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Xiaohan Wu (links) und Federica Marone

Feststoffbatterien bei der Verformung beobachten

Energie und Klima Zukunftstechnologien Industry Relations Energiewende Batterien Mobilität SLS

Forschende des PSI haben mechanische Vorgänge in Feststoffbatterien so genau wie noch nie beobachtet. Mittels Röntgentomografie an der Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz SLS entdeckten sie, wie sich Risse im Inneren der Batterien ausbreiten. Die Erkenntnisse können dabei helfen, Akkus für Elektroautos oder Smartphones sicherer und leistungsfähiger zu machen.


Study of Graphite Cycling in Sulfide Solid Electrolytes

Nowadays, most of the commercial Li-ion batteries employ graphite as the active material in negative electrodes. In the race for the next-generation Li-ion batteries, tremendous research efforts in academia and industry are carried out to replace the current flammable liquid electrolyte with a solid electrolyte, which could improve both, the batteries safety and energy density. Our study investigates two different sulfide-based solid electrolytes, 0.75Li2S-0.25P2S5 (LPS) and 0.3LiI-0.7(0.75Li2S-0.25P2S5), in combination with graphite and discloses the stability of the graphite-solid electrolyte interface. Optimizing the electrode morphology is the key to enhance the rate capability of all-solid-state cells. Using the special tender X-ray range allows chemical characterization of sulfur, phosphor and iodine.
