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3. PSI Photo Award

Das Paul Scherrer Institut lädt zur dritten Auflage seines beliebten Fottowettbewerbs ein: Amateurfotografen richten ihre Objektive auf Forschungsanlagen. Gesucht wird das ungewöhnlichste Bild, der originellste Moment, der spannendste Blick auf die Wissenschaft.
Die Fototour findet statt am Samstagnachmittag, 17. September 2016.

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Artwork illustrating inhomogeneities in a megacity

Newly discovered rapid particle growth rates may be the answer to the mystery of aerosol formation in urban smog

Aerosols, suspended particles or droplets, play a key role in Earth’s atmosphere’s energy balance. They can also result in smog formation in cities, which leads to low visibility and serious health risks for the population. A recent study published in Nature outlines a newly discovered mechanism that may play a key role in the continued survival of particles in wintertime smog.

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