The mission of the microXAS beamline project is to operate and advance a versatile hard x-ray microprobe facility for multimodal chemical microscopy and micro-spectroscopy. We strive to enhance spatial resolution, and to develop new or superior chemical contrast modes. Over a large range of length (and time) scales, we apply this comprehensive set of X-ray microbeam analytical techniques to scientific challenges in the broader scope of reactive transport in porous media: From virus metabolite distribution in single cells, over the variability of catalytic reactivity in single crystal catalysts, to reactive contaminant transport phenomena in heterogeneous natural porous media.
The scientific and engineering activities directly related to the instrumentation of the microXAS beamline facility are complemented by a vivid in-house science program. These research activities link to the development of an advanced understanding of macroscopic reactivity and dynamics of complex systems based on the micro/nanoscopic physical and chemical. The focus subject corresponds to enlightening our understanding of environmental chemical processes – including their link to physics and biology. Special emphasis is devoted to the characterization of chemical reactions occurring at solid-liquid interfaces in undisturbed surface and subsurface environments.