On 24 September the Paul Scherrer Institut was the venue of a meeting between the top supervisory board of the European Spallation Source ESS to be built in Lund, Sweden, and representatives of the Swiss government from SERI. The chair and the vice chair of the ESS Council, Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph and Kurt Clausen, respectively came to Switzerland to discuss the Swiss In-Kind Contributions to the largest spallation neutron source under construction in Sweden.
PSI is in charge of one complete instrument (ESTIA) and substantial contributions to four others (ODIN, BIFROST, MAGIC, HEIMDAL) and thus delivers the lion’s share of Swiss IKC. (The Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) is the second Swiss ESS in-kind partner). After short presentations and exchanges on the most urgent topics for the project like budgetary boundary conditions and constraints and questions related to value added tax in Sweden, the opportunity was taken to demonstrate the very good progress achieved at PSI for the instruments ESTIA and MAGIC.