Imad El Haddad, scientific head (a.i.) of the lab of atmospheric chemistry at PSI, won the Schmauss Award 2022!
The Schmauss award, named after physicist and meteorologist August Schmauss is awarded by the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF) to recognize outstanding research contributions in the field of atmospheric aerosol science. The requirements are that the young scientist is under 40 years of age and has published significant new insights in the field of atmospheric aerosol science during the past three years.
Imad El Haddad was awarded the Schmauss award for his contributions to atmospheric aerosol chemistry and its impact on health and climate. His work is focused on the effect of human emissions on the composition of our atmosphere. He developed multiple online and offline analytical techniques to characterize the aerosol composition and sources in environments ranging from the Arctic to polluted China. He has refined the understanding of atmospheric aging of complex emissions through smog chamber experiments at PSI and at CERN within the CLOUD experiment. Parameterizations of the generated data have been implemented in regional and global models to assess the impact of aerosols on our climate and health. He received the award during the International Aerosol Conference, which took place in Athens from September 4th until September 9th.
Congratulations Imad on this great achievement!
Dr. Imad El Haddad
Acting head of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI
Paul Scherrer Institute, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 29 95