Every year, several important international and national conferences and meetings take place. Our scientists, post docs and students are regularly invited to take part, write a conference paper and have presentations.
Please find here a selection of conferences:
- PHYSOR - International Conference on Physics of Reactors
- NURETH - International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics
- M&C - International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering
- ICONE - International Conference of Nuclear Engineering
- TOP FUEL - Light Wather Reactor Fuel Performance Conference
- ANS Student Conference
- ND - International conference on nuclear data for science and technology
Albà A, Adelmann A, Rochman D
Uncertainty quantification on spent nuclear fuel with LMC
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Berry L, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Hursin M, Frankl M, Ferroukhi H
Upgrading the neutronic version of the PSI cycle check-up methodology for full core PWR Monte Carlo simulations
In: Zoia A, Diop CM, Saikali E, eds. Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2024). Vol. 302. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:13004 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202430213004
Berry L, Vasiliev A, Hursin M, Rochman D, Frankl M, Ferroukhi H
Verification and validation of Monte Carlo simulations using Swiss PWR HZP data
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Biot G, Rochman D, Ducru P, Forget B
Evaluating embedded Monte Carlo vs. total Monte Carlo for nuclear data uncertainty quantification
In: Zoia A, Diop CM, Saikali E, eds. Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2024). Vol. 302. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:07016 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202430207016
Carmouze C, Ichou R, Ilas G, Alvarez-Velarde F, Chernykh M, García-Baonza R, et al.
Overview of spent nuclear fuel inventory results for the ARIANE GU3 sample
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Cozzo C, Berti N
Perfomance assessment of SiC cladding with cracking threshold in Falcon
In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(10 pp.).
Frankl M, Vasiliev A, Berry L, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H, Diomidis N, et al.
Investigation of the specific keff behaviour in simplified corrosion scenarios for a potential PWR final disposal canister design
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-7.
Frankl M, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H, Wittel M, Pudollek S
Refinement of the loading curve determination methodology and modeling for Swiss PWR spent fuel final disposal canisters
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Hoefer A, Stuke M, Abdel-Khalik HS, Cabellos O, Chernykh M, Eisenstecken T, et al.
Bias and correlated data, comparison of methods
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Maccario S, Scolaro A, Vasiliev A, Hursin M
Comparison of Bayesian model calibration techniques for future application to fuel performance behavior models
In: Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2024). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2024:551-560. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR24-43853
Martin J-F, Vasiliev A, O’Connor G, Ivanova T
The NEA’s working party on nuclear criticality safety: tackling global challenges through international cooperation
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Monleón de la Lluvia JA, Brovchenko M, Rochman D, Dumonteil E
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification in PWR irradiation ageing like problems
In: Proceedings of the radiation protection and shielding division (RPSD 2024). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2024:224-228. https://doi.org/10.13182/T131-45734
Nikitin K, Arnold B, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
Critical Power Ratio (CPR) calculation methods for BWR licensing support
In: Proceedings of SCOPE. ; 2024:23222 (8 pp.).
Papadionysiou M, Albagami T, Delipei G, Avramova M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, et al.
Multi-physics sub-pin resolution analysis of a PWR core with nTRACER/CTF for the OECD/NEA TVA watts bar 1 benchmark
In: Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2024). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2024:1968-1977. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR24-43543
Pérez-Maroto P, Guerrero C, Casanovas A, Fernández B, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
Description and outlook of the 50,53Cr(n,γ) cross section measurement at n_TOF and HiSPANoS
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2023 - 6th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 294. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:01004 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202429401004
Rochman D, Algora A, Bremnes Ø, Cabellos O, Caruso S, Fiorito L, et al.
Decay heat of irradiated nuclear fuels – a status report from the NEA WPNCS
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Rochman D, Koning AJ, van der Marck SC
The TENDL nuclear data library: for criticality calculations and more
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-8.
Sanchez-Caballero A, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Cano-Ott D, Cardinaels T, Dries P, et al.
Experimental setup of the 239Pu neutron capture and fission cross-section measurements at n_TOF, CERN
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. International workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 294. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences; 2024:01003 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202429401003
Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
The n_TOF facility at CERN
In: Cerutti F, Kawano T, Marin S, Pujol F, Talou P, eds. 16th Varenna conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms (NRM2023). Vol. 292. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:12002 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202429212002
Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
The n_TOF facility at CERN
In: Pizzone RG, Guardo GL, La Cognata M, Prajapati PM, Suryanarayana SV, Sivarani T, eds. International symposium on nuclear astrophysics (ISNA23). Vol. 297. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:01013 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202429701013
Vasiliev A, Lee H, Frankl M, Hursin M, Ferroukhi H
On the PSI routine criticality safety evaluation methodology and its validation approach
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-10.
Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pecchia M, Rochman D, Laureau A, Lamirand V, et al.
Revision of PSI calculation capabilities and validation experience on the BEPU-type reactor dosimetry applications
In: Frajtag P, Thornton D, Wagemans J, eds. ISRD 17 – International symposium on reactor dosimetry (Part II). Vol. 308. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis: Edp sciences; 2024:03011 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202430803011
Vasiliev A, Frankl M, Rochman D, Wittel M, Hoefer A
Towards a direct comparison of practical CSE with BUC approaches: benchmark for a pseudo-application case with user-defined NCS criteria
In: Suyama K, Gunji S, Watanabe T, Araki S, Fukuda K, Shimada K, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2024:1-8.
Verma L, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Scolaro A
Extending the validation database of Offbeat fuel performance code for Loca scenarios
In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(10 pp.).
Al-Yahia OS, Bernard M, Clifford I, Perret G, Bajorek S, Ferroukhi H
Implementation of a three-field framework in TRACE to improve the prediction of reactor core reflood conditions part II
In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:110-122. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40133
Alcayne V, Cano-Ott D, Garcia J, González-Romero E, Martínez T, Mendoza E, et al.
A segmented total energy detector (sTED) for (n, γ) cross section measurements at n_TOF EAR2
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01043 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401043
Alcayne V, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Kimura A, Aberle O, Amaducci S, et al.
Results of the 244Cm, 246Cm and 248Cm neutron-induced capture cross sections measurements at EAR1 and EAR2 of the n_TOF facility
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01009 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401009
Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
High resolution 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement at CERN n_TOF
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01001 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401001
Cabellos O, Hursin M, Palmiotti P
WPEC/SG46 exercise on target accuracy requirement
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:14012 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328414012
Clifford I, Kral P, Vyskocil L, Pistora V, Trewin R, Filonova Y, et al.
State of the art for thermal-hydraulic analysis of pressurised thermal shock scenarios
In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:5778-5790. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40247
Clifford I, Al-Yahia OS, Ferroukhi H
TRACE investigation on the performance of passive safety condenser as ultimate heat sink
In: Proceedings of Saudi international conference on nuclear power engineering (SCOPE). sine loco: SCOPE; 2023:23220 (6 pp.).
Domingo-Pardo C, Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
Compton imaging for enhanced sensitivity (n,γ) cross section TOF experiments: status and prospects
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, Žugec P, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01018 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401018
Domingo-Pardo C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Altieri S, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
The neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN: recent facility upgrades and detector developments
In: 28th international nuclear physics conference (INPC 2022). Vol. 2586. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012150 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012150
Dupont E, Otuka N, Rochman D, Nogèure G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:18001 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328418001
Fogliatto E, Clifford I
CFD simulations of the UPTF-TRAM test C1
In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:606-617. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40211
Freixa J, Martínez-Quiroga V, Perret G
Assessment of the choked flow model of RELAP5 for the application of inverse quantification methods
In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:5426-5439. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40674
García-Infantes ME, Praena P, Casanovas P, Mastromarco M, Aberle M, Alcayne M, et al.
First high resolution measurement of neutron capture resonances in 176Yb at the n_TOF CERN facility
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:09001 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328409001
Lerendegui-Marco J, Casanovas A, Alcayne V, Aberle O, Altieri S, Amaducci S, et al.
New perspectives for neutron capture measurements in the upgraded CERN-n_TOF Facility
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01028 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401028
Manna A, Pirovano E, Colonna N, Castelluccio D, Console Camprini P, Cosentino L, et al.
Characterization of a detector setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 500 MeV at the n_TOF facility at CERN
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:04016 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328404016
Massimi C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Altieri S, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
Neutron-induced cross section measurements
In: Freeman S, Lederer-Woods C, Manna A, Mengoni A, eds. Nuclear physics in astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022). Vol. 279. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:11009 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202327911009
Mastromarco M, Manna A, García-Infantes F, Amaducci S, Mengoni A, Massimi C, et al.
Measurement of the 160Gd(n, γ) cross section at n_TOF and its medical implications
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:09002 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328409002
Michalopoulou V, Diakaki M, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, et al.
Measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to the 10B(n,α) reaction with micromegas detectors at the CERN n_TOF facility: first results
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01030 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401030
Mucciola R, Paradela C, Manna A, Alaerts G, Massimi C, Kopecky S, et al.
Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on 94,95,96 Mo at n_TOF and GELINA
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01031 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401031
Nikitin K, Arnold B, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
Application of CTF subchannel code for BWR reload licensing analysis support
In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:5569-5578. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40978
Oprea A, Gunsing F, Schillebeeckx P, Aberle O, Bacak M, Berthoumieux E, et al.
Measurement of the 241Am(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01036 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328401036
Pavón-Rodríguez JA, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Bacak M, Casanovas A, Cortés-Giraldo MA, et al.
Characterisation of the n_TOF 20 m beam line at CERN with the new spallation target
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:06006 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328406006
Pirovano V, Manna D, Colonna J, Console Camprini E, Cosentino T, Dietz E, et al.
Detector set up for the measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 235U relative to n-p scattering up to 150 MeV at CERN-n_TOF
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01043 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328404019
Puustinen M, Patel G, Kral P, Nikl T, Clifford I, Trewin R, et al.
LTO modifications to reduce the pts issue - results of TH calculations in the context of the APAL European project
In: Proceedings 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:282-295. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40206
Rochman DA, Koning A, Goriely S
Covariances from model variation: application to quantities for astrophysics
In: Chiba G, Iwamoto O, eds. 5th international workshop on nuclear data covariances (CW2022). Vol. 281. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:00005 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328100005
Stamati ME, Torres-Sánchez P, Pérez-Maroto P, Cecchetto M, Goula M, Mastromarco M, et al.
The n_TOF NEAR Station Commissioning and first physics case
In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:06009 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328406009
Trewin R, Prošek A, Kral P, Clifford I, Perret G, Hartung J, et al.
Evaluation of uncertainties in thermal-hydraulic analyses of PTS for the APAL European project
In: Proceedings of the 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2023:5791-5805. https://doi.org/10.13182/NURETH20-40288
Al-Yahia OS, Clifford I, Nikitin K, Ferroukhi H
Parametric study on the modeling of the open passive containment cooling system (CWC)
Presented at: The 13th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-13); September 5-10, 2022; Hsinchu.
Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
First 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement with high resolution in the full stellar energy range 1 eV - 100 keV and its astrophysical implications for the s-process
In: Liu W, Wang Y, Guo B, Tang X, Zeng S, eds. Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos. 16th symposium on nuclei in the cosmos, NIC-XVI 2021. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2022:11026 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202226011026
D'Ambrosi V, Sercombe J, Beajoui S, Chaieb A, Baurens B, Largenton R, et al.
P2M simulation exercise on past fuel melting irradiation experiments: main outcomes on fuel melting assessment in PWR fuel
In: TopFuel 2022 light water reactor fuel performance conference. Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:344-353. https://doi.org/10.13182/TopFuel22-38827
Diomidis N, Pudollek S, Wittel M, Frankl M, Vasiliev A
Post-closure canister degradation scenarios in deep geological disposal: preliminary definition and evaluation of potential impact on reactivity
In: Nuclear Criticality Safety division topical meeting (NCSD 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:(7 pp.). https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-51979/.
Fogliatto E, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Puragliesi R
The influence of scaling on turbulent mixing in reactor pressure vessels and core-inlet flow distribution
In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:35578 (14 pp.).
Hursin M, Mala P, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Liu Y, Choi S, et al.
Comparison of CASMO-5, MPACT and Serpent 2 for the modeling of advanced BWR lattices
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:2762-2772.
Hursin M, Mala P, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Liu Y, Choi S, et al.
Comparison of CASMO-5, MPACT and Serpent 2 for the modeling of advanced BWR lattices
In: International conference on physics of reactors. Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors, PHYSOR 2022. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2022:2762-2772. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37760
Hursin M, Cabelloas O, Palmiotti G
Status of the WPEC subgroup 46 efficient and effective use of integral experiments for nuclear data validation
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:1095-1104. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37758
Lee H, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Verification of legacy methodology of minimum critical mass estimation at PSI
Presented at: GLOBAL 2022 - sustainable energy beyond the pandemic; July 6-8, 2022; Reims.
