin, Germany

Kypreos, S. (2004). Impacts of RD&D on Carbon Mitigation Cost, International Energy Workshop, June, Paris, France

Krzyzanowski, D.A. (2004). Hydrogen Economy: Long Term Mitigation Options with Emphasis on the Transportation Sector, NIDECO Colloquium "Selected Aspects of Sustainable Development", 13 May/17 June, Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Rafaj, P. and S. Kypreos (2004). Analyses of Sustainable Development Policies Using GMM, 3rd European Congress Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, April, Lisbon, Portugal

Rafaj, P. and S. Kypreos (2004). Assessment of Climate Response Policy Options Using the Global Multi-Regional MARKAL (GMM) Model, 6th IAEE European Conference "Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy", 2-3 September, Zurich, Switzerland

Schulz, T.F., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto and A. Wokaun (2004). Steps towards the 2000 Watt Society in Switzerland, ETSAP Workshop, 11 November, Florence, Italy

Turton, H. and L. Barreto (2004). Cars, Hydrogen and Climate Change: A Long-term Analysis with the ERIS Model, 6th IAEE European Conference "Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy", 2-3 September, Zurich, Switzerland, Paper


Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2004). The Energy-system GMM Model for Integrated Assessment, ETSAP 2004 Winter Semi Annual Workshop, 22-26 November, Florence, Italy, Presentation

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2004). Marginal Abatement Curves in the Energy-Systems GMM Mode, ETSAP 2004 Spring Semi Annual Workshop, 21-25 June, Paris, France, Presentation

Bauer, N., O. Edenhofer, H. Held and E. Kriegler (2004). Uncertainty of the role of carbon capturing and sequestration within climate change mitigation strategies, In: E.S. Rubin, D. W. Keith und C. F. Gilboy (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Paper and Plenary Presentations, Cheltenham, UK

Edenhofer, O., N. Bauer, H. Held and M. Pahle (2004). Endogenous Growth, Biased Technological Change and Energy Use, Monte Vertia Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED), June 7-10, Ascona, Switzerland

Edenhofer, O., H. Held and N. Bauer (2004). A regulatory framework for carbon capturing and sequestration within the Post-Kyoto Process, In: E.S. Rubin, D. W. Keith und C. F. Gilboy (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Paper and Plenary Presentations, Cheltenham, UK

Krakowski, R. (2004). Global Energy Landscapes for the Future, Neutron & Energy for the Future Workshop, June, Washington, USA

Kypreos, S. (2004). The Price of Carbon Stabilization; Results of MERGE and GMM, Workshop on "Future International Actions on Climate Change, June, Berlin, Germany

Kypreos, S. (2004). Impacts of RD&D on Carbon Mitigation Cost, International Energy Workshop, June, Paris, France

Krzyzanowski, D.A. (2004). Hydrogen Economy: Long Term Mitigation Options with Emphasis on the Transportation Sector, NIDECO Colloquium "Selected Aspects of Sustainable Development", 13 May/17 June, Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Rafaj, P. and S. Kypreos (2004). Analyses of Sustainable Development Policies Using GMM, 3rd European Congress Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, April, Lisbon, Portugal

Rafaj, P. and S. Kypreos (2004). Assessment of Climate Response Policy Options Using the Global Multi-Regional MARKAL (GMM) Model, 6th IAEE European Conference "Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy", 2-3 September, Zurich, Switzerland

Schulz, T.F., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto and A. Wokaun (2004). Steps towards the 2000 Watt Society in Switzerland, ETSAP Workshop, 11 November, Florence, Italy

Turton, H. and L. Barreto (2004). Cars, Hydrogen and Climate Change: A Long-term Analysis with the ERIS Model, 6th IAEE European Conference "Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy", 2-3 September, Zurich, Switzerland, Paper


Kypreos, S. (2000). The MERGE Model with Endogenous Technological Change, Economic Modeling of Environmental Policy and Endogenous Technological Change Workshop, November 16-17, Amsterdam

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (1999). Endogenous technological learning: Experiences with the ERIS model prototype, Proceedings of the AEE/IAE 1999 European Energy Conference Technological Progress and the Energy Challenges, September, Paris, France

Eberle, M. and O. Bahn (1999). Elements of a robust greenhouse gas policy, in Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, B. Eliasson, P. Riemer and A. Wokaun (Editors), Pergamon, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 30 August - 2 September 1998, Interlaken, Switzerland

Schafer, A., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto, H. Jacoby and P. Dietrich (1999). Automobile technology in a CO2-constrained world, in Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, B. Eliasson, P. Riemer and A. Wokaun (Editors), Pergamon, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 30 August - 2 September 1998, Interlaken, Switzerland

Kypreos, S. and L. Barreto (1998). A simple global electricity MARKAL model with endogenous learning, Proceedings of the Joint IEA-ETSAP/ALEP Workshop, October, Antalya, Turkey

Kypreos, S. and A. Cadena (1998). Partial and general equilibrium versions of MARKAL models with multiregional trade: Model specifications and applications, Proceedings of the Joint IEA-ETSAP/ALEP Workshop, October, Antalya, Turkey

Kypreos, S. (1998). The Global MARKAL-MACRO Trade model, in E. Laege and P. Schaumann (Editors), Energy Models for Decision Support: New Challenges and Possible Solutions, IER Stuttgart, Proceedings of the Joint IEA-ETSAP/FEES Workshop, May, Berlin, Germany

Kypreos, S. and L. Barreto (1998). Experiences curves in MARKAL and links to macroeconomic models, Proceedings of the Workshop Modelling Technological Learning, EU Research Project TEEM, March, Laxenburg, Austria

Bahn, O., L. Barreto, B. Büeler and S. Kypreos (1997). Update on the development of a multiregional MARKAL-MACRO model and associated solution techniques, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 3rd Workshop, June, Oslo, Norway

Bahn, O., A. Cadena and S. Kypreos (1997). Joint Implementation of CO2 emission reduction between Switzerland and Colombia, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 3rd Workshop, June, Oslo, Norway

Kypreos, S. (1997). Efficient CO2 mitigation options: A global analysis, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 4th Workshop, November, Rome, Italy

Kypreos, S. (1997). A new algorithm for the Global MARKAL-MACRO Trade model, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 4th Workshop, November, Rome, Italy

Kypreos, S. and M. Jakob (1997). Decentralised power production in Switzerland: A systems analysis approach, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 4th Workshop, November, Rome, Italy

Jakob, M. (1997). Joint Implementation und Energiemodelle, Workshop Dokumentation, 10. Oikos-Konferenz Going Global - Going Green?, May, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Kypreos, S. and O. Bahn (1996). Swiss taxation policies and recent development in energy economics at PSI, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 2nd Workshop, November, Laxenburg, Austria

Kypreos, S. (1996). MARKAL-MACRO Trade, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex VI, 1st Workshop, May, Leuven, Belgium

Kypreos, S. and O. Bahn (1995). Technical innovation and Joint Implementation for sustainable development, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex V, 6th Workshop, October, Kansai Science City, Japan

Kypreos, S. (1995). The Challenge Project; country report for Switzerland, Proceedings IEA-ETSAP/Annex V, 6th Workshop, October, Kansai Science City, Japan

Kypreos, S. (1995). Economic implications of environmental policy for Switzerland, World Energy Council, 16th Congress, October, Tokyo, Japan

Bahn, O., A. Haurie, S. Kypreos and J.-P. Vial (1994). "A multinational MARKAL model to study Joint Implementation of carbon dioxide emissions reduction measures, in Joint Implementation of Climate Change Commitments: Opportunities and Apprehensions, P. Ghosh and J. Puri (Editors), New Delhi, India

Kypreos, S. (1994). The Swiss energy system and GHG scenarios, in National Energy Options for Reducing CO2 Emissions: Country Studies, Volume 2, T. Kram (Editor), Petten, the Netherlands
  • Luh S
    First insights from extending a Swiss energy system model with heterogeneous car consumer segments
    Presented at: SCCER mobility annual conference 2020; November 23, 2020; Switzerland.
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    Extending a Swiss energy system model with heterogeneous mobility consumer groups
    Presented at: SCCER mobility annual conference 2019; September 6, 2019; Zürich, Switzerland.
  • Vandepaer L, Panos E, Bauer C, Amor B
    The search for environmentally optimal energy systems, combining energy system models and consequential life cycle assessments: a case study for Switzerland
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  • Panos E, Kober T, Kannan R
    Die Bedeutung von Flexibilitätsoptionen und Netzen für die langfristige Entwicklung des schweizer Elektrizitätssystems
    In: 12. VDI-Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft. Vol. 2303. VDI-Berichte. Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag; 2017:47-60.
  • Kannan R
    Can the decentralized CHP generation provide the flexibility required to integrate intermittent RES in the electricity system?
    Presented at: 67th Semi-annual ETSAP meeting; June 1-2, 2015; Abu Dhab.
  • Kannan R
    Development and Application of Energy-Economic Models for Switzerland's Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios
    Presented at: 2nd Asian Energy Modelling Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable Development; July 23, 2015; Singapore.
  • Kypreos S, Panos E, Marcucci A
    Is direct atmospheric capture the needed backstop technology for decarbonizing the global energy system or does it just complement BECCS?
    Presented at: Eighth annual meeting of the IAMC 2015; November 16-18, 2015; Potsdam, Germany.
  • Volkart K, Mutel C
    Integrating LCI data and energy system modelling
    Presented at: LCM 2015; August 30 - September 2, 2015; Bordeaux, France.
  • Volkart K
    Integrating global energy-economic system modelling and life-cycle assessment
    Presented at: 2nd annual conference of the whole systems energy modelling (wholeSEM); July 6-7, 2015; Cambridge, UK.
  • Volkart K, Panos E, Densing M
    Review of global energy scenarios
    Presented at: SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015; September 10-11, 2015; Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
  • Kannan R, Turton H
    Interplay between electricity and transport sectors - Integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity system
    Presented at: IAEE European Energy Conference; October 29-31, 2014; Rome, Italy.
  • Pattupara R, Kannan R
    Exploring uncertainties in CCS - De-carbonization of the power sector and country-wise opportunities
    Presented at: IAEE European Energy Conference; October 29-31, 2014; Rome, Italy.
  • Perret G, Pattupara RM, Girardin G, Chawla R
    Reanalysis of the gas-cooled fast reactor experiments at the zero power facility Proteus – spectral indices
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  • Densing M, Turton H, Bäuml G
    Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles - a global energy system perspective
    In: 12th Swiss transport research conference. sine loco: STRC; 2012:(41 pp.).
  • Densing M, Mayer J
    Multiperiod stochastic optimization problems with time-consistent risk constraints
    In: Klatte D, Lüthi H-J, Schmedders K, eds. Operations research proceedings 2011. Berlin, Germany: Springer; 2012:521-526.
  • Sceia A, Altamirano-Cabrera J-C, Vielle M, Weidmann N
    Assessment of acceptable swiss post-2012 climate policies with a CGE-energy coupled model
    In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2010. Vol. 3. Aabo Akademi University; 2010:347-354.