A comparison of Dynamic Event Tree methods: Initial results for a chemical batch reactor
Karanki DR, Dang VN, MacMillan MT, Podofillini L
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
A dynamic event tree informed approach to probabilistic accident sequence modeling: Dynamics and variabilities in medium LOCA
Karanki D, Kim T, Dang Vinh N
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.04.011
A life-cycle perspective on automotive fuel cells
Simons A, Bauer C
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.02.049
A method for Human Reliability Analysis in radiotherapy: Identification and characterization of influencing factors
Pandya D, Podofillini L, Emert F, Lomax AJ, Dang VN
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Access to electricity in the World Energy Council's global energy scenarios: An outlook for developing regions until 2030
Panos E, Densing M, Volkart K
Energy Strategy Reviews
DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2015.11.003
Accidents in the energy sector and energy infrastructure attacks in the context of energy security
Burgherr P, Giroux J, Spada M
European Journal of Risk Regulation
DOI: http://ejrr.lexxion.eu/article/EJRR/2015/2/14
Achieving universal electricity access by 2030 in a sustainable way
Panos E, Densing M, Volkart K
IEW 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Aspirations for electrification: Does the future electricity demand profile matter for electricity supply? - Temporal aspects of energy systems modelling
Kannan R
Hybrid Energy Modelling - Linkages and Interdisciplinarity, Cambridge, 6-7 July 2015
Assessment of Carbon Emissions Quotas with the Integrated TIMES and MERGE Model
Kypreos S, Antti L
Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models - Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base
Bayesian belief networks for human reliability analysis: A review of applications and gaps
Mkrtchyan L, Podofillini L, Dang VN
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.02.006
Can the decentralized CHP generation provide the flexibility required to integrate intermittent RES in the electricity system?
Panos E, Kannan R
67th Semi-annual ETSAP meeting, Abu Dhabi, 1-2 June 2015
Carbon Capture and Storage
Bauer C, Volkart K
Insight_E Observatory Technology Note No. 1
Chapter 10: Conclusions
Hirschberg S, Benighaus C, Burgherr P, Evans K, Kant M, Kissling E, Renn O, Rudolf von Rohr P, Scheichinger B, Schenler W, Spada M, Stauffacher M, Treyer K, Wiederkehr R, Wiemer S
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 1: Introduction
Burgherr P, Hirschberg S, Schenler W, Evans K
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 3.4 WP 2.4: Plant and Well Life
Schenler W
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 4 WP3: Economy
Schenler W
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 5 WP4: Environment
Treyer K, Oshikawa H, Bauer C, Miotti M
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 6.1; Accident Risk
Spada M, Burgherr P
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Chapter 9: WP8: Integration
Hirschberg S, Burgherr P, Schenler W, Spada M, Treyer K, Bauer C
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Comparative Risk Assessment for Fossil Energy Chains: Severe Accidents triggered by Natural Hazards
Spada M, Burgherr P, Tsianou E
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Comparing the treatment of uncertainty in Bayesian networks and fuzzy expert systems used for a human reliability analysis application
Baraldi P, Podofillini L, Mkrtchyan L, Zio E, Dang Vinh N
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.01.016
Decomposing TIAM-MARCRO to Assess Climatic Change Mitigation
Kypreos S, Antti L
DOI: 10.1007/s10666-015-9451-9
Development and Application of Energy-Economic Models for Switzerland's Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios
Kannan R
2nd Asian Energy Modelling Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Singapore, 23 July 2015
Distributed Energy Systems Scenario Modeling for a Rural Agglomeration in Switzerland: A Case Study
Yazdanie M
CISBAT 2015, Lausanne, CH, 9-11 September 2015
DOI: 10.5075/epfl-cisbat2015-865-870
Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System - National Perspectives
Glynn J, Fortes P, Krook-Riekkola A, Labriet M, Vielle M, Kypreos S, Lehtilä A, Mischke P, Dai H, Gargiulo M, Helgesen PI, Kober T, Summerton P, Merven B, Selosen S, Karlsson K, Strachan N, O Gallachoir B
Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models - Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base
Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System - Part I and Part II
Glynn J, Fortes P, Gargiulo M, Grandell L, Helgesen PI, Karlsson K, Kober T, Koljonen T, Krook-Riekkola A, Kypreos S, Labriet M, Lehtilae A, Merven B, Strachan N, Summerton P, O Gallachoir B
Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models - Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base
Electricity markets and trade in Switzerland and its neighbouring countries (ELECTRA)-Building a coupled techno-economic modeling framework
Maire S, Pattupara R, Kannan R, Vielle M, Vöhringer F
Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern
Energy from the Earth. Deep Geothermal as a Resource for the Future?
