Bernina Endstations

Modular diffractometer platform supporting different sample degrees of freedom and multiple detector geometries.

At the Bernina sample interaction point, different experimental setups or endstations can be exchanged by a rail system transverse to the FEL beam propagation.

Bernina has two permanent diffractometer-based endstations:

  • X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), equipped with a two circle detector arm,
  • General Purpose Station (GPS), with a multi-purpose horizontal 2-theta arm.

Both endstations include a fixed single vertical axis heavy load sample rotation stage. This serves as platform for three different exchangeable sample platforms:

  • Six degree of freedom (DOF) heavy load goniometer,
  • Two-circle surface diffractometer combination plus six DOF hexapod,
  • Kappa arm (6 DOF).
Heavy load platform modules allow to trade degrees of freedom for space available for larger sample environments.

The GPS in combination with the heavy load goniometer provides a variaty of interface options to heavy sample environment. The heavy load goniometer is separated into 3 different modules for different motion degrees of freedom. The modules can be removed in order to accomodate different  installation heights for sample environment.

Below linked documents contain drawings of the available mechanical interfaces.