Mager T, Hursin M, Fiorina C, Pautz A
Development of a high fidelity model of the CROCUS experimental reactor
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:946-956. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37250
Martin J-F, Ivanova T, Bess J, Carmouze C, Gan S, Wilson AR, et al.
The OECD NEA working party on nuclear criticality safety. Recent outcome, work in progress and outlook
In: Nuclear Criticality Safety division topical meeting (NCSD 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:(10 pp.). https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-51992/.
Nikitin K, Arnold B, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
CPR estimation by CTF subchannel code with machine learning support
Presented at: The 13th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-13); September5-10, 2022; Hsinchu.
Papadionysiou M, Seongchan K, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, et al.
Coupling of COBRA-TF to nTRACER for full core high fidelity analysis of VVERs
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:586-595.
Papadionysiou M, Seongchan K, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, et al.
Coupling of nTRACER to COBRA-TF for full core high-fidelity analysis of VVERs
In: International conference on physics of reactors. Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors, PHYSOR 2022. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2022:586-595. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37390
Perret G, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
Bias and uncertainty considerations for trace predictions of RBHT reflood experiments
In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:19001 (14 pp.).
Raffuzzi V, Sublet JC, Jouanne C, Koning A, Rochman D
An iron evaluation story: from TALYS model parameters to validation on the ASPIS benchmark with the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4®
In: International conference on physics of reactors. Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors, PHYSOR 2022. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2022:1361-1370. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37310
Raffuzzi V, Sublet J-C, Jouanne C, Koning A, Rochman D
An iron evaluation story: from TALYS model parameters to validation on the ASPIS benchmark with the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4®
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:1361-1370.
Scolaro A, Fiorina C, Siefman D, Hursin M, Pautz A
Bayesian data assimilation for fuel performance based on OFFBEAT
In: International conference on physics of reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2022:3656-3665. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37357
Scolaro A, Fiorina C, Clifford I, Brunetto E, Pautz A
Pre-release validation database for the multi-dimensional fuel performance code OFFBEAT
In: International conference on physics of reactors. Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors, PHYSOR 2022. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2022:2914-2923. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37789
Sublet JC, Koning A, Rochman D, Gilbert MR, Kahler AC, Jouanne C, et al.
Multifaceted coded nuclear data libraries assemblage, verification and validation: TENDL-2021
In: International conference on radiation shielding and topical meeting of the radiation protection and shielding division. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on radiation shielding and 21st topical meeting of the radiation protection and shielding division, ICRS 2022/RPSD 2022. American Nuclear Society; 2022:308-311. https://doi.org/10.13182/ICRSRPSD22-39025
Zahur A, Park J, Cherezov A, Jo Y, Lee D
Reactivity initiated accident uncertainty quantification for fuel assembly with subchannel code
In: International conference on physics of reactors. Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors, PHYSOR 2022. Downers Grove: American Nuclear Society; 2022:1667-1676. https://doi.org/10.13182/PHYSOR22-37528
Bernal A, Pecchia M, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Methodology for high-fidelity deterministic modelling of Swiss LWR fuel assemblies
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:06011 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124706011
Cozzo C, Allagbe C, Alonso JR, Ben Ouaghrem K, Cizelj L, Degueldre D, et al.
EUROSAFE: fostering the sharing of nuclear expertise
In: Vázquez-Rodriguez C, Jiménez Carrascosa A, Estevez Albuja S, Duran Vinuesa LF, eds. Book of Proceedings. European nuclear young generation forum 2021. sine loco: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum; 2021:623-626.
Cozzo C, Lind T, Bertsch J, Nichenko S, Girardin G
Quantifying the benefits of the reduced oxidation kinetics in chromium-coated cladding: a parametric study
In: Vázquez-Rodriguez C, Jiménez Carrascosa A, Estevez Albuja S, Duran Vinuesa LF, eds. Book of Proceedings. European nuclear young generation forum 2021. sine loco: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum; 2021:245-248.
Fiorina C, Shriwise P, Dufresne A, Ragusa J, Ivanov K, Valentine T, et al.
An initiative for the development and application of open-source multi-physics simulation in support of R&D and E&T in Nuclear Science and Technology
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02040 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702040
Hursin M, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Impact of various source of covariance information on integral parameters uncertainty during depletion calculations with CASMO-5
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:09005 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124709005
Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H
Monte Carlo analysis of sub-pin resolved power behaviour in modern BWR assembly designs
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:758-767. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33772
Hursin M, Pakari O, Perret G, Frajtag P, Lamirand V, Pázsit I, et al.
Validation of axial void profile measured by neutron noise techniques in crocus
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:08004 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124708004
Konarski P, Cozzo C, Khostov G, Ferroukhi H
Extension of Falcon's modelling capabilities to dry storage: development of a new model for hydrogen behavior in duplex claddings
In: TopFuel2021. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2021:(10 pp.).
Lamirand V, Rais A, Pakari O, Hursin M, Laureau A, Pohlus J, et al.
Analysis of the first COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation campaign in the CROCUS reactor for the European project CORTEX
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21010 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721010
Mager T, Fiorina C, Hursin M, Pautz A
Validation of the gen-foam model of the crocus experimental reactor
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:738-747. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33754
Mala P, Pautz A, Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A
Development of 3D pin-by-pin core solver tortin and coupling with thermal-hydraulics
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02034 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702034
Mylonakis AG, Demazière C, Vinai P, Lamirand V, Rais A, Pakari O, et al.
Core SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21006 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721006
Papadionysiou M, Seongchan K, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, et al.
Coupling of nTRACER to COBRA-TF for high-fidelity analysis of VVERs
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702008
Papadionysiou M, Kim S, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Joo HG, et al.
Validation of the high-resolution code nTRACER against VVER-1000 hot zero power measurements
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:700-709. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33678
Perret G, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Neutron emission measurements of PWR spent fuel segments and preliminary validation of depletion calculations
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:10004 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124710004
Pázsit I, Hursin M, Nylén H, Dykin V
Reconstructing the axial void velocity profile in BWRS from measurements of the in-core neutron noise
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02013 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702013
Scolaro A, Fiorina C, Van Uffelen P, Schubert A, Clifford I, Pautz A
Coupling methodology between TRANSURANUS and the multi-dimensional fuel performance code OFFBEAT
In: Proceedings 2021 ANS winter meeting. Vol. 125. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. American Nuclear Society; 2021:520-523. https://doi.org/10.13182/T125-36688
Szabolcs Ványi A, Hursin M, Czifrus S
Investigation of recently introduced diffusion coefficient generation methods
In: Cizelj L, Tekavčič M, eds. NENE2021 conference proceedings. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; 2021:311 (8 pp.).
Tasakos T, Ioannou G, Verma V, Alexandridis G, Dokhane A, Stafylopatis A
Deep learning-based anomaly detection in nuclear reactor cores
In: Tasakos T, Ioannou G, Verma V, Alexandridis G, Dokhane A, Stafylopatis A, eds. Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:2026-2037. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33681
Torres LA, Chionis D, Montalvo C, Dokhane A, García-Berrocal A
Neutron noise spectral features of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21001 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721001
Valentine T, Avramova M, Fleming M, Hursin M, Ivanov K, Petruzzi A, et al.
Overview of the OECD-NEA expert group on multi-physics experimental data, benchmarks and validation
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:06048 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124706048
Vasiliev A, Pecchia M, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H
Enhancement of validation studies for reactor dosimetry and activation predictions with the nuclear data sampling methodology
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:10021 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124710021
Verma V, Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H
Modelling and analysis of fuel assembly vibrational modes in PWRs using SIMULATE-3K
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721008
Bernal A, Pecchia M, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Methodology for high-fidelity deterministic modelling of Swiss LWR fuel assemblies
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:06011 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124706011
Cozzo C, Allagbe C, Alonso JR, Ben Ouaghrem K, Cizelj L, Degueldre D, et al.
EUROSAFE: fostering the sharing of nuclear expertise
In: Vázquez-Rodriguez C, Jiménez Carrascosa A, Estevez Albuja S, Duran Vinuesa LF, eds. Book of Proceedings. European nuclear young generation forum 2021. sine loco: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum; 2021:623-626.
Cozzo C, Lind T, Bertsch J, Nichenko S, Girardin G
Quantifying the benefits of the reduced oxidation kinetics in chromium-coated cladding: a parametric study
In: Vázquez-Rodriguez C, Jiménez Carrascosa A, Estevez Albuja S, Duran Vinuesa LF, eds. Book of Proceedings. European nuclear young generation forum 2021. sine loco: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum; 2021:245-248.
Fiorina C, Shriwise P, Dufresne A, Ragusa J, Ivanov K, Valentine T, et al.
An initiative for the development and application of open-source multi-physics simulation in support of R&D and E&T in Nuclear Science and Technology
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02040 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702040
Hursin M, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Impact of various source of covariance information on integral parameters uncertainty during depletion calculations with CASMO-5
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:09005 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124709005
Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H
Monte Carlo analysis of sub-pin resolved power behaviour in modern BWR assembly designs
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:758-767. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33772
Hursin M, Pakari O, Perret G, Frajtag P, Lamirand V, Pázsit I, et al.
Validation of axial void profile measured by neutron noise techniques in crocus
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:08004 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124708004
Konarski P, Cozzo C, Khostov G, Ferroukhi H
Extension of Falcon's modelling capabilities to dry storage: development of a new model for hydrogen behavior in duplex claddings
In: TopFuel2021. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2021:(10 pp.).
Lamirand V, Rais A, Pakari O, Hursin M, Laureau A, Pohlus J, et al.
Analysis of the first COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation campaign in the CROCUS reactor for the European project CORTEX
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21010 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721010
Mager T, Fiorina C, Hursin M, Pautz A
Validation of the gen-foam model of the crocus experimental reactor
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:738-747. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33754
Mala P, Pautz A, Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A
Development of 3D pin-by-pin core solver tortin and coupling with thermal-hydraulics
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02034 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702034
Mylonakis AG, Demazière C, Vinai P, Lamirand V, Rais A, Pakari O, et al.
Core SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21006 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721006
Papadionysiou M, Seongchan K, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, et al.
Coupling of nTRACER to COBRA-TF for high-fidelity analysis of VVERs
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702008
Papadionysiou M, Kim S, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Joo HG, et al.
Validation of the high-resolution code nTRACER against VVER-1000 hot zero power measurements
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:700-709. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33678
Perret G, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Neutron emission measurements of PWR spent fuel segments and preliminary validation of depletion calculations
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:10004 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124710004
Pázsit I, Hursin M, Nylén H, Dykin V
Reconstructing the axial void velocity profile in BWRS from measurements of the in-core neutron noise
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:02013 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124702013
Scolaro A, Fiorina C, Van Uffelen P, Schubert A, Clifford I, Pautz A
Coupling methodology between TRANSURANUS and the multi-dimensional fuel performance code OFFBEAT
In: Proceedings 2021 ANS winter meeting. Vol. 125. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. American Nuclear Society; 2021:520-523. https://doi.org/10.13182/T125-36688
Szabolcs Ványi A, Hursin M, Czifrus S
Investigation of recently introduced diffusion coefficient generation methods
In: Cizelj L, Tekavčič M, eds. NENE2021 conference proceedings. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; 2021:311 (8 pp.).
Tasakos T, Ioannou G, Verma V, Alexandridis G, Dokhane A, Stafylopatis A
Deep learning-based anomaly detection in nuclear reactor cores
In: Tasakos T, Ioannou G, Verma V, Alexandridis G, Dokhane A, Stafylopatis A, eds. Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2021). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2021:2026-2037. https://doi.org/10.13182/M&C21-33681
Torres LA, Chionis D, Montalvo C, Dokhane A, García-Berrocal A
Neutron noise spectral features of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21001 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721001
Valentine T, Avramova M, Fleming M, Hursin M, Ivanov K, Petruzzi A, et al.
Overview of the OECD-NEA expert group on multi-physics experimental data, benchmarks and validation
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:06048 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124706048
Vasiliev A, Pecchia M, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H
Enhancement of validation studies for reactor dosimetry and activation predictions with the nuclear data sampling methodology
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:10021 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124710021
Verma V, Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H
Modelling and analysis of fuel assembly vibrational modes in PWRs using SIMULATE-3K
In: Margulis M, Blaise P, eds. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future. Vol. 247. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2021:21008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721008
Alcayne V, Kimura A, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Aberle O, Amaducci S, et al.
