SINQ Publications 2023-2024
2024 (alphabetical order)
Alderete NM, Villagrán-Zaccardi Y, Shields Y, Van den Heede P, Zappitelli MP, Patel R,
et al.Neutron radiography with simultaneous deformation measurements demand rethinking the modelling of imbibition in cement paste Cement and Concrete Research. 2024; 179: 107481 (13 pp.). PSI
Andriushin ND, Muller J, Pavlovskii NS, Grumbach J, Granovsky S, Tymoshenko YV,
et al.Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a "spin meta-cholesteric" phase in Sr3Fe2O7 npj Quantum Materials. 2024; 9: 84 (6 pp.). PSI
Baganis A, Malamud F, Maeder X, Klimashin FF, Michler J, Leinenbach C
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of steel-copper composite structures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion and induction melting Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024; 33: 7260-7273. PSI
Beket G, Zubayer A, Zhang Q, Stahn J, Eriksson F, Fahlman M,
et al.Overcoming the voltage losses caused by the acceptor-based interlayer in laminated indoor OPVs SmartMat. 2024; 5(3): e1237 (11 pp.). PSI
Birjukovs M, Zvejnieks P, Lappan T, Klevs M, Heitkam S, Trtik P,
et al.Particle tracking velocimetry and trajectory curvature statistics for particle-laden liquid metal flow in the wake of a cylindrical obstacle Experiments in Fluids. 2024; 65(5): 67 (18 pp.). PSI
Boillat P, Trtik P, Lehmann EH, Forss S, Kaestner A, Mannes D,
et al.Who made the noise? Systematic approach for the assessment of neutron imaging scintillators Optics Express. 2024; 32(8): 14471 (19 pp.). PSI
Butcher TA, Prendeville L, Rafferty A, Trtik P, Boillat P, Coey JMD
Activated carbon cloth electrodes for capacitive deionization: a neutron imaging study Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2024; 130(4). PSI
Damay F, Petit S, Sheptyakov D, Colin CV, Suard E, Rols S,
et al.Influence of Dy3+ environment on magnetic anisotropy and magnetocaloric effect in Dy3B2C3O12 (B = In, Sc, Te; C = Ga, Al, Li) garnets Physical Review B. 2024; 109(1): 014419 (12 pp.). PSI
Deptuch A, Baran S, Keller L, Hayyu AR, Szytuła A
Magnetic structures in R5Pt2In4 (R = Tb–Tm) investigated by neutron powder diffraction Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials. 2024; 80(Pt 4): 281-293. PSI
Di Spirito NA, Grizzuti N, Lutz-Bueno V, Urciuoli G, Auriemma F, Pasquino R
Pluronic F68 micelles as carriers for an anti-inflammatory drug: a rheological and scattering investigation Langmuir. 2024; 40(2): 1544-1554. PSI
Duarte LI, Mora DF, Yetik O, Fagnoni F, Zubler R, Bertsch J,
et al.Hydrides analysis in zircaloy-4 cladding using C-shape ring compression tests In:
Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(11 pp.).
