
The upgrade of the SLS to a diffraction-limited storage ring (DLSR) will benefit almost all the x-ray techniques practiced at the SLS, and in particular those experiments that exploit coherence and/or beam collimation and tight focussing. The increased coherent fraction, of the order of several percent in the hard x-ray regime, will greatly enhance phase-contrast tomography and lensless-imaging techniques such as ptychography; the ability to focus down to micron dimensions while maintaining excellent collimation will allow the investigation of proteins that only form micro- and nanocrystals, most notably membrane proteins and G-coupled protein receptors (GCPRs). 

A further exciting aspect is that the improvements extend beyond the increase in brightness alone, due to other innovations of the photon sources, plus novel improvements downstream from the photon source in x-ray optics, detectors, and IT. 

The beamline portfolio and range of photon energies of the different beamlines are shown here.