The electron microscopy facility is a user-lab equipped with a number of high end microscopes to perform microstructural examinations and microanalysis on different unirradiated and irradiated materials, with the main mission to serve the study of radioactive materials from different PSI research groups. The instruments are installed in a C- laboratory and the facility complements the versatile instrumentations available on site at PSI. Presently it is equipped with two transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and a dual beam focused ion beam (FIB-SEM) instrument. Sample preparation is possible for all family of materials (metallic, ceramic, plastic or biological materials). In the case of radioactive samples, the preparation starts in the hot-laboratory and subsequently specimens are transferred to the EMF laboratory for final preparation and examination.
EMF management
The facility is run as a user laboratory and three PSI divisions are currently full members. Each division is represented in the board of management by its members.
- EMF head: Dr. Elisabeth Müller
EMF board
- Dr. Sousan Abolhassani (NES)
- Dr. Jia Chao Chen (NES)
- Dr. Yong Dai (NES)
- Dr. Takashi Ishikawa (BIO)
- Dr. Elisabeth Müller (BIO)
- Dr. Philippe Spätig (NES)
- Prof. Helena Van Swygenhoven (SYN)