Duczek C, Horstmann GM, Ding W, Einarsrud KE, Gelfgat AY, Godinez-Brizuela OE,
et al.Fluid mechanics of Na-Zn liquid metal batteries Applied Physics Reviews. 2024; 11(4): 041326 (42 pp.). PSI
Dönni A, Pomjakushin VY, Rotter M, Zhang L, Yamaura K, Belik AA
Ferrimagnetic structures with rare-earth induced spin-reorientation in the Mn self-doped perovskite (Er0.7Mn0.3)MnO3 Ceramics International. 2024; 50(21): 43414-43423. PSI
Fagnoni F, Kursun E.C, Busi M, Konarski P, Yetik O, Spolenak R,
et al.Hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium as observed by digital image correlation Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2024; 590: 154873 (10 pp.). PSI
Fjellvåg ØS, Gonano B, Bernal FLM, Amedi SB, Lyu J, Pomjakushin V,
et al.Order-to-disorder transition and hydrogen bonding in the Jahn-Teller active NH4CrF3 fluoroperovskite Inorganic Chemistry. 2024; 63(23): 10594-10602. PSI
Fogh E, Nayak M, Prokhnenko O, Bartkowiak M, Munakata K, Soh JR,
et al.Field-induced bound-state condensation and spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 revealed by neutron scattering up to 25.9 T Nature Communications. 2024; 15(1): 442 (10 pp.). PSI
Fratangelo A, Heil P, Klauser C, Markaj G, Persoz M, Pistillo C,
et al.Frequency-offset separated oscillatory fields technique applied to neutrons Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2024; 109(6): 065503 (7 pp.). PSI
Ganguly R, Kumar S, Soumya M, Khare A, Bhainsa KC, Aswal VK,
et al.Structural and therapeutic properties of salicylic acid-solubilized Pluronic solutions and hydrogels Soft Matter. 2024; 20(9): 2075-2087. PSI
Gauthier N, Sibille R, Pomjakushin V, Fjellvåg ØS, Fraser J, Desmarais M,
et al.Magnetic structure of Ce3TiBi5 and its relation to current-induced magnetization Physical Review B. 2024; 109(14): L140405 (6 pp.). PSI
Gonçalves Anchieta C, Francisco BAB, Júlio JPO, Trtik P, Bonnin A, Doubek G,
et al.LiOH decomposition by NiO/ZrO2 in Li‐Air battery: chemical imaging with operando synchrotron diffraction and correlative neutron/X‐Ray computed‐tomography analysis Small Methods. 2024; 8(10): 2301749 (10 pp.). PSI
Grund N, Holland-Moritz D, Khademorezaian S, Kreuzer LP, Neuber N, Ruschel LM,
et al.Impact of sulfur addition on the structure and dynamics of Ni-Nb alloy melts APL Materials. 2024; 12(5): 051126 (7 pp.). PSI
Hase M, Dönni A, Pomjakushin VY, Rotter M
Magnetic structure of Tb3NbO7 determined using neutron diffraction experiments and magnetic anisotropy calculations Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2024; 599: 172106 (7 pp.). PSI
Heiden-Hecht T, Wu B, Schwärzer K, Förster S, Kohlbrecher J, Holderer O,
et al.New insights into protein stabilized emulsions captured via neutron and X-ray scattering: an approach with β-lactoglobulin at triacylglyceride-oil/water interfaces Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2024; 655: 319-326. PSI
Holm-Dahlin S, Larsen J, Jacobsen H, Rømer AT, Ţuţueanu AE, Ahmad M,
et al.Field-induced electronic phase separation in the high-temperature superconductor La1.94Sr0.06CuO4+y Physical Review B. 2024; 109(17): 174517 (13 pp.). PSI
Hu G, Bonanno D, Su Y, Zhao X, Krishnamachari Y, Forrest W,
et al.Unraveling pre-filled syringe needle clogging: exploring a fresh outlook through innovative techniques Pharmaceutical Research. 2024; 41: 547-556. PSI
Höfken T, Gasser U, Schneider S, Petrunin AV, Scotti A
Real and in silico microgels show comparable bulk moduli below and above the volume phase transition Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2024; 45(13): 2400043 (7 pp.). PSI
Jakobi B, Bichler KJ, Juranyi F, Schneider GJ
Reversed dynamics of bottlebrush polymers with stiff backbone and flexible side chains Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024; 160(8): 084901 (9 pp.). PSI
Juranyi F, Yamada M, Klauser C, Holitzner L, Filges U
