PSI-FELLOW Symposium

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i (2nd call) 2024 Symposium

June 13, 2024

The 2024 PSI Symposium took place last Thursday, June 13th. Involving more than 50 PSI postdocs and Ph.D. students, as well as six guest speakers, attendees were able to gain valuable insights into the challenges of integrating academic research, private industry, and personal life conditions. The main addressed topics throughout the symposium centered around the nuanced complexities of real-life scenarios of the speakers. These are individuals who have successfully blended their academic pursuits with the dynamic demands of industry, all while managing familial and administrative responsibilities. While the symposium dealt with scientific isssues, its real value was revealed through the unscripted, authentic journeys of individuals from diverse socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. The primary aim was that through the speakers’ narratives, PSI's Ph.D. and postdoc community would be able to gain insights into the perspectives and pitfalls of venturing into such uncharted territories. The PSI FELLOW board and program management unit consider the event as a full success! Thanks to everyone who joined and a special big thank you to our speakers!

ABB site visit

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i program (2nd call) Site visit at ABB Corporate Research Center in Baden-Dättwil

May 22, 2024

The PSI-FELLOW postdocs were invited by Michal Studniarek (Research Team Manager, Power Device Physics) to a site visit in Baden-Dättwil. We tremendously enjoyed the talks, presentations and lab tour, providing us with great insights of ABB's various activities. Further networking and discussions with the ABB team took place during the offered lunch and was highly appreciated. With Michal being a former MSCA PSI-FELLOW postdoc (PSI-FELLOW-II-3i program, 2016 – 2021), future possible career paths were clearly shown. 

April 19, 2023

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i (1st call) Farewell Dinner

April 19, 2023

For many of the 33 employed PSI-FELLOW postdocs (1st call 2020), it will be soon time to say good-bye to the Fellow program. This has been celebrated with a lovely dinner on Wednesday, April 19 in Baden. Our best wishes for a bright and challenging future - from the Management Unit to all who are leaving or have left already.

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i postdocs

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i postdocs at PSI's "Tag der offenen Tür"

October 23, 2022

Our current in-house PSI-FELLOW-III-3i postdocs (1st call, 2021- 2023) were presenting their work due to a poster session at PSI's "Tag der offenen Tür" on October 23, 2022.

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i - International Fellowship Program 2020 - 2025 - The second call will be open as of September 1, 2022

March 16, 2022

Within our PSI-FELLOW-III-3i - international Fellowship Program (2020 -2025), we currently host 31 PSI-FELLOW postdocs who have been recruited during the first call (2021 - 2023). 

We are looking forward to recruiting again approx. 30 postdocs for a maximum period of 24 months from all over the world within the second call (2023 - 2025).

NEW PSI-FELLOW-III-3i - International Fellowship Program 2020 - 2025

March 24, 2020

New PSI-FELLOW-III-3i postdocs programme launched its first call for applicants on September 1, 2020

PSI features a unique combination of excellent research facilities, including neutron, muon and light sources and (as of 2019) an X-ray free electron laser, which all exceed the possibilities of universities or industrial research centres. Motivated by the successful implementation of the H2020 COFUND programme PSI-FELLOW-II-3i, PSI now wants to further advance in post-doctoral training and education and will start PSI-FELLOW-III-3i. This 5-year programme will offer a total of 60 fellowships of two years duration each. The fellowships will be awarded in two calls for proposals with 30 fellowships in each call. In order to maximise the benefit for the Fellows and offer the widest possible range of research topics, PSI has teamed up with 46 partner organisations (34 research institutions and 12 companies). The unique setup of PSI-FELLOW-III-3i will allow using synergies with other leading research institutions for the training of the next generation of researchers specialised in tapping the full potential of large-scale research facilities, to transfer knowledge and stimulate innovation in Europe’s industries.

welcome PSI-FELLOW

PSI-FELLOW-II-3i - International Fellowship Program 2016 - 2021

September 19, 2019

New PSI-FELLOW-II-3i postdocs taking up their duties (2nd call, 2019 - 2021)

Within the second call, 29 out of 59 eligible applicants were employed during the last months. On September 19, 2019, they were all invited to join the "welcome meeting" in which the program management unit (PMU) was providing essential information about the program and its continuos education program. The PSI-FELLOW-II-3i program offers these researchers the opportunity to perform their innovative scientific project in one of the four attractive scientific fields tackled at PSI: i) materials and matters, ii) life-sciences, iii) energy and environment and iv) accelerator technologies.

This second call was the last call for applications under this program.