
Project Sort descending Description Duration Sort ascending Contact

Advanced geothermal systems have the potential to make the Swiss energy system more resilient by providing decarbonized and decentralized domestic heating and electrical power. This helps…

2022-2026 Dr. Peter Burgherr
Carbon Dioxide Removal: LCA and MRV

Together with the Sustainability in Business Lab (sus.lab) at ETH Zurich, PSI Technology Assessment evaluates different options for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). The evaluation concerns the…

2022-2023 Christian Bauer
Life Cycle Assessment of Power-to-X in the Swiss residential sector

Swiss net-zero GHG emission goals require a phase-out of fossil fuels. While the focus in research has often been on a transition of mobility and industry so far, also the residential sector has…

2022-2023 Christian Bauer

The WISER flagship aims to build a digital ecosystem in which public and private stakeholders can contribute and share greenhouse gas (GHG) knowledge. By making different GHG data sources and…

2021-2025 Michael Weinold

The HySPI project is funded by the French agency for Energy and aims to provide a methodological framework to analyze and quantify, in a systemic and prospective manner, the environmental impacts…

2021-2024 Dr. Romain Sacchi

This project will evaluate the role and perspectives of sustainable chemical transportation fuels within a “net-zero” Swiss energy system. To this end, techno-economic, environmental and social…

2021-2024 Christian Bauer

DemoUpCARMA is a pilot project lead by ETH Zurich. It aims to demonstrate the implementation and scale-up of two pathways leading to negative CO2 emissions, i.e. a long-term…

2021-2023 Dr. Romain Sacchi

This project finalizes development and validation of TwingTec`s first product concept, the TT1000, the world`s first megawatt scale mobile airborne wind energy system together with leading experts…

2021-2023 Karin Treyer
Energy System Integration (ESI) platform

With the envisaged phase-out of fossil energy carriers and the integration of substantial amounts of intermittent renewables into the Swiss energy supply, the complexity of the energy system will…

2021-2023 Christian Bauer
SynFuels – PSI-Empa Joint Initiative

Reducing the impact of aviation on climate change requires the development of synthetic, non-fossil aviation fuels, which can substitute today’s kerosene in a cost-efficient and environmentally…

2021-2023 Dr. Romain Sacchi

Markets with storage and risk-aversion

2020-2025 Dr. Martin Densing

ROBINSON’s main mission is to develop an integrated energy system tailored to islands with industrial activities coupling locally available energy sources, electrical and thermal networks, and…

2020-2024 Christian Bauer
IEA Annex 83: Positive Energy Districts

IEA Annex 83 aims to develop an in-depth definition of Positive Energy Distric (PED) as well as relevant technologies, planning tools, and decision-making process. PSI contributes to subtask C…


Achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement requires not only a complete transformation of energy supply, but also substantial changes in the way energy is consumed. The project…

2020-2023 Christian Bauer

The project POLIZERO is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), and it aims to analyze efficient policies for promoting the energy transition towards a decarbonised Swiss energy…

2020 - 2023 Dr. Evangelos Panos
Global Energy Scenarios

Global energy scenarios to improve understanding of possible development pathways for the future global energy system

2011+ Dr. Martin Densing
ROES: ENSI Regulatory Research

HRA methods, EOC quantification, application of simulator data, technical basis for seismic HRA

Risk Analysis and PSA for PSI’s Gantry 2 Proton Therapy Facility

Risk analysis in the design of Gantry 2

Safety Margin Analysis

Integrated treatment of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in quantifying risk

ENSI Regulatory Support (HRA “On-Call”)

Review of licensee HRA and topics related to human performance and accident sequence analysis

HRA for Radiotherapy

Development of HRA method for Radiotherapy domain, PhD