New ballistic neutron guide for the time-of-flight spectrometer FOCUS at PSI Quantum Beam Science. 2024; 8(1): 8 (16 pp.). PSI
Kermanpur A, Van Petegem S, Casati N
In-situ tensile deformation of austenitic stainless steels with various grain sizes during synchrotron and neutron diffraction Journal of Materials Science. 2024; 59(28): 13330-13344. PSI
Kitaori A, White JS, Ukleev V, Peng L, Nakajima K, Kanazawa N,
et al.Enhanced emergent electromagnetic inductance in Tb5Sb3 due to highly disordered helimagnetism Communications Physics. 2024; 7: 159 (7 pp.). PSI
Krupnik L, Avaro J, Liebi M, Anaraki NI, Kohlbrecher J, Sologubenko A,
et al.Iron-carbohydrate complexes treating iron anaemia: understanding the nano-structure and interactions with proteins through orthogonal characterisation Journal of Controlled Release. 2024; 368: 566-579. PSI
Král P, Klicpera M, Diviš M, Havela L, Kaštil J, Doležal P,
et al.Magnetic structure and lattice properties of R2Cu2In intermetallics (R = Dy, Tm, Lu) Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024; 1004: 175854 (12 pp.). PSI
Lass J, Lenander EY, Krighaar KML, Tošić TN, Prabhakaran D, Deen PP,
et al.Characterizing the diffuse continuum excitations in the classical spin liquid h-YMnO3 Physical Review B. 2024; 110(14): 144429 (15 pp.). PSI
Liu Z, Cavalli MC, Kaestner A, Poulikakos L, Kringos N
Characterizing the self-healing asphalt materials: a neutron imaging study Advanced Engineering Materials. 2024; 26(21): 2400764 (9 pp.). PSI
Lombardo M, Lehmann P, Kaestner A, Fees A, Van Herwijnen A, Schweizer J
A method for imaging water transport in soil-snow systems with neutron radiography Annals of Glaciology. 2024; 65: e8 (10 pp.). PSI
Lu D, Sheptyakov D, Cao Y, Zhao H, Zhang J, Pi M,
et al.Magnetic-field controllable displacement-type ferroelectricity driven by off-center Fe2+ ions in CaFe3Ti4O12 perovskite Advanced Functional Materials. 2024; 34(52): 2411133 (8 pp.). PSI
Ma Z, Zheng S, Chen Y, Xu R, Dong ZY, Wang J,
et al.Possible gapless quantum spin liquid behavior in the triangular-lattice Ising antiferromagnet PrMgAl11O19 Physical Review B. 2024; 109(16): 165143 (11 pp.). PSI
Ma Z, Lass J, Mazzone D, Simutis G, Thürsam S, Fennell T,
et al.Sourcing and reducing sample environment background in low-temperature high-pressure neutron scattering experiments Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024; 1066: 169634 (8 pp.). PSI
Malamud F, Sofras C, Polatidis E, Busi M, Capek J, Rathi P,
et al.Strain-induced martensitic transformations in tailored microstructures by L-PBF: in situ characterization via advanced neutron imaging Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024; 33: 7855-7861. PSI
Marchiori E, Romagnoli G, Schneider L, Gross B, Sahafi P, Jordan A,
et al.Imaging magnetic spiral phases, skyrmion clusters, and skyrmion displacements at the surface of bulk Cu2OSeO3 Communications Materials. 2024; 5(1): 202 (12 pp.). PSI
Marelli E, Lyu J, Morin M, Leménager M, Shang T, Yüzbasi NS,
et al.Cobalt-free layered perovskites RBaCuFeO5+δ (R = 4f lanthanide) as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction EES Catalysis. 2024; 2(1): 335-350. PSI
Martell J, Alwmark C, Woracek R, Alwmark S, Hall S, Ferrière L,
et al.Combined neutron and X-ray tomography - a versatile and non-destructive tool in planetary geosciences Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2024; 129(2): e2023JE008222 (15 pp.). PSI
Martendal CP, Esteves PDB, Deillon L, Malamud F, Jamili AM, Löffler JF,
et al.Effects of beam shaping on copper-steel interfaces in multi-material laser beam powder bed fusion Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2024; 327: 118344 (16 pp.). PSI
Meyer M, Duarte L, Yetik O, Zubler R, Bertsch J, Mota D,
et al.3D hydrides arrangement in fuel cladding tubes and temporal development of hydrogen relocation in liner cladding investigated with neutron imaging In:
Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(11 pp.).
