Master thesis’s in LNM

Michael MeyerLocations and Detection of Hydrogen in Nuclear Fuel Cladding2024
Diego SanchezRing Compression Creep Testing for Zircaloy Claddings2023
Francesco FagnoniEvaluation of hydride formation and reorientation under controlled stress and cooling conditions in Zry-2 nuclear fuel cladding tubes2019
Mikael MilleAnisotropic influence of hydrides on fatigue properties of zirconium alloy based nuclear cladding material 
An ZhangMetallographical Characterization of High-Temperature Water Effects on Fracture Behavior of Low Alloy Steels 
Cavaliere AndreaFormation process of ODS particles in steels 
Aaron ColldeweihEvaluation of mechanical properties of irradiated zirconium alloys at the metal-oxide interface 
Shama AhmedStudy of Microfluidic Mixing and Droplet Generation for 3D Printing of Nuclear Fuels 
Daniel UlloaModelling of Kr and Xe amount and isotopic abundances in fuel pins as a function of reactor type, burn-up, linear heat rate and irradiation time 
Marc RaventosConstruction and qualification of a micro-tensile testing machine for lower scale digital image correlation applied to Zirconium alloys 
Damien VacouretCaractérisation mécanique de gaines sous chargement mécanique et thermique 
Ferruccio BollaChemical and Dielectric studies of internal gelation reagents 
Raphael HeierliCreep-Fatigue of P91 at 400°C 
Loïc G. FaveDetermination of helium implantation induced swelling in ODS steels 
Nathan BarberModeling of thermodynamic properties of chromium in doped nuclear fuel 
Thomas SchreierBau eines Dampfüberhitzers zu Thermoschockanlage 
Bhadri Narayanan Lalgudi SrinivasMeasurement and Evaluation of Oxide growth in Zirconium Binary Alloys and Zircaloy-2 by Steam Corrosion Test 
Sebastian LässigThermomechanische Ermüdung infolge zyklischen Thermoschocks 
Katja KumpfThe Potential of Electrochemical Noise to Detect Stress Corrosion Cracking Initiation under Simulated Boiling Water Reactor Conditions