HPNALGS Group Members
Head of the Laboratory for Simulation and Modelling
Building/Room: OHSA/D09
PhD student
Simulation and Modelling Group >>
Building/Room: OHSA/D07
HPNALGS Publication list
Daas HAL, Ballard G, Grigori L, Kumar S, Rouse K
Communication lower bounds and optimal algorithms for multiple tensor-times-matrix computation
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 2024; 45(1): 450-477. https://doi.org/10.1137/22M1510443
Badreddine S, Chollet I, Grigori L
Factorized structure of the long-range two-electron integrals tensor and its application in quantum chemistry
Journal of Computational Physics. 2023; 493: 112460 (29 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2023.112460
Balabanov O, Beaupère M, Grigori L, Lederer V
Block subsampled randomized hadamard transform for Nyström approximation on distributed architectures
In: Krause A, Brunskill E, Cho K, Engelhardt B, Sabato S, Scarlett J, eds. International conference on machine learning. Vol. 202. Proceedings of machine learning research. sine loco: ML Research Press; 2023:1564-1576. https://proceedings.mlr.press/v202/balabanov23a/balabanov23a.pdf.
Bharadwaj V, Malik OA, Murray R, Grigori L, Buluc A, Demmel J
Fast exact leverage score sampling from Khatri-Rao products with applications to tensor decomposition
In: Advances in neural information processing systems. Vol. 36. NeurIPS Proceedings. ; 2023:(28 pp.). https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/hash/959f70ee50044bed305e48e3484005a7-Abstract-Conference.html.