Measurement of the 244Cm and 246Cm neutron-induced cross sections at the n_TOF facility
In: García-Ramos J-E, Andrés MV, Pérez-Bernal F, Valera JA, Moro AM, eds. Basic concepts in nuclear physics: theory, experiments and applications. 2018 La Rábida international scientific meeting on nuclear physics. Vol. 225. Springer proceedings in physics. Cham: Springer; 2019:117-122. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22204-8_4
Alcayne V, Kimura A, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Martínez T, Aberle O, et al.
Measurement of the 244Cm and 246Cm neutron-induced capture cross sections at the n_TOF facility
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921103008
Babiano-Suarez V, Caballero L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
Characterization and first test of an i-TED prototype at CERN n_TOF
In: García-Ramos J-E, Andrés MV, Pérez-Bernal F, Valera JA, Moro AM, eds. Basic concepts in nuclear physics: theory, experiments and applications. 2018 La Rábida international scientific meeting on nuclear physics. Vol. 225. Springer proceedings in physics. Cham: Springer; 2019:169-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22204-8_18
Barbagallo M, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, et al.
(n,cp) reactions study at the n_TOF facility at CERN: results for the cosmological lithium problem
In: Cerutti F, Ferrari A, Kawano T, Salvat-Pujol F, Talou P, eds. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. Geneva: CERN; 2019:259-264.
Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Spatial localization of perturbation propagation in LWRs using causality and connectivity analysis
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1960-1969.
Clifford I, Cozzo C, Ferroukhi H
First assessments of the dynamic gap conductance model in TRACE
In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:4624-4636.
Cozzo C, Ngayam-Happy R, Chen J-C, Pecchia M, Girardin G
Modeling of the U3Si2/SiC fuel system behavior for a RIA scenario
In: Global/top fuel 2019. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:643-647.
Dokhane A, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Grandi G
Impact of implicit effects on uncertainties in SPERT-III Rod Ejection Accident experiments
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2019:2765-2774.
Hursin M, Pakari O, Perret G, Frajtag P, Lamirand V, Pázsit I, et al.
Measurement of the gas velocity in a water-air mixture in crocus by neutron noise technique
In: International conference on mathematics computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:(8 pp.).
Hursin M, Park J, Kim W, Siefman D, Perret G, Vasiliev A, et al.
Uncertainty quantification of LWR-proteus phase II experiments using CASMO-5
In: International conference on mathematics computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:(9 pp.).
Lamirand V, Laureau A, Rochman D, Perret G, Gruel A, Leconte P, et al.
An experimental programme optimized with uncertainty propagation: PETALE in the CROCUS reactor
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03003 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921103003
Laureau A, Lamirand V, Rochman D, Pautz A
Total Monte Carlo acceleration for the PETALE experimental programme in the CROCUS reactor
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03002 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921103002
Mala P, Pautz A, Ferroukhi H
EPR fuel cycle depletion with pin-by-pin code tortin and nodal code SIMULATE5
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1640-1649.
Massimi C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin l., Bécares V, et al.
Data for the s process from n_TOF
In: Formicola A, Junker M, Gialanella L, Imbriani G, eds. Nuclei in the cosmos XV. Vol. 219. Springer proceedings in physics. Cham: Springer; 2019:63-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13876-9_11
Mora DF, Mukin R, Costa Garrido O, Niffenegger M
Fracture mechanics analysis of a PWR under PTS using XFEM and input from TRACE
In: Materials and fabrication: advanced and additive manufacturing and material technologies. Vol. 6A. PVP - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure vessels and piping division. sine loco: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2019:PVP2019-94019 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2019-94019
Mukin R, Clifford I, Costa Garrido O, Mora DF, Niffenegger M, Niceno B, et al.
Screening analysis for pressurized thermal shock (PTS) transient scenarios
In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:2536-2549.
Niffenegger M, Garrido OC, Mora DF, Qian G, Mukin R, Sharabi M, et al.
Uncertainties in pressurized thermal shock analyses
In: Design and analysis: 4th international symposium on coke drum life cycle management. Vol. 3. PVP - American society of mechanical engineers. Pressure vessels and piping division. sine loco: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2019:PVP2019-94076 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2019-94076
Nikitin K, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
PMSYS: plant management system as a part of Swiss Simulation Platform
In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). LaGrange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:2943-2954.
Papadionysiou M, Seongchan K, Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, et al.
Assessment of nTRACER and parcs performance for VVER configurations
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:700-709.
Pecchia M, Vasiliev A, Perret G, Ferroukhi H
Benchmark Monte Carlo calculations with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 libraries for LWR criticality safety assessments
Presented at: ICNC 2019 - 11th international conference on nuclear criticality safety; September 15-20, 2019; Paris, France.
Puragliesi R, Mukin R, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Seidl M
Comparison of computational fluid dynamics and subchannel numerical solutions of fuel assemblies characterized by bowing
In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:2209-2222.
Rais A, Lamirand V, Pakari O, Laureau A, Pohlus J, Pohl C, et al.
Towards the validation of neutron noise simulators: qualification of data acquisition systems
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:2638-2647.
Scolaro A, Clifford I, Fiorina C, Pautz A
Cladding plasticity modeling with the multidimensional fuel performance code OFFBEAT
In: Global/top fuel 2019. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:47-55.
Scolaro A, Robert Y, Fiorina C, Clifford I, Pautz A
Coupling methodology for the multidimensional fuel performance code OFFBEAT and the Monte Carlo neutron transport code Serpent
In: Global/top fuel 2019. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1174-1183.
Siefman D, Hursin M, Pautz A
Data assimilation of post irradiation examination experiments to adjust fission yields
In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2019:13004 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202023913004
Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
Nuclear astrophysics at n_TOF facility, CERN
In: Cerutti F, Ferrari A, Kawano T, Salvat-Pujol F, Talou P, eds. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. Geneva: CERN; 2019:251-258.
Tassan-Got L, Colonna N, Diakaki M, Eleme Z, Manna A, Sekhar A, et al.
Fission program at n_TOF
In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ Web of Conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03006 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201921103006
Verma V, Demazière C, Vinai P, Ricciardi G, Jacqmin R
Assessment of the neutron noise induced by stationary fuel assembly vibrations in a light water reactor
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1124-1133.
Wolfertz A, Adams R, Perret G
First tests of a gamma-blind fast neutron detector prototype based on ZnS and wavelength-shifting fibers
In: Annual meeting 2019. Vol. 120. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2019:426-428.
Casanovas A, Domingo-Pardo C, Guerrero C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Calviño F, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, et al.
Measurement of the radiative capture cross section of the s-process branching points 204Tl and 171Tm at the n_TOF facility (CERN)
In: Sun Y, ed. 16th international symposium on capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics (CGS16). Vol. 178. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2018:03004 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201817803004
Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H, Girardin G, Pautz A
PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part I - simulation of stochastic phenomena with simulate-3K
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:1001-1012.
Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H, Girardin G, Pautz A
PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part II - qualitative comparison against plant data
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:1013-1024.
Cozzo C, Khvostov G
ATF developments in FALCON V1 at PSI
In: Topfuel 2018. Part 4. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2018:A0112 (9 pp.).
De Sousa Ribeiro F, Calivá F, Chionis D, Dokhane A, Mylonakis A, Demazière C, et al.
Towards a deep unified framework for nuclear reactor perturbation analysis
In: Sundaram S, ed. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI 2018). Piscataway: IEEE; 2018:120-127. https://doi.org/10.1109/SSCI.2018.8628637
Dokhane A, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H, Grandi G
Analyses of the SPERT-III RIA experiments with nuclear data uncertainty quantification using three different covariance matrix libraries
In: Proceedings of the PHYTRA4 conference. sine loco: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2018:91-102.
Dokhane A, Chionis D, Ferroukhi H
Towards systematic and continuous tracking of neutron and process noise signatures during LWR operation
In: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2018). Reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems. Red Hook: Curran Associates, Inc.; 2018:3005-3016.
Griffin PJ, Koning A, Rochman D
Importance of treating correlations in the uncertainty quantification of radiation damage metrics
In: Radiation protection and shielding division 20th topical meeting. Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2018:(10 pp.).
Hursin M, Siefman D, Perret G, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Determination of sobol sensitivity indices for correlated inputs with SHARK-X
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:(12 pp.).
Hursin M, Siefman D, Perret G, Pautz A
Representativity analysis of the LWR-PROTEUS Phase II experiments using SHARKX stochastic sampling method
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:277 (12 pp.).
Hursin M
The importance of experimental uncertainty in the BEPU Approach
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:KNA4 (12 pp.).
Jung B, Vasiliev A, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H
Optimization and sensitivity studies towards PWR structures activation characterization using the MCNP code
Presented at: 2018 student conference; April 5-7, 2018; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
Lamirand V, Perret G, Radman S, Siefman D, Frajtag P, Hursin M, et al.
Design of separated element reflector experiments in CROCUS: PETALE
In: Sparks MH, DePriest KR, Vehar DW, eds. Reactor dosimetry: 16th international symposium. West Conshohocken, USA: ASTM International; 2018:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1520/STP160820170090
Lamirand V, De Izzarra G, Krasa A, Perret G, Pakari O, Frajtag P, et al.
Intercomparison of neutron noise measurement systems in the CROCUS reactor
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:(11 pp.).
Mukin R, Rochman D, Clifford I, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Effect of nuclear data on the DNBR prediction with subchannel code COBRA-TF
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:285 (6 pp.).
Mukin R, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Niffenegger M
Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) transient scenarios analysis with TRACE
In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Thermal hydraulics and safety analyses. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-81749 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-81749
Mukin R, Seidl M, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H
Sensitivity of CTF solution to subchannel window size
In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Thermal hydraulics and safety analyses. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-82546 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-82546
Ngayam-Happy R, Cozzo C, Khvostov G, Krack M, Ferroukhi H
Fuel thermo-mechanical simulations with uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of the OECD/NEA RIA code benchmark using FALCON and URANIE
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:2018-124 (11 pp.).
Pakari O, Lamirand V, Perret G, Braun L, Frajtag P, Pautz A
Current mode neutron noise measurements in the zero power reactor CROCUS
In: Lyoussi A, Carette M, Giot M, Le Dû P, Reynard-Carette C, Schyns M, et al., eds. ANIMMA 2017 - advancements in nuclear instrumentation measurement methods and their applications. Vol. 170. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2018:04017 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201817004017
Pakari O, Lamirand V, Perret G, Godat D, Hursin M, Frajtag P, et al.
Investigation of spatial effects on neutron noise measurements in the zero power reactor CROCUS
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:(12 pp.).
Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A, Grimm P
Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology
In: PHYSOR 2018: reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems. International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Red Hook: Curran Associates, Inc.; 2018:(12 pp.).
Perret G, Rahman S, Wicaksono D
Deterministic sampling and Gaussian Process metamodel approach applied to a station black out accident model
Presented at: ANS best estimate plus uncertainty international conference (BEPU 2018); May 13-18, 2018; Lucca, Italy.
Perret G, Wicaksono D
Global sensitivity analysis and registration strategy for temperature profiles of reflood experiment simulations
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:098 (14 pp.).
Puragliesi R, Mukin R, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Seidl M
Computational fluid dynamics as a tool for deriving subchannel model parameters - The PSBT case study
In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD); nuclear education and public acceptance. Vol. 8. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-81743 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-81743
Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Janin D, Seidl M
Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis for the 244CM prediction in spent fuel characterization
Presented at: ANS best estimate plus uncertainty international conference (BEPU 2018); May 13-18, 2018; Lucca, Italy.
Scolaro A, Clifford I, Fiorina C, Pautz A
First steps towards the development of a 3D nuclear fuel behaviour solver with OpenFOAM
In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Nuclear fuel and material, reactor physics, and transport theory. Vol. 3. sine loco: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-82381 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-82381
Siefman D, Hursin M, Aufiero M, Bidaud A, Pautz A
Convergence analysis and criterion for data assimilation with sensitivities from Monte Carlo neutron transport codes
In: Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2018:(10 pp.).
Sublet J-C, Koning A, Rochman D
TENDL-2017: the making of multi-faceted technological nuclear data library
In: Radiation protection and shielding division 20th topical meeting. Illinois: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2018:(7 pp.).
Tambouratzis T, Chionis D, Dokhane A
General regression neural networks for the concurrent, timely and reliable identification of detector malfunctions and/or nuclear reactor deviations from steady-state operation
In: Sundaram S, ed. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI 2018). Piscataway: IEEE; 2018:524-531. https://doi.org/10.1109/SSCI.2018.8628700
Vasiliev A, Herrero J, Rochman D, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H, Caruso S
Criticality safety evaluations for the concept of Swiss PWR spent fuel geological repository
In: ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2018:229 (12 pp.).
Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H
On the importance of the neutron scattering angular distributions for the LWR fast neutron dosimetry
In: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2018). Reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems. Red Hook: Curran Associates, Inc.; 2018:3686-3697.
Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainty in the Modeling of Recoil Atom Energy Distributions in Silicon
P.J. Griffin, A. Koning, D. Rochman
ANS RPSD 2018, 20th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of ANS Santa Fe, NM, August 26 31, 2018
Effect of Nuclear Data on the DNBR Preduction with Subchannel code COBRA-TF
R. Mukin, D. Rochman, I. Clifford, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferrouhki
BEPU 2018: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference Lucca, Italy, May 13-18, 2018
Global Sensitivity Analysis and Registration Strategy for Temperature Profiles of Reflood Experiment Simulations
G. Perret, D. Wicaksono
BEPU 2018: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference Lucca, Italy, May 13-18, 2018
Criticality Safety Evaluations for the concept of Swiss PWR Soent Fuel Geological Repository
A. Vasiliev, J. Herrero, D. Rochman, M. Pecchia, H. Ferroukhi, S. Caruso
BEPU 2018: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference Lucca, Italy, May 13-18, 2018
The Importance of Experimental Uncertainty in the BEPU Approach
M. Hursin
BEPU 2018: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference Lucca, Italy, May 13-18, 2018
Studies Of Intra-Pin Power Distributions In Operated BWR Fuel Assemblies Using MCNP With A Cycle Check-Up Methodology
M. Pecchia, H. Ferroukhi, A. Vasiliev, P. Grimm
Physor 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018
Studies On The Effects Of Local Power Peaking On Heat Transfer Under Dryout Conditions In BWRs
I.Clifford, M. Pecchia, R. Mukin, H. Ferroukhi, A. Gorzel
Physor 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018
Towards Systematic And Continuous Tracking Of Neutron And Process Noise Signatures During Lwr Operation
A. Dokhane, D. Chionis, H. Ferroukhi
Physor 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018
On The Importance Of The Neutron Scattering Angular Distributions For The LWR Fast Neutron Dosimetry
A. Vasiliev, D. Rochman, M. Pecchia, H. Ferroukhi
Physor 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018
Optimization And Sensitivity Studies Towards PWR Structures Activation Characterization Using The MCNP Code
B. Jung, A. Vasiliev, M. Pecchia, H. Ferroukhi
Ans Student Conference 2018, University of Florida, Gainesville Fl, Usa, April 5 - 7 2018,
Cabellos O, Alvarez-Velarde F, Angelone M, Diez CJ, Dyrda J, Fiorito L, et al.
Benchmarking and validation activities within JEFF project
In: Siegler P, Mondelaers W, Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Kopecky S, et al., eds. International conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences; 2017:06004 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714606004
Chionis D, Dokhane A, Belblidia L, Pecchia M, Giardin G, Ferroukhi H, et al.
SIMULATE-3K analyses of neutron noise response to fuel assembly vibrations and thermal-hydraulics parameters fluctuations
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017). Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2017:P289 (8 pp.).
Chollet M, Cozzo C, Bertsch J, Martin M, Grolimund D, Samson V-A
New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up
Presented at: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017); September 10-14, 2017; Jeju, Korea.
Cozzo C, Bertsch J, Fave L, Rahman S, Dokhane A, Krack M, et al.
SiC cladding behavior: experiments and modelling at PSI
Presented at: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017); September 10-14, 2017; Jeju, Korea.
Curti E, Krack M, Grolimund D, Churakov SV
The chemical state of 79Se in spent nuclear fuel: Implications for the performance assessment
In: 16th international high-level radioactive waste management conference. Creating a safe and secure energy future for generations to come - driving toward long-term storage and disposal. American Nuclear Society; 2017:281-285.
Dokhane A, Grandi G, Leray O, Rochman D, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Nuclear data uncertainty decomposition for SPERT-III RIA experiments using SIMULATE-3K and SHARK-X
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017). Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2017:P236 (8 pp.).
Fischer U, Avrigeanu M, Avrigeanu V, Cabellos O, Dzysiuk N, Koning A, et al.
Nuclear data for fusion technology - the European approach
In: Siegler P, Mondelaers W, Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Kopecky S, et al., eds. International conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences; 2017:09003 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609003
Fischer U, Angelone M, Avrigeanu M, Avrigeanu V, Bachmann C, Dzysiuk N, et al.
The role of nuclear data for fusion nuclear technology
Presented at: International symposium on fusion nuclear technology; September 25-29, 2017; Kyoto, Japan.
Fleming M, Sublet J-C, Gilbert MR, Koning A, Rochman D
TALYS/TENDL verification and validation processes: Outcomes and recommendations
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:02033 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602033
Griffin P, Rochman D, Koning A
Characterization of the energy-dependent uncertainty and correlation in silicon neutron displacement damage metrics
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:02008 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602008
Herrero JJ, Rochman D, Leray O, Vasiliev A, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H, et al.
Impact of nuclear data uncertainty on safety calculations for spent nuclear fuel geological disposal
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:09028 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609028
Hursin M, Leray O, Perret G, Pautz A, Bostelmann F, Aures A, et al.
Impact of implicit effects on uncertainties and sensitivities of the Doppler coefficient of a LWR pin cell
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:09034 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609034
Leray O, Rochman D, Fleming M, Sublet J-C, Koning A, Vasiliev A, et al.
Fission yield covariances for JEFF: a Bayesian Monte Carlo method
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:09023 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609023
Mala P, Pautz A, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H
Nodal and pin-by-pin calculations comparison with codes SIMULATE-5 and DYN3D
In: International conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017). Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2017:(9 pp.).
Mukin R, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Seidl M
Thermal hydraulic analysis of PWR assembly bowing using subchannel code COBRA-TF
Presented at: 17th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH 2017); September 3-8, 2017; Xi'an, China.
Rochman D, Mala P, Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A, Seidl M, Janin D, et al.
Bowing effects on power and burn-up distributions for simplified full PWR and BWR cores
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017). Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2017:P286 (7 pp.).
Rochman D, Koning AJ, Sublet JC, Fleming M, Bauge E, Hilaire S, et al.
The TENDL library: hope, reality and future
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:02006 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602006
Siefman DJ, Hursin M, Grimm P, Pautz A
Case study of data assimilation methods with the LWR-Proteus Phase II experimental campaign
In: Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017). Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2017:(10 pp.).
Sjöstrand H, Conroy S, Helgesson P, Hernandez SA, Koning A, Pomp S, et al.
Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties for fusion power measurements
In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:02034 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602034
Sic Caldding Behaviour: Experiments And Modelling At Psi
C. Cozzo, J. Bertsch, L. Fave, S. Rahman, A. Dokhane, M. Krack, M.A. Pouchon, Y. Dai, J-C. Chen, M. Pytel
Proc. 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting (Wrfpm2017), Jeju Island, Korea, September 10-14, 2017
TRACE/S3K Code Coupling Simulations Of A BWR/4 Anticipated Transient Without Scram
Y. Aounallah
Proc. Canadian Nuclear Soeciety Meeting Niagara Falls, Canada, June 4-7, 2017
Simulations With TRACE Of A BWR/4 Steam Line Break Under Hot Standby Conditions
Y. Aounallah
Proc. Canadian Nuclear Society Meeting Niagara Falls, Canada, June 4-7, 2017
Bocharov D, Krack M, Kalinko A, Purans J, Rocca F, Ali SE, et al.
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the Sc K-edge EXAFS of scandium trifluoride
In: Grunwaldt J-D, Hagelstein M, Rothe J, eds. 16th international conference on X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS16). Vol. 712. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, Philadelphia: IOP Publishing; 2016:012009 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/712/1/012009
Bocharov D, Chollet M, Krack M, Bertsch J, Grolimund D, Martin M, et al.
Interpretation of the U L3-edge EXAFS in uranium dioxide using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations
In: 16th international conference on X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS16). Vol. 712. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, Philadelphia: IOP Publishing; 2016:12091 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/712/1/012091
Bykov V, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Solution of the BEAVRS benchmark using CASMO-5 / SIMULATE-5 code sequence
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:1960-1968.
Canepa S, Ferroukhi H, Min R, Joo HG
Comparative study of CASMO-5/simulate-5 and nTRACER for EPR core analyses
In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2016. Vol. 2. American Nuclear Society; 2016:1436-1445.
Chionis D, Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
On causality analysis of nuclear reactor noise using partial directed coherence
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:1162-1171.
Cozzo C, Epiney A, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H, Zerkak O, Khvostov G, et al.
Full core LOCA analysis for BWR/6 - methodology and first results
In: Top Fuel 2016. LWR fuels with enhanced safety and performance. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:1135-1144.
Dokhane A, Leray O, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, Grandi G
Validation of SIMULATE-3K against SPERT-III RIA experiments with quantification of nuclear data uncertainties
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:3803-3812.
Grimm P, Hursin M, Perret G, Siefman D, Ferroukhi H
CASMO-5 analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-proteus PHASE II
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:2518-2527.
Hursin M, Siefman D, Perret G, Grimm P, Pautz A
Verification of the new implementations in SHARK-X for reactivity coefficients and relative reactivity worth UQ
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:674-683.
Leray O, Fiorito L, Rochman D, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, Stankovskiy A, et al.
Comparison of fission yield perturbation methodologies on nuclide composition for a PWR UO2 fuel assembly
In: Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:1669-1680.
Li J, Rochman D, Herrero J, Ferrouki H, Vasiliev A, Pautz A
Towards analysis of the bowing effect on burnt nuclear fuel compositions using SERPENT
Presented at: American Nuclear Society 2016 student conference; March 31 - April 3, 2016; University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
Savelli R, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Extention of PSI FNF modeling methodology validation using BWR dosimetry data
Presented at: American Nuclear Society 2016 student conference; March 31 - April 3, 2016; University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
Sublet JC, Koning AJ, Rochman D, Fleming M, Gilbert M
TENDL-2015: Delivering both completeness and robustness
In: Advances in nuclear nonproliferation technology and policy conference (ANTPC 2016). Advances in nuclear nonproliferation technology and policy conference: bridging the gaps in nuclear nonproliferation, ANTPC 2016. American Nuclear Society; 2016:(4 pp.).
Simulations Of Level-Swell Experiments With TRACE
Y. Aounallah
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
System Code Validation Series Based On A Consistent Plant Nodalisation Of The Rosa/LSTF Integral Test Facility Using TRACE V5.0 Patch 4
I. Clifford, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
Modeling And Analysis Of Selected Oecd PKL3 Station-Blackout Experiments Using TRACE
R. Mukin, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
Influence Of Urans Turbulence Models On In-Vessel Flow Mixing During Cold Leg Accumulator Injection
R. Puragliesi, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
Bayesian Calibration Of Thermal-Hydraulics Model With Time-Dependent Output
D. Wicaksono, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
Evaluation Of Deterministic Sampling For Uncertainty Quantification In A Probabilistic Accident Analysis Model
S. Rahman, D.R. Karanki, D. Wicaksono, O. Zerkak, V.N. Dang
Nuthos-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016
Comparative Study Of CASMO-5/SIMULATE-5 And nTRACER For EPR Core Analyses
S. Canepa, H. Ferroukhi, R. Min, H.G. Joo
Icapp 2016, San Francisco, Ca, USA, April 17-20, 2016
Towards Analysis Of The Bowing Effect On Burnt Nuclear Fuel Compositions Using Serpent
J. Li, D. Rochman, J. Herrero, H. Ferroukhi, A. Vasiliev, A. Pautz
American Nuclear Society 2016 Student Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, March 31-April 3, 2016
Extention Of PPSI FNF Modeling Methodology Validation Using BWR Dosimetry Data
R. Savelli, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
American Nuclear Society 2016 Student Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, March 31-April 3, 2016
Brankov V, Khvostov G, Mikityuk K, Pautz A, Restani R, Abolhassani S, et al.
Modeling of axial distribution of released fission gas in KKL BWR fuel rods during base irradiation
In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 1. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:609-619.
Bykov V, Volmert B, Pautz A
Enhancement and Validation of BWR MCNP Activation Simulations for Swiss Decommissioning Planning
Presented at: 2015 American Nuclear Society Student Conference; April 9-11, 2015; College Station, TX, USA.
Canepa S, Krack M, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Scalability benchmarking methodology for hybrid parallel core calculations with the code nTRACER
In: Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:2819-2831.
Chionis D, Hofer K, Pautz A
Peak cladding temperature prediction and assessment for the Leibstadt NPP using SIMULATE-3K
In: 2015 ANS student conference. Powering tomorrow together. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2015:(6 pp.).
