Christian Bauer

Short description
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI




Christian Bauer is working in the Technology Assessment group since 2004. His main research areas are Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and sustainability assessment of current and future electricity and heat supply technologies as well as conventional and innovative transport systems. Within the Laboratory for Energy systems Analysis (LEA), he is responsible for the management of LCA projects and LCA related aspects in multi disciplinary activities of the laboratory.

He is representing PSI within the group of LCI experts, which is one of the five bodies of the world-wide leading LCA database ecoinvent. He is member of ecoinvent’s editorial board, ensuring the high quality of the database by reviewing new LCI data supplied to the database.

He is editor of and contributing author of the Energie-Spiegel, the newsletter of LEA covering energy policy related aspects of the work of the laboratory.

He is giving a lecture on LCA of Carbon Capture and Storage within the course “Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage” at ETHZ and is responsible for supervision of students.