Miruszewski T, Vayer F, Jaworski D, Bérardan D, Decorse C, Bochentyn B,
et al.High-temperature transport properties of entropy-stabilized pyrochlores Journal of Applied Physics. 2024; 135(8): 085112 (11 pp.). PSI
Naver EB, Yetik O, Ott N, Busi M, Trtik P, Theil Kuhn L,
et al.Neutron phase filtering for separating phase- and attenuation signal in aluminium and anodic aluminium oxide Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1): 24218 (11 pp.). PSI
Naver EB, Bertelsen M, Østergaard M, Battaglia D, Willendrup P, Trtik P,
et al.Phase-contrast neutron imaging compared with wave propagation and McStas simulations Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2024; 57(3): 707-713. PSI
Park SY, Do SH, Choi KY, Jang D, Jang TH, Schefer J,
et al.Emergence of the isotropic Kitaev honeycomb lattice α − RuCl3 and its magnetic properties Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2024; 36(21): 215803 (11 pp.). PSI
Piccinini A, Kohlbrecher J, Moussaoui D, Winter A, Prévost S
Effect of cardiolipin on the lamellarity and elongation of liposomes hydrated in PBS Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2024; 669: 844-855. PSI
Pipich V, Kohlbrecher J, Schwahn D
Thermal density fluctuations and polymorphic phase transitions of Ethane (C2D6) in the gas/liquid and supercritical states Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2024; 128(20): 5072-5082. PSI
Piscitelli F, Ghazi Moradi F, Alves F, Christensen M, Hrivnak J, Johansson A,
et al.Multi-Blade detector with VMM3a-ASIC-based readout: installation and commissioning at the reflectometer Amor at PSI Journal of Instrumentation. 2024; 19(5): P05010 (18 pp.). PSI
Pomjakushin VY, Podlesnyak A, Furrer A, Pomjakushina EV
Long-range three-dimensional magnetic structures of the spin S=1 hexamer cluster fedotovite-like A2Cu3O(SO4)3 (A2=K2, NaK, Na2): a neutron diffraction study Physical Review B. 2024; 109(14): 144409 (11 pp.). PSI
Pushin D, Sarenac D, Henderson ME, Ekinci H, Clark CW, Cory DG,
et al.Structured neutron waves and neutron holography In: De Stefano L, Velotta R, Descrovi E, eds.
2024 EOS annual meeting (EOSAM 2024). Vol. 309. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:11004 (2 pp.). PSI
Rai V, Titov I, Adams MP, Suzuki K, Kohlbrecher J, Michels A
Magnetic microstructure of nanocrystalline Fe-Nb-B alloys as seen by small-angle neutron and x-ray scattering Physical Review B. 2024; 110(5): 054437 (16 pp.). PSI
Rosa C, Ravalli M, Pianta N, Mustarelli P, Ferrara C, Quartarone E,
et al.Aliovalent substitution in Li3InCl6: a combined experimental and computational investigation of structure and ion diffusion in lithium-halide solid state electrolytes ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2024; 7(10): 4314-4323. PSI
Röseler KD, Witteveen C, Besnard C, Pomjakushin V, Jeschke HO, von Rohr FO
Efficient soft-chemical synthesis of large van-der-Waals crystals of the room-temperature ferromagnet 1T-CrTe2 Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2024. PSI
Sanchez D, Duarte L, Yetik O, Zubler R, Bertsch J, Trtik P
Applicability of ring compression tests to evaluate cladding creep properties In:
Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(11 pp.).
Sarenac D, Henderson ME, Ekinci H, Clark CW, Cory DG, DeBeer-Schmitt L,
et al.Small-angle scattering interferometry with neutron orbital angular momentum states Nature Communications. 2024; 15: 10785 (6 pp.). PSI
Sarma M, Lee J, Nash W, Lappan T, Shevchenko N, Landgraf S,
et al.Reusable cell design for high-temperature (600°C) liquid metal battery cycling Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2024; 171(4): 040531 (12 pp.). PSI
Shafabakhsh P, Cordonnier B, Pluymakers A, Le Borgne T, Mathiesen J, Linga G,
et al.4D neutron imaging of solute transport and fluid flow in sandstone before and after mineral precipitation Water Resources Research. 2024; 60(3): e2023WR036293 (19 pp.). PSI
Shahzad A, Yang F, Steffen J, Neiss C, Panchenko A, Goetz K,
et al.Atomic diffusion in liquid gallium and gallium-nickel alloys probed by quasielastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamic simulations Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2024; 36(17): 175403 (15 pp.). PSI
Shakoorioskooie M, Granget E, Cocen O, Hovind J, Mannes D, Kaestner A,
et al.Neutron tomography and image registration methods to study local physical deformations and attenuation variations in treated archaeological iron nail samples Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2024; 130(11): 849 (19 pp.). PSI
Shin S, Ramires A, Pomjakushin V, Plokhikh I, Pomjakushina E
Ferromagnetic quantum critical point protected by nonsymmorphic symmetry in a Kondo metal Nature Communications. 2024; 15(1): 8423 (7 pp.). PSI
Statsenko TG, Ermolaev GA, Gets D, Kolchanov DS, Chernyshev IY, Polezhaev AV,
et al.Bio-inspired giant refractive index gradient lenses based on ionic polymers Advanced Optical Materials. 2024: 2402488 (9 pp.). PSI
Ukleev V, Ajejas F, Devishvili A, Vorobiev A, Steinke N-J, Cubitt R,
et al.Observation by SANS and PNR of pure Néel-type domain wall profiles and skyrmion suppression below room temperature in magnetic [Pt/CoFeB/Ru]10 multilayers Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2024; 25(1): 2315015 (13 pp.). PSI
Vigor JE, Prentice DP, Xiao X, Bernal SA, Provis JL
The pore structure and water absorption in Portland/slag blended hardened cement paste determined by synchrotron X-ray microtomography and neutron radiography RSC Advances. 2024; 14(7): 4389-4405. PSI
Winkler M, Geirhos K, Tyborowski T, Tóth B, Farkas DG, White JS,
et al.Anisotropic magnetocapacitance of antiferromagnetic cycloids in BiFeO3 Applied Physics Letters. 2024; 125(25): 252902 (6 pp.). PSI
Xie Y, Chalus N, Wang Z, Yao W, Liu J, Yao Y,
et al.Conventional superconductivity in the doped kagome superconductor Cs(V0.86Ta0.14)3Sb5 from vortex lattice studies Nature Communications. 2024; 15: 6467 (7 pp.). PSI
Yetik O, Duarte LI, Zubler R, Bertsch J, Trtik P, Wiese H
Hydrogen quantification in irradiated zirconium cladding oxide by combining high-resolution neutron imaging and hot gas extraction In:
Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(11 pp.).
Zhan Q, Shakoorioskooie M, Mannes D, Kaestner AP
Image denoisers in tomography: enhancing quality of bimodal imaging for corrosion studies In:
13th conference on industrial computed tomography (iCT) 2024. e-Journal of nondestructive testing. Bad Breisig:; 2024:(10 pp.). PSI
Zhang C, Xiang J, Su C, Sheptyakov D, Liu X, Gao Y,
et al.Successive magnetic transitions in the spin-5/2 easy-axis triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Na2BaMn(PO4)2: A neutron diffraction study Physical Review B. 2024; 110(21): 214405 (8 pp.). PSI
Zubayer A, Ghafoor N, Thorarinsdottir KA, Glavic A, Stahn J, Nagy G,
et al.Increased neutron reflectivity and polarization of neutron-optical engineered Fe/11B4CTi multilayer optics Physical Review B. 2024; 110(15): 155408. PSI
Zubayer A, Ghafoor N, Thórarinsdóttir KA, Stendahl S, Glavic A, Stahn J,
et al.Reflective, polarizing, and magnetically soft amorphous neutron optics with 11B-enriched B4C Science Advances. 2024; 10(7): eadl0402 (7 pp.). PSI