Hirschberg S, Wiemer S, Burgherr P (Editors)
vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-7281-3654-1
DOI: 10.3218/3655-8
Environmental Impact of Buildings?What Matters?
Heeren N, Mutel Christopher L, Steubing B, Ostermeyer Y, Wallbaum H, Hellweg S
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01735
Exploring Challenges and Opportunities of Life Cycle Management in the Electricity Sector
Astudillo MF, Treyer K, Bauer C, Amor MB
Life Cycle Management
Externalities assessment of wood energy in Switzerland
Heck T
23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Systems, Comparison and Overview
Bauer C, Treyer K, Heck T, Hirschberg S
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
Human Reliability Analysis to support operational planning of an experimental facility
Buffa P, Giardina M, Greco SF, Palermo G, Dang VN, Podofillini L, Esposito J, Prete G
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Import-adjusted fatality rates for OECD countries caused by fossil fuel accidents
Lordan R, Spada M, Burgherr P
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Import-adjusted fatality rates for individual Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries caused by accidents in the oil energy chain
Lordan R, Spada M, Burgherr P
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.08.097
Integrated environmental and economic assessment of current and future fuel cell vehicles
Miotti M, Hofer J, Bauer C
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
DOI: 10.1007/s11367-015-0986-4
Integrating Global Energy-economic System Modelling and Life-cycle Assessment
Volkart K
wholeSEM Annual Conference 2015, Cambridge, UK
Integrating LCA and Scenario Modelling of the Energy System for Sustainable Policy-making
Volkart K
SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
Integrating LCI Data and Energy System Modelling
Volkart K
LCM 2015, Bordeaux, France
Is Direct Atmospheric Capture the needed backstop technology for decarbonizing the global energy system or does it just complement BECCS?
Kypreos S, Panos E, Marcucci A
8th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium, Potsdam, 16-18 November 2015
Lifting Industrial Ecology Modeling to a New Level of Quality and Transparency: A Call for More Transparent Publications and a Collaborative Open Source Software Framework
Pauliuk S, Majeau-Bettez G, Mutel Christopher L, Steubing B, Stadler K
DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12316
Methodological Significance of Temporal Granularity in Energy-Economic Models: Insights from the MARKAL/TIMES Framework
Kannan R, Turton H, Panos E
Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models - Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base
Optimization of SIL allocation for safety functions implemented over layers of protection
Alijagic E
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Overview of methods to build Conditional Probability Tables with partial expert information for Bayesian Belief Networks
Mkrtchyan L, Podofillini L, Dang VN
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Powering the growth of Sub-Saharan Africa: The Jazz and Symphony scenarios of World Energy Council
Panos E, Turton H, Densing M, Volkart K
Energy for Sustainable Development
DOI: 10.1016/j.esd.2015.01.004
Ranking of Uncertain Parameters for Dynamic Event Tree Analysis: A Case Study Based on a Station Blackout Scenario
Rahman S, Karanki DR, Epiney A, Zerkak O, Dang VN
NURETH 16: Proceedings of the 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics
Recent and future activities of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Working Group on RISK assessment (WGRISK)
Röwekamp M, Dang VN, Gheorghe R, Lanore JM, Coyne K
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Regionalized Risk Assessment of Accidental Tanker Spills using Worldwide Data
Burgherr P, Spada M, Kalinina A
The 5th International Symposium on Ship Operation, Management & Economics (SOME), Athens, Greece
Regionalized Risk Assessment of Accidental Tanker Spills using Worldwide Data
Burgherr P, Spada M, Kalinina A, Page P
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Representation of parameter uncertainty in Bayesian Belief Networks for Human Reliability Analysis
Podofillini L, Pandya D, Dang VN
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015 (ESREL2015), Zurich, Switzerland
Review of Global Energy Scenarios
Volkart K, Panos E, Densing M
SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Sustainability Assessment for Energy Technologies
Hirschberg S, Burgherr P
Handbook of Clean Energy Systems (J. Yan (Ed.))
DOI: 10.1002/9781118991978.hces070
The environmental performance of current and future passenger vehicles: Life Cycle Assessment based on a novel scenario analysis framework
Bauer C, Hofer J, Althaus H-J, Del Duce A, Simons A
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.01.019
Unravelling the along-strike variability of the Angola-Gabon rifted margin: a mapping approach
Peron-Pinvidic G, Manatschal G, Masini E, Sutra E, Flament JM, Haupert I, Unternehr P
Petroleum Geoscience of the West Africa Margin., Special Publications, Geological Society, London
DOI: 10.1144/SP438.1