The High Performance Computing and Emerging technologies (HPCE) group provides a range of HPC services for PSI scientists and also collaborates with PSI groups in research activities on technologies used on these systems.
HPC infrastructure managed by HPCE
- PSI public systems
- Merlin6: the 6th generation of the local PSI HPC systems was installed in 2019. It offers resources for PSI's mid-range HPC requirements and also contains a range of GPU nodes.
- PSI share of the CSCS Piz Daint supercomputer: PSI users have access to a share of Piz Daint. Use of the PSI share is subject to a PSI internal proposal and evaluation by the PSI research commission (FOKO).
- dedicated special purpose systems
- LHC CMS/Tier-3: A cluster integrated into the LHC Grid focusing on end-user analysis of LHC data. It is operated and financed as a collaboration of the CMS groups of PSI, ETHZ, and UniZ. Operated for the High Energy Physics group.
- MEG data analysis cluster: A cluster tightly coupled to Merlin5 and dedicated to the analysis of data from the MEG experiment. Operated for the Muon Physics group.
HPCE Projects
HPC projects
- Collaboration with CSCS (Swiss National Supercomputing Center) on implementing the next generation PSI HPC system on top of the CSCS new Alps infrastructure.