Thermal Processes and Combustion Laboratory (LTV)

The Thermal Processes and Combustion Laboratory (LTV) of the Paul Scherrer Institute was part of the Energy and Environment Research Division until 30.06.2018

Research topics included laser diagnostics in combustion with emphasis on linear and non-linear spectroscopic techniques, turbulent premixed combustion in high-pressure systems, catalytically supported combustion as well as combustion spray diagnostics.

The project portfolio of the Thermal Processes and Combustion Laboratory (LTV) at PSI was mainly focused on stationary electric power generation devices, which offer the highest efficiencies and lowest emissions: gas turbine based processes and internal combustion engines.

The basics of relevant physical-chemical mechanisms for 'near-Zero' emission fuel conversion are studied in 5 topical areas:

  • Turbulent Lean Premixed Combustion
    (e.g. turbulent flame speed at conditions relevant for gas turbine combustors)
  • Catalytic Combustion
    (incl. partial oxidation and reforming)
  • Combustion Diagnostics
    (e.g. Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) of various combustion species; Raman Spectroscopy)
  • Molecular Dynamics
    (fundamental properties of combustion relevant species)
  • Gasification and Fuel processing
    (cleaning of biomass derived product gases; synthesis of methane)

Publications of the former Thermal Processes and Combustion Laboratory (LTV) can be found here.

If you would like to follow-up on any of the issues listed above, Dr. Peter Jansohn would be happy to answer your questions.


Dr. Peter Jansohn


Phone: +41 (0)56 310 28 71