2023 (alphabetical order)
Andersen ABA, Christiansen RT, Holm-Janas S, Manvell AS, Pedersen KS, Sheptyakov D,
et al.The magnetic properties of MAl4(OH)12SO4·3H2O with M = Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ determined by a combined experimental and computational approach Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2023; 25(4): 3309-3322. PSI
Armbrüster M, Rößner L, Prots Y, Akselrud L, König M, Sheptyakov D,
et al.Crystal structure of and chemical bonding in MoNi4 Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 2023; 649(23): e202300145 (8 pp.). PSI
Bersweiler M, Sato H, Adachi N, Todaka Y, Peral I, Kohlbrecher J,
et al.Effect of annealing on the magnetic microstructure of high-pressure torsion iron: the relevance of higher-order contributions to the magnetic small-angle neutron scattering cross section IUCrJ. 2023; 10: 411-419. PSI
Bran-Anleu P, Wangler T, Nerella VN, Mechtcherine V, Trtik P, Flatt RJ
Using micro-XRF to characterize chloride ingress through cold joints in 3D printed concrete Materials and Structures. 2023; 56(3): 51 (15 pp.). PSI
Brugnetti G, Triolo C, Massaro A, Ostroman I, Pianta N, Ferrara C,
et al.Structural evolution of air-exposed layered oxide cathodes for sodium-ion batteries: an example of Ni-doped NaxMnO2 Chemistry of Materials. 2023; 35(20): 8440-8454. PSI
Busi M, Polatidis E, Samothrakitis S, Köhnen P, Malamud F, Haase C,
et al.3D characterization of magnetic phases through neutron polarization contrast tomography Additive Manufacturing Letters. 2023; 6: 100155 (5 pp.). PSI
Cameron AS, Campillo E, Alshemi A, Bartkowiak M, Shen L, Kawano-Furukawa H,
et al.Probing superconducting order in overdoped CaxY1-xBa2Cu3O7 by neutron diffraction measurements of the vortex lattice Physical Review B. 2023; 108(14): 144511 (10 PP.). PSI
Carreon Ruiz ER, Lee J, Strobl M, Stalder N, Burca G, Gubler L,
et al.Revealing the impact of temperature in battery electrolytes via wavelength-resolved neutron imaging Science Advances. 2023; 9(39): eadi0586 (12 pp.). PSI
Chen C, Zhao R, Inoue A, Chathoth SM, Kong F, Embs JP,
et al.Dynamic heterogeneity and mechanical relaxation of Ti20Zr20Cu20Ni20Be20 high-entropy metallic glass probed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering and stress relaxation Intermetallics. 2023; 163: 108035 (7 pp.). PSI
Chen C, Zhao R, Yin B, Chathoth SM, Inoue A, Embs JP,
et al.Dynamic heterogeneity in Pd40Ni40P20 glass-forming metallic melt and crystallization behavior probed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering and ultrafast scanning calorimetry Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023; 967: 171691 (7 pp.). PSI
Cramer A, Schmidtmann J, Benard P, Kaestner A, Engelhardt M, Peiffer S,
et al.Ferrihydrite coating reduces microplastic induced soil water repellency Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. 2023; 25(6): 1094-1101. PSI
Cramer A, Benard P, Zarebanadkouki M, Kaestner A, Carminati A
Microplastic induces soil water repellency and limits capillary flow Vadose Zone Journal. 2023; 22(1): e20215 (11 pp.). PSI
De Angelis G, Lutz-Bueno V, Amstad E
Rheological properties of ionically crosslinked viscoelastic 2D films vs. corresponding 3D bulk hydrogels ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2023; 15(19): 23758-23764. PSI
Dorn G, Gmeiner C, de Vries T, Dedic E, Novakovic M, Damberger FF,
et al.Integrative solution structure of PTBP1-IRES complex reveals strong compaction and ordering with residual conformational flexibility Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1): 6429 (16 pp.). PSI
Dutta R, Thoma H, Roessli B, Kocsis V, Tokunaga Y, Taguchi Y,
et al.Temperature dependent spin gap in multiferroic 2D-XY antiferromagnet Ba2CoGe2O7 under applied magnetic fields IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2023; 59(11): 1300604 (4 pp.). PSI
Dönni A, Pomjakushin VY, Yamaura K, Belik AA