Chollet M, Krsjak V, Cozzo C, Bertsch J
Positron annihilation spectroscopy study of lattice defects in non-irradiated doped and un-doped fuels
In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 1. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:502-509.
Chollet M, Krack M, Kuzmin A, Bertsch J, Grolimund D, Martin M
Theoretical modelling of pristine and chromium-doped UO2
Presented at: E-MRS 2015; May 11-15, 2015; Lille, France.
Clifford I, Vasiliev A, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the fluid flow and heat transfer in the core bypass region of a PWR
In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:7806-7819.
Dokhane A, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Gajev I, Judd J, Kozlowski T
TRACE/SIMULATE-3K analysis of the NEA/OECD Oskarshamn-2 stability benchmark
In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:4757-4770.
Epiney A, Canepa S, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H
Towards a consolidated approach for the validation of plant system codes and models: case study for a BWR fast depressurisation event
In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:2157-2170.
Herrero JJ, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H, Canepa S, Vasiliev A, Caruso S
Computational scheme for burnup credit applied to long term waste disposal
In: ICNC 2015 - international conference on nuclear criticality safety. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:1783-1791.
Hursin M, Rossinelli L, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
BWR full core analysis with SERPENT/SIMULATE-3 hybrid stochastic/determinstic code sequence
In: Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:1794-1806.
Krepel J, Brankov V, Mikityuk K
Selection of initial fuel composition for the ESFR core based on the knowledge of its equilibrium closed cycle parameters
In: Track 8 - deployment and scenarios. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency; 2015:(9 pp.).
Kriventsev V, Rineiski A, Pfrang W, Perez-Martin S, Mikityuk K, Khvostov G
Benchmark on behavior of MOX fuel pin under irradiation at nominal power in sodium fast reactor
In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 2. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:550-559.
Leray O, Pecchia M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A, Perrier H
Development, verification and test application of a hybrid CASMO-5/SERPENT depletion scheme
In: Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:1781-1793.
Mala P, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Preparation of pin-by-pin nuclear libraries with superhomogenization method for nTRACER and DORT core calculations
In: Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:775-786.
Pecchia M, Herrero JJ, Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A, Canepa S, Pautz A
COMPLINK: a versatile tool for automatizing the representation of material data in MCNP models
In: ICNC 2015 - international conference on nuclear criticality safety. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:513-522.
Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Zhu T, Pecchia M, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Towards application of neutron cross-section uncertainty propagation capability in the criticality safety methodology
In: ICNC 2015 - international conference on nuclear criticality safety. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:606-615.
Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Pautz A
A methodology for global sensitivity analysis of transient code output applied to a reflood experiment model using TRACE
In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:4862-4879.
Ranking Of Uncertain Parameters For Dynamic Event Tree Analysis: A Case Study Based On A Station Blackout Scenario
S. Rahman, D.R. Karanki, A. Epiney, O. Zerkak, V.N. Dang
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nucl. Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-16, Chicago, USA, August 30 - September 4, 2015
Assessment Of OpenFOAM CFD Toolbox For Gravity Driven Mixing Flows In A Reactor Pressure Vessel
R. Puragliesi, Q. Zhou, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nucl. Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-16, Chicago, USA, August 30 - September 4, 2015
Peak Cladding Temperature Prediction And Assessment For The Leibstadt NPP Using SIMULATE-3k
D. Chionis, K. Hofer, A.Pautz
Proc. American Nucl. Societ Student Conference 2015, College Station, Tx Texas A&M University, April 9-11, 2015
Betschart T, Suckow D, Brankov V, Prasser HM
The hydrodynamics of two-phase flow in a tube bundle and a bare channel
In: Vol. 2. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP 2014). American Nuclear Society; 2014:1403-1411.
Dokhane A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Analysis of the OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 feedwater transient and stability benchmark with simulate-3K
In: Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). PHYSOR 2014 – the role of reactor physics toward a sustainable future. ; 2014:1101708 (14 pp.).
Dupré A, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Validation enhancements of the PSI Fast Neutron Fluence computational scheme using operational PWR experimental data
Presented at: American Nuclear Society 2014 student conference; April 3-6, 2014; Pennsylvania.
Grimm P, Perret G, Ferroukhi H
CASMO-4E AND CASMO-5 analysis of the isotopic compositions of the LWR-PROTEUS phase II burnt PWR UO2 fuel samples
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Hursin M, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Neutronic Data Generation for BWR Models, Comparison OF SERPENT and CASMO-5
Presented at: ANS student conference 2014; April 3-6, 2014; University Park, PA, USA.
Hursin M, Scriven M, Perret G, Grimm P, Pautz A
Pinpower uncertainty quantification of LWR-PROTEUS phase III experiments
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Leray O, Grimm P, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Quantification of code, library and cross-section uncertainty effects on the void reactivity coefficient of a BWR UO2 assembly
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Leray O, Pecchia M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Reactivity benchmark Analysis and Code Reactivity Prediction for a PWR Fuel Assembly
Presented at: ANS student conference 2014; April 3-6, 2014; University Park, PA, USA.
Leray O, Grimm P, Hursin M, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Uncertainty quantification of spent fuel nuclide compositions due to cross sections, decay constants and fission yields
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Mala P, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Effects of advanced radial submeshing methods on pin power reconstruction for an EPR core design
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Ngayam-Happy RA, Krack M
Radiation damage characterization in non-stoichiometric uranium dioxide by molecular dynamics simulations
In: Caruge D, Calvin C, Diop CM, Malvagi F, Trama J-C, eds. SNA and MC 2013 - joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications and monte carlo. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2014:01301 (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/snamc/201401301
Pecchia M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Updated validation of the PSI criticality safety evaluation methodology using MCNPX2.7 and ENDF/B-VII.1
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Vasiliev A, Wieselquist W, Ferroukhi H, Canepa S, Heldt J, Ledergerber G
Validation studies of computational scheme for high-fidelity fluence estimations of the Swiss BWRs
In: Vol. 4. Progress in nuclear science and technology. Tokyo: Atomic Energy Society of Japan; 2014:99-103. https://doi.org/10.15669/pnst.4.99
Wicaksono D, Grimm P, Vasiliev A, Hursin M, Perret G, Ferroukhi H
Validation of two Monte Carlo codes for LWR burnup calculations
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Yun Y, Leray O, Ferroukhi H
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of OECD/NEA UAM fuel thermal behaviour benchmark using a Falcon/URANIE methodology
Presented at: International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014); September 28-October 3, 2014; Kyoto, Japan.
Assessment Of Trace Against Single-Tube Post-Dryout Heat Transfer Experiments
Y. Aounallah
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Post-Test Analysis Of OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Test 4 Using TRACE
I. Clifford, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Uncertainty And Sensitivity Analysis Of COBRA-TF For The Simulation Of Selected OECD/NRC BFBT Void Experiments
A. Epiney, O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Assessment Of CFD Urans Models For Buoyancy Driven Mixing Flows Based On Rocom Experiments
R. Puragliesi, O. Zerkak And A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Treatment Of Epistemic And Aleatory Uncertainties In Det Simulations: Computational Framework With ADS-TRACE
S. Rahman, D.R. Karanki, O. Zerkak, V.N. Dang
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Exploring Variability In Reflood Simulation Results: An Application Of Functional Data Analysis
D. Wicaksono,O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Sensitivity Analysis Of A Bottom Reflood Simulation Using The Morris Screening Method
D. Wicaksono,O. Zerkak, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics Nuthos-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14 - 18, 2014
Uncertainty And Sensitivity Study Of Fuel Thermal Behaviour Within OECD/NEA UAM Uam Programme
Y. Yun, C. Cozzo, O. Leray, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. Reactor Physics, Physor2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
NUSS-RF: Stochastic Sampling-Based Tool For Nuclear Data Sensitivity And Uncertainty Quantification
T. Zhu, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Reactor Physics, Physor2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
Stochastic Sampling-Based Tool For Nuclear Data Sensitivity Uncertainty Quantification
T. Zhu, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Youth. Nucl. Congress Iync2014, Burgos, Spain, July 6-12, 2014
New PSI Methodology For Manufacturing And Technological Uncertainty Quantification
M. Pecchia, A. Vasiliev, O. Leray, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Int. Conf. Reactor Physics, Physor2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
Analysis Of Axial Fuel Relocation Based On Gamma Scan Data From OECD Halden Reactor Project LOCA Tests
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A.Pautz
Proc. Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting Wrfpm2014, Sendai, Japan, September 14-17, 2014
Fuel Relocation In IFA-650 LOCA Tests Based On Gamma Scan Data
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A.Pautz
Proc. Enlarged Halden Project Group Meeting, Roeso, Norway, September 7-12, 2014
Hursin M, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Comparison of SERPENT and CASMO-5M for pressurized water reactors models
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2013). Vol. 3. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2013:1565-1576. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700377/.
Khvostov G, Pautz A, Kolstad E, Ledergerber G
Analysis of a Halden LOCA test with the BWR high burnup fuel
In: LWR fuel performance meeting. TopFuel 2013. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2013:644-651.
Nikitin K, Gudmundsson T, Canepa S, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
Post-analysis of a turbine trip test at a BWR/6 using the TRACE/S3K coupled code
Presented at: 15th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics, NURETH-15; May 12-17, 2013; Pisa, Italy.
Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Nikitin K, Ferroukhi H, Chawla R
Application of power time-projection on the operator-splitting coupling scheme of the trace/S3K coupled code
In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2013). Vol. 3. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2013:1748-1760. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700377/.
Investigation Of The Influence Of Off-Stoichiometry On The Radiation Damage Evolution In Uranium Dioxide
R. Ngayam-Happy, M. Krack
Proc. European Material Research Socitey Meeting E-Mrs 2013, Strasbourg, France, May 27-31, 2013
Thermal-Hydraulic System Code Performance For SBLOCA Phenomonelogy Using Different Geometries And Scales
J. Freixa, S. Belaid, O. Zerkak
Proc. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-17, 2013
Implementation And Validation Of A Condensation Heat Transfer Model For Slightly Inclined Horizontal Pipes For RELAP5
R. Szijarto, J. Freixa, H.M. Prasser
Proc. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-17, 2013
Simulation Of International Standard Problem ISP-42 Phase B Using In-House Coupled Code GOTHIC-TRACE
C. Adamsson, D. Papini, O. Zerkak And H.M. Prasser
Proc. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-17, 2013
Simulation Of International Standard Problem ISP-42 Phase B Using The Containment Code GOTHIC
D. Papini, C. Adamsson, M. Andreani And H.M. Prasser
Proc. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Nureth-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-17, 2013
On BWR Regional Oscillations With Rotational Symmetry Line Using SIMULATE-3k
A. Dokhane, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Mathematics And Computations M&C 2013, Sun Valley, Usa, May 5-9, 2013
Application Of Power Time-Projection On The Operator Splitting Coupling Scheme Of The TRACE/S3K Coupled Code
D. Wicaksono, O. Zerkak, K. Nikitin, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Mathematics And Computations M&C 2013, Sun Valley, Usa, May 5-9, 2013
Preparation Of Nuclear Libraries With Deterministic And Stochastic Methods For LWR Reflectors
S. Canepa, M. Hursin, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Mathematics And Computations M&C 2013, Sun Valley, Usa, May 5-9, 2013
Convergence Studies Of Deterministic Methods For LWR Explicit Reflector Methodology
S. Canepa, M. Hursin, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Mathematics And Computations M&C 2013, Sun Valley, Usa, May 5-9, 2013
Comparison Of U.S NRC PARCS Against Studsvik SIMULATE-3 Core Simulator For Modeling And Analysis Of Swiss PWRs
S. Bogetic, M. Hursin, A. Dokhane, H. Ferroukhi, S. Canepa, A. Pautz
Proc. America Nuclear Society 2013 Student Conference, Mit, Boston, April 4-6, 2013
Study Of Nuclear Decay Data Contribution To Uncertainties In Heat Load Estimations For Spent Fuel Pools
H. Ferroukhi, O. Leray, M. Hursin, A. Vasiliev, G. Perret, A. Pautz
Proc. Nuclear Data Conference Nd2013, New York City, Usa, March 4-8, 2013
Nuclear Data Library E Ects On Fast To Thermal Flux Shapes Around PWR Control Rod Tips
A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, T. Zhu, A. Pautz
Proc. Nuclear Data Conference Nd2013, New York City, Usa, March 4-8, 2013
Application Of The PSI-NUSS Tool For The Estimation Of Nuclear Data Related K-Eff Uncertainties For The OECD/NEA WPNCS UACSA Phase I Benchmark
T. Zhu, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, A. Pautz
Proc. Nuclear Data Conference Nd2013, New York City, Usa, March 4-8, 2013
Comparison Of Two Approaches For Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation In MCNP(X) For Selected Fast Spectrum Critical Benchmarks
T. Zhu, D. Rochman, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, W. Wieselquist, A. Pautz
Proc. Nuclear Data Conference Nd2013, New York City, Usa, March 4-8, 2013
Multi-Scale Approach To Advanced Fuel Modelling For Enhanced Safety
F. Ribeiro, G. Khvostov
Proc. Eurosafe Meeting, Cologne, Germany, November 4-5, 2013
Deposition Of Inertial Drops In Eulerian Formulation
D. Caraghiaur, C. Adamsson, H. Anglart
Proc. Nureth-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-17, 2013
Dokhane A, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H
Transition to CASMO-5M and SIMULATE-3K for Stability Analyses of the Swiss BWRs
Presented at: PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics - linking research, industry, and education.
