MX in a nutshell
The Macromolecular Crystallography group at the SLS is active in the study of large molecule structures, such as proteins, DNA, RNA, which in cristalline form can be investigated using X-ray diffraction techniques. In particular, the group is responsible for the operation of three beamlines, two undulator ones (X06SA and X10SA), and a superbend beamline (X06DA).
Scientific Highlights
Bright white coloring of Pacific cleaner shrimp revelead
In a study published in Nature Photonics, researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, explain the bright, white-colored stripes from Pacific cleaner shrimps, one of the most efficient white reflectors found in nature.
Progress of the X06DA-PXIII beamline upgrade: First light in the optics hutch
On June 7, 2023, the PXIII project team successfully shone the first light into the optics hutch at the upgraded X06DA-PXIII beamline. It is an essential first step for testing new hardware and software solutions that will be implemented at SLS2.0.
SDU: Software for high throughput automated data collection at SLS MX
The Smart Digital User (SDU) software for unattended data collection has been deployed at the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at the Swiss Light Source.