Dr. Natasha Michelle Garner

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

My research interests are centered on studying the multiphase interaction of aerosol and trace gases within the atmosphere, using laboratory and field measurements.

My project at PSI is focused on the impact of transition metals, such as iron, on the chemical composition and physical properties of biogenically derived secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In particular, I am interested in how the presence of iron impacts the formation of SOA and its aging, and subsequently what impact this has on aerosol processing, climate, cloud formation, air quality and human health. To probe this chemistry, I study atmospheric proxy systems (e.g., monoterpene-derived SOA) using a combination of mass spectrometry based atmospheric simulation chamber experiments, and synchrotron-based single particle micro-spectroscopy measurements.

-B.Sc. (Honours) Environmental Chemistry, minor in Earth & Environmental Science, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada, 2013

-Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Calgary, Canada, 2020

-Postdoctoral researcher, University of Michigan, USA, 2022

-Postdoctoral researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, 2022-present