Ferroukhi H, Vasiliev A, Dufresne A, Chawla R
Towards a reference numerical scheme using MCNPX for PWR control rod tip fluence estimations
In: PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics. Vol. 1. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2012:401-417. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700371/.
Grimm P, Perret G
Experimental validation of CASMO-4E and CASMO-5M for radial fission rate distributions in a westinghouse SVEA-96 Optima2 BWR fuel assembly
In: PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics. Vol. 4. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2012:3410-3421. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700371/.
Grimm P, Vasiliev A, Wieselquist W, Ferroukhi H, Ledergerber G
Reactor physics studies for assessment of tramp uranium methods
In: Advances in reactor physics. Vol. 2. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2012:1522-1535.
Krack M
Atomistic simulation of nuclear fuels
In: Vol. 1383. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. ; 2012:19-25. https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2012.520
Wieselquist W, Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H
Nuclear data uncertainty propagation in a lattice physics code using stochastic sampling
In: PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics. Vol. 4. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2012:3000-3015. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700371/.
Zhu T, Vasiliev A, Wieselquist W, Ferroukhi H
Stochastic sampling method with MCNPX for nuclear data uncertainty propagation in criticality safety applications
In: PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics. Vol. 1. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2012:144-157. https://www.ans.org/store/item-700371/.
Simulation Of International Standard Problem ISP-42, Phases A And B With The TRACE Code
C. Adamsson, D. Papini, O.Zerkak, H.M. Prasser
Proc. Int. Top.Mtg. Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operatio And Safety, Nuthos-9, Kaohsiung, China, September 9-13, 2012
Study Of Condensation Heat Transfer In Passive Safety Systems Using GOTHIC And TRACE Codes
D. Papini, C. Adamsson, M. Andreani, H.M. Prasser
Proc. Int. Top.Mtg. Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operatio And Safety, Nuthos-9, Kaohsiung, China, September 9-13, 2012
Simulation Of Complex Transient Flow Patterns In The ESBWR Passive Containment Cooling System
C. Adamsson, D. Papini, O.Zerkak, H.M. Prasser
Proc. Int. Top.Mtg. Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operatio And Safety, Nuthos-9, Kaohsiung, China, September 9-13, 2012
Performance Of Heat Transfer Models Of Thermal-Hydraulic System Codes At The Invert Edwards Pipe Experiment
R. Szijarto, J. Freixa, H.M. Prasser
Proc. Int. Top.Mtg. Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operatio And Safety, Nuthos-9, Kaohsiung, China, September 9-13, 2012
Validation Studies Of Computational Scheme For High-Fidelity Fluence Estimations Of The Swiss BWRs
A. Vasiliev, W. Wieselquist, H. Ferroukhi, S. Canepa, J. Heldt, G. Ledergerber
Proc. Int. Conf. On Radiation Protection And Shielding, Rpsd/Icrs-12, Nara, Japan, September 2-7, 2012
Evaluation Of The Fuel Rod Behaviour In A BWR Spent Fuel Pool Under Boil-Off Conditions
H. Ferroukhi, G. Khvostov, O. Zerkak, A. Vasiliev, M.A. Zimmermann
Proc. Int. Workshop On Nuclear Safety And Severe Accidents, Nussa, Peking, China, September 7-8, 2012
Validation Of Kenorest With LWR-Proteus Phase Ii Samples
M. Wagner, R. Kilger, A. Pautz, W. Zwermann, P.Grimm, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, May 22-24, 2012, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012
The Impact Of Dynamics On The MLOCA Accident Model - An Application Of Dynamic Event Trees
D.R. Karanki, V.N. Dang, T-W. Kim
Proc. 11th In. Probabilistic Safety Assesment / Annual European Safety And Reliability Conference (Psam11/Esrel2012)
Khvostov G, Wiesenack W, Oberländer BC, Kolstad E, Ledergerber G, Zimmermann MA
Post-test analysis of the Halden LOCA experiment IFA-650.7 using the Falcon code
In: Proceedings of the enlarged Halden project group meeting, EHPG 2011. Halden, Norway: sine nomine; 2011:F2.2 (10 pp.).
Khvostov G, Kolstad E, Ledergerber G, Zimmermann MA, Wiesenack W, Brémond O, et al.
Pre-calculation using the Falcon fuel behaviour code of the fuel rod design parameters and the test-conditions for a two-run Halden LOCA test with KKL BWR high-burnup fuel
In: Enlarged Halden programme group meeting. Proceedings of the fuel & materials sessions. Vol. HPR-374. Halden, Norway: Institutt for Energiteknikk; 2011:F2.7 (21 pp.).
Khvostov G, Zimmermann MA, Lyon W, Pytel M
Towards advanced modeling of MPS-assisted cladding failure during power ramps using the FALCON code
Presented at: 2011 Water reactor fuel performance meeting/LWR/Top fuel; September 11-14, 2011; Chengdu, China.
Yun Y, Khvostov G, Freixa J, Zimmermann MA
Analysis of fuel rod behaviour in a EPRTM during the base irradiation and LOCA-transient utilizing the FALCON code
In: Proceedings of the 2010 LWR fuel performance/top fuel/WRFPM. sine loco: American Nuclear Society; 2011:345-353.
OECD/NEA Main Steam Line Break PWR Benchmark Simulation By TRACE/S3K Coupled Code
K. Nikitin, A. Manera, H. Ferroukhi, J. Judd, G.M. Grandi
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Post-Test Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Of Two Intermediate LOCA Tests At The ROSA Facility Including Uncertainty Evaluation
J. Freixa, T-W. Kim, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Testing Of The Quicktest-Ultimate Algorithm To Solve The Dissolved Convection Equation During A Boron Dilution Test At The PKL Facility
J. Freixa, T-W. Kim, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Validation Of Star-CCM+ For Bouyancy Driven Mixing In A PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel
V. Petrov, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Analysis Of The Performance Of The Kerena Emergency Condenser
A. Manera, H.M. Prasser, S. Leyer
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Prediction Of Void Fraction In A Subchannel And Bundle Geometry With FLICA4 And TRACE
T-W. Kim, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Revisiting Temporal Accuracy In Neutronics/T-H Code Coupling Using The NURESIM LWR Simulation Platform
O. Zerkak, I. Gajev, A. Manera, T. Kozlowski, A. Gommlich, S. Zimmer, S. Kliem, N. Crouzet, M.A. Zimmermann
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Assessment Of MCNPX/CINDER For Burnup Calculations
E. Kolbe, P. Grimm, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Criticality Icnc 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 19-22, 2011
Criticality Safety Evaluation Of A Swiss Wet Storage Pool Including Limited Buc And Uncertainty Analysis
E. Kolbe, P. Grimm, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Criticality Icnc 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 19-22, 2011
Development And Test Validation Of A Computational Scheme For High-Fidelity Fluence Estimations Of The Swiss BWRs
A. Vasiliev, W. Wieselquist, H. Ferroukhi, S. Canepa
Proc. Int. Conf. On Mathematics And Computational Methods Applied To Nucl. Science And Engineering,(M&C2011), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011
A Trend Analysis Methodology For Enhanced Validation Of 3-D LWR Core Simulations
W. Wieselquist, H. Ferroukhi, K. Bernatowicz
Proc. Int. Conf. On Mathematics And Computational Methods Applied To Nucl. Science And Engineering,(M&C2011), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011
Towards An Uncertainty Quantification Methodology With CASMO-5
W. Wieselquist, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. On Mathematics And Computational Methods Applied To Nucl. Science And Engineering,(M&C2011), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011
Development And Validation Of A Coupled CFD/System-Code Tool
D. Bertolotto, A. Manera, R. Chawla
Proc. Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp2011), Nice, France, May 2-5, 2011
Presentation Of The Multi-Physics Subproject Of The NURISP European Project
J. Jimenez,M.A. Zimmermann, O. Zerkak ,Ph. Emonot
Proc. Annual Meeting of The Spanish Nuclear Society 2011
VIPRE-W/MEFISTO-T - A Mechanistic Toll For Transient Predictions Of Dryout In BWRFuel
C. Adamsson, J-M. Le Corre,
Proc. Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Transient Void, Pressure Drop And Critical Power BFBT Benchmark Analysis And Results With VIPRE-W/MEFISTO-T
J-M. Le Corre, C. Adamsson, P. Alvarez
Proc. Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
On A Best-Estimate Approach To Calculation Of Dryout Probability During BWR Transients
C. Adamsson, J-M. Le Corre,
Proc. Nureth-14, Toronto, Canada, September 25-30, 2011
Discted Dynamic Event Tree Analysis Of MLOCA Using ADS-TRACE
D.R. Karanki, V.N. Dang, T-W. Kim
Proc. Top. Meetg. On Probabilistic Safety Assessment And Analysis, Ans Psa2011, Wilimington, Us, March 13-17, 2011
Yun Y, Khvostov G, Freixa J, Zimmermann MA
Analysis of fuel rod behaviour in a EPRTM during the base irradiation and LOCA-transient utilizing the FALCON code
In: Proceedings of the 2010 LWR fuel performance/top fuel/WRFPM. sine loco: American Nuclear Society; 2011:345-353.
Khvostov G, Zimmermann MA, Ledergerber G
Parametric study of fuel rod behaviour during the RIA using the modified FALCON code
In: Nuclear fuel behaviour during reactivity initiated accidents. Workshop proceedings. sine loco: OECD; 2010:247-258.
Quantitative Analysis Of Effect Of Power Uprate On Core Damage Frequency Of MBLOCA
T.W. Kim, V.N. Dang, M.A. Zimmermann, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Mtg. On Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation And Safety Nuthos-8, Shanghai, China, October 10-14, 2010
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Of An Intermediate LOCA Test At The Rosa Facility Including Uncertainty Evaluation
J. Freixa, T-W. Kim, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Mtg. On Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation And Safety Nuthos-8, Shanghai, China, October 10-14, 2010
Development And Validation Of A CFD Model For The EPR Pressure Vessel
V. Petrov, A. Manera
Proc. Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'10), San Diego, California, Usa, June 13-17, 2010
Set-Up Of A Validation Strategy For The Coupled Code CFX/TRACE In The Floris Facility With The Aid Of CFD Simulations
D. Bertolloto,
Proc. Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'10), San Diego, California, Usa, June 13-17, 2010
Coupled 3-D Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulic Core Analysis Of A BWR Nuclear Heating Transient
H. Ferroukhi, K. Hofer
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
Peach Bottom 2 Turbine Trip 2 Simulation By TRACE/S3K Coupled Code
K. Nikitin, J. Judd, G.M. Grandi, A. Manera, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
Verification Of PWR In- And Ex- Vessel Neutron Fluence Calculations With MCNPX, Based On The H.B. Robinson-2 Dosimetry Benchmark
A. Vasiliev, R. Pittarello, H. Ferroukhi, E. Kolbe
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
Assessment Of The Jeff-3.1.1 Neutron Data Library For CSE Of LWR Fuel Storage Pools
E. Kolbe, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Data For Science And Technology, Nd2010, Jeju Island, Korea, 26-30 April, 2010
Comparison Of Neutron Data Libraries For The Analysis Of The H.B.Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark With The MCNPX Code
A. Vasiliev, R. Pittarello, E. Kolbe, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Data For Science And Technology, Nd2010, Jeju Island, Korea, 26-30 April, 2010
Some Insights Into The Role Of Axial Gas Flow In Fuel Rod Behaviour During The LOCA Based On HRP Experiments And Results Of Calculation By FALCON Coupled With The FRELAX Model
G. Khvostov, M.A. Zimmermann, W. Wiesenack, G. Ledergerber
Proc. Enlarged Halden Group Meeting, Norway, 14-19 March 2010
Core-Shell Vs Rigid-Ion Model For The Study Of Point Defects In UO2
F. Devynck, M. Krack
Proc. Nuclear Materials 2010 Conference (Numath2010), Zkm, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 4-7, 2010
Benchmarking Of Transient Codes Against Cycle 19 Measurements At Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant (KKL)
C. Aguirre, S. Opel, H. Ferroukhi, G. Grandi, L. Belblidia, M. Thunman, C. Rotander,B-G. Bergdahl, S. Baumgartner, G. Ledergerber
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
OECD/NEA Expert Group On Uncertainty Analysis For Criticality Safety Assessment: Current Activities
T. Ivanova, F. Fernex, E. Kolbe, A. Vasiliev, G-S. Lee, S-W. Woo, D. Mennerdahl, Y. Nagaya, J-C. Neuber, A. Hoefer, B. Rearden, D. Mueller, Y. Rugama
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
A Low-Order Quasidiffusion Discretization Via Linear-Continuous Finite-Elements On Unstructure Triangular Meshes
W. Wieselquist
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Reactor Physics To Power The Nuclear Renaissance, Physor 2010 Pittsburgh, Usa, May 9-14, 2010
Khvostov G
A dynamic model for fission gas release and gaseous swelling integrated into the FALCON fuel analysis and licensing code
In: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2009: WRFPM top fuel 2009. Vol. 1. Paris: Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN); 2009:192-202.
