Dr. Hiroki Ueda

Hiroki Ueda
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Hiroki Ueda is a Beamline Scientist of the Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Group (led by Elia Razzoli) that is a part of the Laboratory for Advanced Spectroscopy and X-ray Sources within the Photon Science division. Hiroki Ueda studied physics at Osaka University (Japan) and obtained his Ph. D. in 2019 by a study on Exploration and control of magnetoelectric properties induced by chirality (supervised by Profs. Tsuyoshi Kimura and Yusuke Wakabayashi). He received a fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science for postdoctoral research at the SPring-8 Center of RIKEN (Japan). There he studied odd-parity magnetic multipole order by resonant diffraction under supervision by Dr. Yoshikazu Tanaka. He then joined PSI in June of 2019, with the scientific aim of studying ultrafast magnetism in the RESOXS team of the Microscopy and Magnetism Group (led by Urs Staub) with the FP-RESOMUS fellowship of NCCR-MUST from Swiss National Science Foundation and European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs. He has been working as a Beamline Scientist in the Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Group since January of 2022. 

Selected publications

For a full list of publications, please see the ORCID profile

Short CV 

Research position

2022 - present: Beamline Scientist at the Furka end-station, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland 

2019 - 2021: Postdoc at the RESOXS team in the Microscopy and Magnetism Group, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland (FP-RESOMUS fellowship of NCCR-MUST from Swiss National Science Foundation and European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs

2019: Postdoc at the SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, Hyogo, Japan (PD fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science


2016-2019: PhD in Science, Osaka University, Japan (supervisors: Profs. Tsuyoshi Kimura and Yusuke Wakabayashi)

2014-2016: Master in Engineering, Osaka University, Japan (supervisor: Prof. Tsuyoshi Kimura)

2010-2014: Diploma in Engineering, Osaka University, Japan (supervisor: Prof. Tsuyoshi Kimura)