Cycloidal spiral magnetic structures in the spin-chain compounds BaRFeO4 (R = Yb and Tm): ordered Yb versus partly ordered Tm Physical Review B. 2023; 107(13): 134412 (12 pp.). PSI
Eich A, Grzechnik A, Su Y, Ouladdiaf B, Sheptyakov D, Wolf T,
et al.Incommensurate magnetic structure of CrAs at low temperatures and high pressures Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials. 2023; 79: 473-481. PSI
Emmerich H, Knüpfer L, Heitkam S, Starke E, Trtik P, Schaller L,
et al.Ultrasound imaging of liquid fraction in foam IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2023; 72: 6500211 (11 pp.). PSI
Fagnoni F, Trtik P, Wheeler JM, Zubler R, Bertsch J, Duarte LI
Hydrogen diffusion in zirconium cladding alloys with an inner liner as quantified by neutron radiography and nanoindentation Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2023; 584: 154574 (12 pp.). PSI
Ferretto I, Kim D, Lee WJ, Hosseini E, della Ventura NM, Sharma A,
et al.Shape memory and mechanical properties of a Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy: effect of crystallographic texture generated during additive manufacturing Materials and Design. 2023; 229: 111928 (19 pp.). PSI
Guratinder K, Chan E, Rodriguez EE, Rodriguez-Rivera JA, Stuhr U, Stunault A,
et al.Acoustic lattice instabilities at the magnetostructural transition in Fe1.057(7)Te Physical Review B. 2023; 108(21): 214411 (12 pp.). PSI
Gäumann P, Ferri D, Sheptyakov D, van Bokhoven JA, Rzepka P, Ranocchiari M
In situ neutron diffraction of Zn-MOF-74 reveals nanoconfinement-induced effects on adsorbed propene Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023; 127(33): 16636-16644. PSI
Hase M, Dönni A, Terada N, Pomjakushin VY, Hester JR, Rule KC,
et al.Neutron diffraction studies under zero and finite magnetic fields of the 1/2 quantum magnetization plateau compound Ni2V2O7 Physical Review B. 2023; 107(22): 224415 (11 pp.). PSI
Hu Z, Cajuhi T, Toropovs N, Griffa M, Wyrzykowski M, Kaestner A,
et al.A neutron radiography study on the drying of cement mortars: effect of mixture composition and crack length Cement and Concrete Research. 2023; 172: 107245 (18 pp.). PSI
Härmas R, Palm R, Koppel M, Kalder L, Russina M, Kurig H,
et al.The ortho-para transition, confinement and self-diffusion of H2 in three distinct carbide-derived carbons by quasi- and inelastic neutron scattering In: Lommatzsch I, Holderer O, Frielinghaus H, Su Y, Pedersen B, Meven M, et al., eds.
European conference on neutron scattering 2023 (ECNS 2023). Vol. 286. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:05001 (5 pp.).
Kitaori A, White JS, Kanazawa N, Ukleev V, Singh D, Furukawa Y,
et al.Doping control of magnetism and emergent electromagnetic induction in high-temperature helimagnets Physical Review B. 2023; 107(2): 024406 (12 pp.). PSI
Laaß M, Kaestner A
Nasal turbinates of the dicynodont Kawingasaurus fossilis and the possible impact of the fossorial habitat on the evolution of endothermy Journal of Morphology. 2023; 284(9): e21621 (26 pp.). PSI
Larsen CB, Mazzone DG, Gauthier N, Rosales HD, Gómez Albarracín FA, Lass J,
et al.Magnetic ground state and perturbations of the distorted kagome Ising metal TmAgGe Physical Review B. 2023; 107(22): 224419 (14 pp.). PSI
Lass J, Jacobsen H, Krighaar KML, Graf D, Groitl F, Herzog F,
et al.Commissioning of the novel continuous angle multi-energy analysis spectrometer at the Paul Scherrer Institut Review of Scientific Instruments. 2023; 94(2): 023302 (9 pp.). PSI
Law JM, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Hansen T, Glaum R, Wang Z-S,
et al.Neutron diffraction, muon-spin rotation, and high magnetic field investigation of the multiferroic antiferromagnetic quantum spin-chain system CuCrO4 Physical Review B. 2023; 107(18): 184442 (9 pp.). PSI
Lee J, Monrrabal-Marquez G, Sarma M, Lappan T, Hofstetter YJ, Trtik P,
et al.Membrane‐free alkali metal‐iodide battery with a molten salt Energy Technology. 2023; 11(7): 2300051 (12 pp.). PSI
Lehmann EH, Boillat P
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