TRACE And RELAP5 Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis On Boron Dilution Tests At The PKL Facility
J. Freixa, A. Manera
Proc. 13th Int. **Topical. Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Nureth-13, Kanazawa, Japan September 27-October 2, 2009
Effect Of Power Uprate On Exceedance Frequency During MBLOCA With Minimum Specifications For Success
T-W. Kim, A. Manera, M.A. Zimmermann, V.N. Dang
Proc. 13th Int. **Topical. Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Nureth-13, Kanazawa, Japan September 27-October 2, 2009
Assessment Of S(Alpha,Beta) Libraries For Criticality Safety Evaluations Of Wet Storage Pools By Refined Trend Analyses
E. Kolbe, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Nuclear Criticality Safety Division **Topical Meeting Ncsd 2009, Richland, Washington, Us, September 13-17, 2009
A Dynamic Model For Fission Gas Release And Gaseous Swelling Integrated Into The FALCON Fuel Analysis And Licensing Code
G. Khvostov
Proc. **Top Fuel 2009, Paris, France, September 6-10, 2009
Towards Quantification Of Plant Safety Margins - A Status Report
M.A. Zimmermann, T-W. Kim, S. Laroche, A. Ui, S. Ebata, J-J. Jeong, H-G. Lim, S-H. Ahn, M. Gavrilas, J. Hortal
Proc. 13th Int. Topical. Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Nureth-13, Kanazawa, Japan , September 27-October 2, 2009
Insights Into Fuel Rod Performance Codes During Ramps: Results Of A Code Benchmark Based On The Scip Project
L.E. Herranz, I. Vallejo, G. Khvostov, J. Sercombe, G. Zhou
Proc. of Top Fuel 2009, Paris, France, September 2009
A Quasidiffusion Method For Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes In 2d XY Geometry
W.A. Wieselquist, D. Y. Anistratov
Proc. Int. Conf. On Mathematics, Computational Methods And Reactor Physics (Mc2009), Saratoga Springs, New York, May 3-7, 2009
Khvostov G, Zimmermann MA, Stoenescu R, Ledergerber G
Definition of optimal parameters of fuel rod design and test conditions for the high temperature LOCA experiment IFA-650.7 using the FALCON fuel behaviour code
In: Proceedings of the fuels & materials sessions. Vol. HPR-369. Sine loco: Institutt for energiteknikk; 2008:(20 pp.).
Khvostov G, Zimmermann MA, Sugiyama T, Fuketa T
On the use of the FALCON code for modeling the behaviour of high burn-up BWR fuel during the LS-1 pulse-irradiation test
In: Nuclear power: a sustainable resource: PHYSOR'08, International conference on the physics of reactors, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland ; proceedings. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut PSI; 2008:1-8.
Khvostov G, Zimmermann MA, Ledergerber G, Kolstad E, Montgomery RO
Parametric study of the behaviour of a pre-irradiated BWR fuel rod under conditions of LOCA simulated in the Halden in-pile test system with the FALCON code
In: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2008. Daejeon, Korea; Tokyo, Japan: Korean Nuclear Society (KNS); Atomic Energy Society of Japan; 2008:8099 (10 pp.).
Kolbe E, Vasiliev A, Zimmermann MA
Validation of standard neutron data libraries for LWR storage pools and transport casks criticality safety evaluations
In: ND 2007 - international conference on nuclear data for science and technology 2007. Les Ulis Cedex A, France: EDP Sciences; 2008:799-802. https://doi.org/10.1051/ndata:07441
Vasiliev A, Ferroukhi H, Zimmermann MA, Kolbe E
On the observation of discrepancies in the 16O(n,α) data between different evaluated nuclear data files
In: ND 2007 - international conference on nuclear data for science and technology 2007. Les Ulis Cedex A, France: EDP Sciences; 2008:965-968. https://doi.org/10.1051/ndata:07445
Single-Phase Mixing Studies By Means Of A Directly Coupled CFD/System-Code Tool
D. Bertolotto , A. Manera, B.L. Smith, H.M. Prasser, R. Chawla
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland (Cd-Rom,Fp412)
CFD Simulations Of A Single-Phase Mixing Experiment
D. Bertolotto , A. Manera, B.L. Smith, H.M. Prasser, R. Chawla
Proc.Int.Youth. Nuclear Congress Iync 2008 September 20-26, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Estimation Of The Fast Neutron Fluence At Control Rod Tips Using A 3-D Diffusion/2-D Transport Calculation Scheme
H. Ferroukhi H., J-M. Hollard, M.A. Zimmermann, R. Chawla
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Core Modelling And Analysis Of The Swiss Nuclear Power Plants For Qualified R&D Applications
H. Ferroukhi , K. Hofer, J-M. Hollard, A. Vasiliev, M.A. Zimmermann
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Comparative Study Of CORETRAN And SIMULATE-3k For Main Steam Line Break Analyses
H. Ferroukhi , O. Zerkak, R. Chawla
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
On The Use Of Importance Factors From Monte Carlo Calculations For Efficient Fast Neutron Fluence Prediction
A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, E. Kolbe, M.A. Zimmermann
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Propagation Of Void Fraction Uncertainty Measures In The RETRAN-3d Simulation Of The Peach Bottom Turbine Trip
P. Vinai, R. Macian-Juan, R. Chawla
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland (Fp607)
Effects Of The Core Inlet Mixing Modelling On A Main Steam Line Break Analysis At Hot Full Power
O. Zerkak, H. Ferroukhi
Proc.Int.Conf.On The Physics of Reactors, Physor'08, September 14-19, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Effect Of Longitudinal Pitch On The Heat Transfer Characteristics Of Aligned Tube Banks In Crossflow
T-W. Kim
Proc. Nuthos-7, 5-9 October 2008, Seoul, Korea
Code-To-Code Comparison For Blowdown Transients At Supercritical Conditions
A. Manera, O. Antoni
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2008, 27-29 May 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Khvostov G, Romano A, Zimmermann MA
Modeling the effects of axial fuel relocation in the IFA-650.4 LOCA test
Presented at: Enlarged Halden programme group meeting 2007; March 11-16, 2007; Storefjell, Norway.
Assessment Of The Capability Of The TRACE Code To Model Propagation Of Linear Acoustic Pressure Waves In One-Dimensional Flow
W. Barten, A. Manera, Juan. Macian,
Nureth-12, 30 September- 4 October 2007, Pittsburgh, Usa
PWR Cell Calculations Using Apollo-2 Within The Nuresim Benchmark Framework
H. Ferroukhi, J. Hollard, Zerkak. M, Coddington. O,
Trans.American.Nuclear.Society, Vol. 97, Pp 703-704 (2007)
Assessment Of The Chf Models In TRACE Code Against Rod Bundle Experimental Data
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian,
Icone-15, 22-26 April 2007, Nagoya, Japan
Simulation Of Rosa-V Test 6.2 Using TRACE V.4.274 Code
A. Jasiulevicius, O. Zerkak, Juan. Macian,
Icone-15, 22-26 April 2007, Nagoya, Japan
Assessment Of TRACE Film Condensation Models With And Without Non-Condensable Gases
A. Manera, Juan. Macian,
Nureth-12, 30 September - 4 October 2007, Pittsburgh, Usa
Lwr Multi-Physics Developments And Applications Within The Framework Of The Nuresim Europen Project
O. Zerkak, P. Coddington, N. Crouzet, E. Rover, J. Jimenez, D. Cuervo
Proc. Int. Top.Meetg. On Mathematics &Computation And Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications, M&C+Sna 2007, 15-19 April 2007, Monterey, Usa
Stability Effect Of The Lateral Lift Force In Homogeneous Bubbly Flow
D. Lucas, E. Krepper, H. Prasser, Manera. M,
Proc. Icmf2007, 9-13 July 2007, Leipzig, Germany
Comparison Between Wire-Mesh Sensor And Conductive Needle-Probes For Measurement Of Interfacial Area Densities
A. Manera, S. Paranjape, B. Ozar, M. Ishii, Hm. Prasser
Proc. Icone-15, 22-26 April 2007, Nagoya, Japan
Investigations On Mixing Phenomena In Single-Phase Flows In A T-Junction Geometry
R. Zboray, A. Manera, B. Niceno, Hm. Prasser
Proc. Nureth-12, 30 September - 4 October 2007, Pittsburgh, Usa, Cd-Rom
Plaschy M, Destouches C, Chawla R, Beretz D, Mellier F, Servière H, et al.
Determination of adjusted neutron spectra in different MUSE configurations by unfolding techniques
In: Vehar DW, Gilliam DG, Adams JM, eds. Reactor dosimetry. 12th international symposium. Vol. 1490. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International; 2006:55-65. https://doi.org/10.1520/STP45426S
Simulations Of The Halden IFA-650.3/.4 High Burnup LOCA Test With TRACE And FALCON: A Preliminary Study On Axial Relocation
Y. Aounallah, G. Khvostov, A. Romano, H. Wallin, M. Zimmermann, Kolstad. A, Ek. E, Kekkonen. M,
Int. Meeting On Lwr Fuel Performance (**Topfuel 2006), 22-26 October 2006, Salamanca, Spain
Analysis Of Umsicht Water Hammer Benchmark Tests: Results From PSI Using TRACE And RELAP5 Codes
W. Barten, A. Jasiulevicius, O. Zerkak, Juan. Macian,
7th Int. Conference On Hydroinformatics (Hic 2006), 4-8 September 2006, Nice, France, Vol. Ii, 1227-1234, 2006
Investigation Of Heat Transfer Mechanismus Under Shutdown Plant Conditions With TRACE v4. 160
A. Jasiulevicius, O. Zerkak, Juan. Macian,
Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, Usa, 1820-1828, 2006
Impact Of Different Correlation On TRACE v4.160 Predicted Critical Heat Flux
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian,
Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, Usa, 1820-1828, 2006
Predictions Of Critical Heat Flux In Annular Pipes With TRACE v4.160 Code
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian,
14th Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering (Icone14),17-20 July 2006, Miami, Usa, 2006
Steady-State Film Boiling Heat Transfer Simulated With TRACE v4.160
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian,
14th Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering (Icone14),17-20 July 2006, Miami, Usa, 2006
Assessment Of Standard Point-Wise Neutron Data Libraries For Criticality Safety Analysis With A Monte Carlo Code
E. Kolbe, A. Vasiliev, M. Zimmermann,
Proc. Physor-2006, 10-14 September 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 2006
CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX Analysis Of A Reactor Pressure Vessel Scraping Test
A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, M. Zimmermann,
Proc. Physor-2006, 10-14 September 2006, Vancouver, Canada, 2006
A Methodology For The Quantification Of Uncertainty In Best Estimate Code Physical Models
P. Vinai, Juan. Macian, Chawla. R,
Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, Usa, 1087-1098, 2006
Mechanical Modeling Of Pressure Tube Tests Using The FEAT Code
W. Barten, A. Hermann, H. Wallin
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2005, 10-12 May 2005, Nuremberg, Germany, 2005
Assessment Of A BWR Analytical Reduced Order Model Against The System Code RAMONA: Applicability And Limitations
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, Uddin. Rizwan, R. Chawla
Proc. 13th Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering (Icone13), 16-20 May 2005, Beijing, China, 2005
A Reactor Noise Analysis Methodology For BWR Core Stability Evaluation: Application And Assessment To Leibstadt Stability Tests
A. Dokhane, H. Ferroukhi, M. Zimmermann, Aguirre. A,
Int. **Topical Meeting On Mathematics And Computation (M&C 2005), 12-15 September 2005, Avignon, France, 2005
Evaluation Of The PWR REA Pulse Width For Realistic Uo2/MOX Cores
H. Ferroukhi, M. Zimmermann,
Int. **Topical Meeting On Mathematics And Computation (M&C 2005), 12-15 September 2005, Avignon, France, 2005
Assessment Of TRACE Code Against CHF Experiments
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian, Coddington. R, Sanchez. P,
Proc. 11th Int. **Topical Meeting On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (Nureth-11), 2-6 October 2005, Avignon, France, 2005
Loss Of Residual Heat Removal System: Simulation By TRACEv4.00 Simulation Of A PKL Experiment
A. Jasiulevicius, O. Zerkak, Juan. Macian,
Trans.Am.Nuc.Soc., Volume 92, Pp 442-443, June 2005
CHF Experiments In Single Tubes TRACEv4.050 Code Validation
A. Jasiulevicius, Juan. Macian,
Trans.Am.Nuc.Soc., Volume 92, Pp 430-432, June 2005
Effect Of The Power Pulse Shape On The Fuel Thermal-Mechanical Response To RIAs: A Study Using FALCON And SCANAIR
A. Romano, M. Zimmermann,
Proc. Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting, Wrfpm05, 2-6 October 2005, Kyoto, Japan, 2005
Analysis Of MCNPX/JEF-2.2 And JENDL-3.3 Results For A Suite Of The Low-Enriched Thermal Compound Uranium Benchmarks
A. Vasiliev, J. Lebenhaft, M. Zimmermann,
Int. **Topical Meeting On Mathematics And Computation (M&C 2005), 12-15 September 2005, Avignon, France, 2005
Optimization Of UO2 Fueled PWR Core Design
E. Greenspan, F. Ganda, Z. Shayer, N. Todreas, J. Malen, C. Shuffler, J. Trant, A. Romano, B. Petrovic, H. Garkish
Proc. Int. Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, 15-19 May 2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005
Boilling Suppression In Convective Flow
Y. Aounallah
Proc. Icapp04, 13-17 June 2004, Pittsburgh, Usa
RETRAN-3d Analysis Of The Extreme Cases Of Phase 3 Of The Peach Bottom 2 Turbine Trip Benchmark
W. Barten, P. Coddington
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, 25-27 May 2004, DüSseldorf, Germany, Vol. Tagungsband, 3-8, 2004
Bifurcation Analysis Using The System Code RAMONA
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, Uddin. Rizwan, R. Chawla
Proc. 12th Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering (Icone 12), 25-29 April 2004, Arlington, Usa, 2004
Uncertainty Analysis Applied To Fuel Depletion Calculations
Macian-Juan R., Zimmermann M.A., Chawla R..
