Prof. Dr. Laura Grigori

Portrait of Grigori Laura
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Professor Laura Grigori holds the chair of high-performance numerical algorithms and simulation at EPFL and is the Head of the Laboratory for Simulation and Modelling at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2001 from Université Henri Poincaré, France, INRIA Lorraine. After spending two years at UC Berkeley and LBNL as a postdoctoral researcher, she joined INRIA from 2004 until 2023. From 2013 to 2023 she led the Alpines group, a joint group between INRIA and J.L. Lions Laboratory, Sorbonne University, in Paris. She has spent 2 sabbaticals at UC Berkeley as a Visiting Professor.  Her field of expertise is numerical linear, multilinear algebra, and high-performance scientific computing for challenging applications ranging from astrophysics to molecular simulations.

Professor Grigori is a SIAM Fellow and the recipient of an ERC Synergy Grant. In 2024 she was awarded the SIAM SIAG Supercomputing Career prize in acknowledgement of her outstanding contributions to scientific computing,  particularly communication-avoiding algorithms. For her work on communication-avoiding algorithms, she was awarded with her co-authors the SIAM Siag on Supercomputing Best Paper Prize 2016 for the most outstanding paper published in a refereed journal in 2012-2015 in the field of high-performance computing.  She has been an invited plenary speaker at many international conferences including SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Annual GAMM meeting.  Among others, she was the chair of PRACE Scientific Steering Committee, the Chair of the SIAM special interest group on supercomputing, and served as a member of SIAM Council between 2018 and 2023.


Research Interests

For details about the research being pursued at the HPNALGS chair, please visit our Research and Publications pages.  As representative examples, some video recordings of presentations given by Prof. Laura Grigori are listed below.

Communication Avoiding Algorithms in Linear Algebra
Talk at BIRS workshop, Feb 2023
Talk at SIAM CSE19 
Overview talk from SC15.

Randomization in numerical linear algebra
Talk at IPAM, March 2023. Low rank approximation algorithms
Talk at the online seminar series on numerical linear algebra, July 2020