The Risk and Human Reliability Group is part of the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA), an interdivisional laboratory of the NES and ENE Research Divisions.
Our research concerns methods and applications for Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and focuses on the analysis of human performance in relation to risk assessment of safety-critical systems, accident scenario dynamics, and uncertainties. The objectives are: advanced methods for Human Reliability Analysis (HRA); collection and analysis of human performance data; and tools and approaches for simulation-based safety analysis; the adaptation and application of PSA and risk analysis methods in other domains beyond nuclear power safety analysis and during design.
We perform regulatory research to support ENSI (Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate) in maintaining and advancing the state-of-the-art of the safety analyses of the Swiss Nuclear Power Plants. In parallel to this activity, we provide technical support to ENSI on diverse PSA and HRA issues.
A brochure on our activities is available. download.
We welcome your comments. Do contact us for additional information and questions.
Vinh Dang, Group leader