Physor 2004, 25-29 April 2004, Chicago, Usa, 2004
Assessment Of CASMO-4 Predictions Of The Iso**Topic Inventory Of High Burn-Up Mox Fuel
Macian-Juan R., Zimmermann M.A., Chawla R..
Physor 2004, 25-29 April 2004, Chicago, Usa, 2004
Level-Swell Prediction With RETRAN-3d And Its Application To A BWR Steam Line Break Analysis
Y. Aounallah, K. Hofer
Proc. Int. Congress On Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (Icapp'03), 4-7 May 2003, CóRdoba, Spain
Peach Bottom BWR Turbine Trip Benchmark Phase 3: Analysis Of Full Plant System With 3d-Neutronics Using RETRAN-3d
W. Barten, P. Coddington
Proc. Mathematics & Computations 2003, 6-10 April 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Usa
Validation Of Monteburns For MOX Fuel Using ARIANE Experimental Results
J.R. Lebenhaft, H.R. Trellue
Proc. Mathematics & Computations 2003, 6-10 April 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Usa
Nuclear-Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic Nonlinear Stability Analysis Using A Novel BWR Reduced Order Model: Part 1 - The Effects Of Using Drift Flux Versus Homogeneous Equilibrium Models
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, R. Chawla, Rizwan-Uddin
Proc. Icone11, 20-23 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Nuclear-Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic Nonlinear Stability Analysis Using A Novel BWR Reduced Order Model: Part 2 - Stability Limits Of In-Phase And Out-Of-Phase Modes
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, R. Chawla, Rizwan-Uddin
Proc. Icone11, 20-23 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Peach Bottom BWR Turbine Trip Benchmark: PSI Analysis Of Exercise 1 Using RETRAN-3d
W. Barten, P. Coddington, H. Ferroukhi
Proc. Physor 2002, 7-10 October 2002, Seoul, Korea
Stability And Bifurcation Analyses Of Two-Phase Flow Using A Drift Flux Model And Bifurcation Code Bifdd
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, Uddin. Rizwan, R. Chawla
Proc. Tenth Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering (Icone-10), 14-18 April 2002, Arlington, Virginia, Usa
A Parametric Study Of Heated Channels With Two-Phase Flow Using Bifurcation Analysis
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, Uddin. Rizwan, R. Chawla
Proc. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2002, Florida, Usa, Trans. Ans, Vol. 86, 131-133 (2002)
Nonlinear Stability Analysis With A Novel BWR Reduced Order Model
A. Dokhane, D. Hennig, Uddin. Rizwan, R. Chawla
Proc. Physor 2002, 7-10 October 2002, Seoul, Korea
Transient 3-D Neutron Kinetic Analysis With CORETRAN Of A Core Thermal-Hydraulic Boundary Condition Model - Peach Bottom 2 Turbine Trip Benchmark Phase 2
H. Ferroukhi, W. Barten, P. Coddington
Proc. Physor 2002, 7-10 October 2002, Seoul, Korea
Analysis And Sensitivity Studies With CORETRAN And RETRAN-3d Of The NEACRP Rod Ejection Benchmark
H. Ferroukhi, P. Coddington
Proc. Icone-9, Nice France, April 8-12, 2001.
Development Of A Model For RETRAN-3d For Pressure Losses At T-Junctions
W. Barten, P. Coddington, J. Sullivan
Proc. Icone-9, Nice France, April 8-12, 2001.
Analysis Of Different Hypothetical Recirculation Line SB-LOCAs In Kkm By TRAC-BF1/V98.1
G. Analytis, Coddington. Th,
Proc. Icone-9, Nice France, April 8-12, 2001.
Best Estimate Analysis Of The Thermal Expansion Scenario During Shutdown In A PWR
R. Macian, L. Nechvatal
Proc. Icone-9, Nice France, April 8-12, 2001.
CORETRAN/VIPRE Assembly Critical Power Assessment Against NUPEC BWR Experiments
Y. Aounallah
Proc. Icone-9, Nice, France, April 8-12, 2001.
RETRAN-3d Results And One-Dimensional Analytical Model For The Critical Power Of A Rod Bundle With Cosine-Shape Heating
W. Barten
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, Germany, May 15-17, 2001.
Uncontrolled Rod Bank Withdrawal Benchmark Analysis With CORETRAN And RETRAN-3d
H. Ferroukhi, P. Coddington
Proc. Ans Int. Meeting On Mathematical Methods For Nuclear Applications, Mc-2001, Salt Lake City, September 2001.
Limited Burnup Credit For Increased Fuel Enrichments In A Swiss PWR Storage Pool
J-M. Parratte, P. Grimm
Proc. Ans **Topical Meeting On Practical Implementation of Nuclear Criticality Safety, Ncsd, Reno, Nevada, Usa, November 11-15, 2001
Some Remarks To Time Series Analysis For BWR Stability Analysis
B. Askari, K. Behringer, D. Hennig
Proc. Ans Int. Meeting On Mathematical Methods For Nuclear Applications, Mc-2001, Salt Lake City, September 2001.
2000 and before
Assessment Of RETRAN-3d Against Experimental Loss Of Coolant Scenarios
R. Macian, P. Coddington
Proc. Icone-8, Baltimore, Md, Usa 2000.
Assessment Of RETRAN-3d And VIPRE-02 Void Predictions Against Experimental Data
R. Macian, Y. Aounallah, P. Coddington P. Stangroom
Proc. Icone-8, Baltimore, Md, Usa 2000.
Towards A Best-Estimate Approach To A Steady-State And Transient Analysis Using The CORETRAN Code
H. Ferroukhi, P. Coddington, F. Holzgrewe
Proc. Int. Meeting On Best-Estimate Methods in Nuclear Installation Safety Analysis, Washington, Dc, Usa, Nov. 2000
Development And Assessment Of TRAC-BF1 For BWR Loca Applications
G. Th Analytis, P. Coddington
Proc. Int. Meeting On Best-Estimate Methods in Nuclear Installation Safety Analysis, Washington, Dc, Usa, Nov. 2000
Validation Of CASMO-4 Against Sims Measured Spatial Nuclide Distributions Inside A 9 WT% GD BWR Pin
F. Holzgrewe, Et Al.
Proc. Int. **Topical Meeting On Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance, Park City, Ut, Usa, April 2000.
Current And Future Applications Of Thermal-Hydraulic And Neutronic Best-Estimate Methods In Support Of The Swiss Licensing Process
M. A. Zimmermann, W. Van Doesburg
Proc. Csni/Oecd Workshop On Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic And Neutronic Codes: Current And Future Applications, Barcelona, Spain, April 10-13, 2000.
A Study Of The Performance Of Void Fraction Correlations Used In The Context Of Drift-Flux Two-Phase Flow Models
P. Coddington, R. Macian
Proc. Int. Meeting On Trends in Numerical And Physical Modelling For Industrial Multiphase Flows , Cargese, Corsica, September 27-29, 2000.
Remarks On Regional Power Oscillations In BWRs
D. Ginestar, D. Hennig, R. Miro, G. Verdu
Proc. Int. Conference On Mathematics And Computation, Reactor Physics And Environmental Analysis in Nuclear Applications, Madrid, Spain, Sept 27-30, 1999
Implementation Of An Improved Interfacial Mass And Energy Transfer Model In RETRAN- 3d
R. Macian, P. Cebull, P. Coddington, M. Paulsen
Proc. 9th Int. Meeting On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Oct 4-8, 1999, San Francisco, Ca
VIPRE-02 Subchannel Validation Against NUPEC Void Fraction Data
Y. Aounallah, P. Coddington
Proc. 9th Int. Meeeting On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Oct 4-8, 1999, San Francisco, Ca
Analysis Of Rod Bundle And Subchannel, Subcooled Boiling Experiments Using RETRAN-3d, TRAC-BF1 And VIPRE-02
P. Coddington, Y. Aounallah, D. Maier, D. Reedha
Proc. 9th Int. Meeting On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Oct 4-8, 1999, San Francisco, Ca
The Physical Mechanism Of Core-Wide And Local Instabilities At The Forsmark-1 BWR
G. Th. Analytis, D. Hennig, J. K-H. Karlsson
Proc. 9th Int. Meeting On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Oct 4-8, 1999, San Francisco, Ca
Assessment Of The Slip Options In RETRAN-3d Against A Wide Range Of Rod Bundle Void Data
D. Maier, P. Coddington
Proc. Icone6, 6th Int. Conference On Nuclear Engineering, May 10-15, 1998, San Diego, California, Usa
Einige Bemerkungen Zum Physikalischen Mechanismus Der Entstehung Von Oszillatorischen Instabilitäten In Siedewasserreaktoren
D. Hennig
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik Mai 1998, MüNchen.
Evaluation Of The Slip Options In RETRAN-3d
D. Maier, P. Coddington
Proc. 9th Int. Retran Meeting, June 7-10, 1998, Monterey, Ca, Usa
VIPRE-02 Subchannel Validation Against NUPEC BWR Void Fraction Data
Y. Aounallah, P. Coddington
Proc. 9th Int. Retran Meeting, June 7-10, 1998, Monterey, Ca, Usa
Implementation Of An Improved Interfacial Mass And Energy Transfer Model In RETRAN-3d
R. Macian, P. Cebull, P. Coddington, M. Paulsen
Proc. 9th Int. Retran Meeting, June 7-10, 1998, Monterey, Ca, Usa
BWR Stability Analysis At PSI
D. Hennig
Proc. Int. Conference On The Physics of Nuclear Science And Technology, Oct. 5 - 8, 1998, Long Island, New York
Evaluation Of The TRAC-BF1 Code Against BWR/6 Start-Up Tests
B. Brodbeck, P. Coddington
Proc. Icone5, Nice France, May 26-30, 1997, Paper No. 2461.
Review Of Wide Range Void Correlations Against An Extensive Database Of Rod Bundle Void Measurements
D. Maier, P. Coddington
Proc. Icone5, Nice, France, May 26-30, 1997, Paper No. 2434.