Prof. Dr. Marco Stampanoni

Group Leader
photo of Marco Stampanoni
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

With his team, Marco Stampanoni is working on novel X-ray based instruments and methods for non-invasive investigations of samples at various length scales, ranging from single cells up to humans. The group mainly develops around cutting-edge synchrotron facilities and translates the novel technologies on conventional X-ray sources. Research areas encompass phase contrast X-ray imaging and microscopy, realtime tomographic microimaging, nano-tomography and novel radiological methods for clinical applications and, more general, non-destructive testing.

Marco Stampanoni has been appointed Assistant Professor for X-ray Microscopy at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich in 2008; in 2013 he became Associate Professor  and in 2017 he was appointed Full Professor of X-​Ray Imaging at ETH Zurich. His professorship is affiliated to the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the University and ETH Zurich, where he leads the division for X-​ray Imaging and Microscopy. At the Paul Scherrer Institut, he is the head of the X-​ray tomography group.

Born on May 10, 1974 in Lugano (Ticino, Switzerland) Marco Stampanoni studied physics at the ETH Zurich. After receiving his diploma in 1998, he graduated at the ETH in 2002 in the area of synchrotron-based tomographic microscopy. From 1998 to 2000 he successfully followed a post-graduate course in Medical Physics. In 2002 he started as an Instrument Scientist at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) of the Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen, Switzerland. In 2004 he was nominated beamline scientist and responsible for the development and realization of a tomography dedicated beamline at the SLS (TOMCAT). In 2005 he was elected Head of the "X-ray Tomography Group" of the SLS. In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) for X-ray Microscopy at the ETH Zurich and, in 2010, Director of the ETH-Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Medical Physics. In 2012 he received an ERC Grant for his project on phase contrast X-ray imaging and won the “Dalle Molle Foundation Award” for his pioneering work on X-ray phase contrast mammography.

Since 2018 Stampanoni is the president of the Research Commission of the Paul Scherrer Institut and regularly serves as external co-referent for PhD examinations and as member of faculty search committees in Switzerland and abroad. He is active as evaluation expert for grant proposals at European and national level as well as advisor in scientific and technical review panels. His expertise has been appreciated by many synchrotron facilities worldwide like MAX-IV (Sweden), SOLEIL (France), ALBA (Spain), DIAMOND (UK), PETRA-3 (Germany), ALS (USA), AS (Australia), TPS-II (Taiwan) and SSRF (China). He is member of the International Advisory Committee of both the International Conference on X-ray Microscopy and the International Conference for Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation. He was member of the local scientific and organizing committee of the X-ray Microscopy conference (XRM2008). He recently chaired the Symposium on “Multi-scale and Multi-Dimensional Synchrotron Radiation Imaging" (MMSRI2015) in Shanghai and chaired the recent conference on “X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings” (XNPIG2017). He was a founding partner of the Zurich Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies (EXCITE) and member of its steering committee since 2008. Stampanoni is an appreciated speaker and has given more than 100 invited talks at international conferences, symposia, workshop and scientific schools worldwide. Stampanoni teaches at ETH Zurich in the field of X-ray imaging.

Marco Stampanoni is co-founder and member of the board of directors of GratXray AG.

Since 2008 Marco Stampanoni is Board Member of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at ETH and University of Zürich. In 2010 he was appointed Director of the Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics at ETH Zürich and since 2014 he is Track-Advisor of the Medical Physics Master Program at ETH Zürich.

In 2018 he was appointed  President of the Research Commission of the Paul Scherrer Institut.

A complete list of publications can be found here:
  • 2003 : ETH Silver Medal for Excellent PhD Thesis
  • 2012: "Dalle Molle Foundation Award" for pioneering work on X-ray Phase Contrast Mammography
  • Since 2020 Member of the Swiss Society of Photon Science (SSPh)
  • Since 2008 Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Association (IEEE)
  • Since 2005 Member of the Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering (SSBE)
  • Since 2002 Member of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS)