Prof. Dr. Mike Seidel

Short description
Accelerator Physicist
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Study of Nuclear Physics at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany

engineering physicist at DESY/Hamburg, working on the 920GeV proton storage ring: quench protection for superconducting magnets, transmission line characteristics of magnet chain, commissioning with beam
later, dissertation in accelerator physics at DESY (University of Hamburg), Advisor: Prof.E.Lohrmann, topics: proton beam collimation and background minimization at the HERA experiments, particle diffusion and halo generation processes
later, research associate at DESY, topics: beam cleaning and detector background control at HERA, Linear Collider developments, design of beam dump / exit window for the TESLA test facility

research associate at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), Accelerator Research Department, Prof.R.Siemann: wakefield instrumentation of RF structures, wakefield probing using adjustable pilot and probe bunches, W-band [mm-wave] accelerating structures

return to DESY/Hamburg, topics: luminosity upgrade of HERA, beam optics and geometry of the new interaction region incl. synchrotron radiation backgrounds and absorbers, project management
later, head of the vacuum group for all warm vacuum systems at DESY (~10km of system), topics: commissioning of HERA II, detector background problems, beam based alignment in interaction region, components for FLASH facility at DESY, design and construction of the vacuum system for PETRA III, design of the warm vacuum system for the XFEL project

Paul Scherrer Institut, department head Accelerator Operation and Development (ABE), responsible for operation of PSI accelerators and focusing on the high intensity proton accelerator (HIPA) for muon and neutron beam generation, in parallel active for the Center for Proton Therapy, covering technical aspects of proton therapy, gantry development project

since 1/20
Paul Scherrer Institut, Division Head Large Research Facilities and EPFL Professor for Accelerator Physics, Laboratory LPAP

High Intensity Hadron Accelerators and Cyclotrons

Medical Accelerators

Electron Storage Rings and Synchrotron Radiation Linear Accelerators Circular Collider (HERA) Accelerators in General
  • Particle Accelerators, chapter in Vacuumelectronic Devices, Eichmeier and Thumm: M.Seidel and K.Zapfe, Particle Accelerators, Springer (2008)
  • EPFL Master Course, Introduction to Particle Accelerators, fall semester, from 2020
  • specialized CERN Accelerator School High Intensity Hadron Accelerators, 2011, Bilbao: Cyclotrons for high Intensity Beams Publication
  • general CERN Accelerator School, 2014, Prague/Czech Republic, course on cyclotrons
  • Grundlagen Teilchenbeschleuniger, für Physikstudenten zum Besuch des PSI, 2015
  • general CERN Accelerator School, 2016, Budapest/Hungaria, course on cyclotrons 2016-Part I: Video, 2016-Part II: Video, 2014
  • specialized CERN Accelerator School on Beam Injection, Extraction and Transfer, 2017, Erice/Sicily: Injection and Extraction in Cyclotrons
  • school on Beam Dynamics and Technologies for Future Colliders, 2018, Zürich/Switzerland: Collimators and Dumps
  • general CERN Accelerator School, 2018, Constanta/Rumania, course on cyclotrons I, II
  • general CERN Accelerator School, 2019, Vysoke-Tatry/Slowakia, course on cyclotrons I, II; course on accelerator vacuum
  • general CERN Accelerator School, 2021, Chavanne de Bogis/Switzerland, course on cyclotrons I, II; course on accelerator vacuum