Recent updates
The fabrication and the experiment of the three-element Boesch phase shifter array by Pooja Thakkar, entitled "Electrostatic interference control of a high-energy coherent electron beam using a three-element Boersch phase shifter", is now published in Jap. J. Appl. Phys (DOI 10.35848/1347-4065/ad7341). This is the work in collaboration with Penghan Lu and Prof. Rafal Dunin-Borkowski at the Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons and Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH.
Soheil Hajibaba presented his work "Beam Divergence and Interference Characteristics of Field Emission Beam: Effects of Transverse Momentum and Source Spatial Coherence" at the 37th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2024), held in Brno, Czech.
We demonstrated a method to accelerate the solution mixing down to ~0.1 s in the acoustically levitated droplets with the volume of sub-micro to a few microliter droplets. The developed method was successfully applied to a pilot time-lapse protein crystallography experiment to observe transient ligand-binding. See the publisehed article in Droplets.
This is a result of collaboration with Center for Photon Science, Center for Scientific Computing, Theory and Data, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation, Innosuisse (in collaboration with leadXpro AG), and European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
Soheil Hajibaba started his SNSF funded PhD position, affiliated to the Physics Institute, University of Züridh, on the study of field emission from Dirac materials.
Shichao Jia's work on the ultrasonic rotors is now published in Applied Physics Letters.
Links to the highlight in Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel, in English and in German .

We were one of the first three external users of the recently opened ID29 beamline at ESRF. Last week, our acoustic levitator was successfully installed at the beamline to capture the first diffraction images at this high-flux beamline, the first step toward the serial crystallography of small samples we proposed in our recently published article (See the "Scientific Highlight" and the article on the acoustic levitation and rotation of thin films ).
Shichao Jia presented his work on the acoustic rotors at IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2022 in Venezia, Italy.
See the "Scientific Highlight" of our recent work on the acoustic levitation and rotation of thin films with a video showing how easy to load these films onto an acoustic levitator.
Our review article (and a featured article), "On the brightness, transverse emittance, and transverse coherence of field emission beam,", which is also a part of Vacuum Nanoelectronics collection (eds. S. Purcell and K. Jensen) is published in Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B.
Our article, "Acoustic levitation and rotation of thin films and their application for room temperature protein crystallography," is published in Scientific Reports.
At the Ultrasonics meeting jointly cohosted by IEICE (the Institute of Electronics, Information and Coomunication Engineers, Japan) and ASJ (the Acoustical Society of Japan), Dr. S. Tsujino presented an invited lecture “Application of Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation for Protein Crystallography Experiments at Synchrotron Beamlines".
At the annual meeting of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Dr. Pooja Thakkar presented her summary talk, “Suppression of parasitic beam deflection with a five-layer Boersch phase shifter device for in airy phase modulation”, and Shichao Jia presented his poster, “Manipulation of small particles by acoustic radiation pressure”.
At the public defense held at the Paul Scherrer Institut in a hybrid way (zoom and limited physical attendee), Ms. Pooja Thakkar defended her dissertation "Towards programmable multi-element Boersch phase shifters for electron wavefront modulation" successfully, and she was conferred a title of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the Faculty of Science, University of Basel. Congratulations!
At the 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC2021), Pooja Thakkar received the Shoulders-Gray-Spindt (SGS) award of this year for her presentation.
At the 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC2021), Pooja Thakkar presented a talk, "Voltage-controlled three-electron-beam interference by a three element Boersch phase shifter with top and bottom shielding electrodes".
At the 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC2021), ST presented a tutorial, "On the brightness, transverse emittance, and transverse coherence of a field emission beam".
Our article, "On-demand droplet loading of ultrasound acoustic levitator and its application for protein crystallography experiments", was highlighted in the Applied Physics Letter's new collection on Acoustic tweezers.
Dr. Sofia Trampari started her PD on the development of the acoustic levitation diffractometer.
Shichao Jia started his PhD within the Swiss Nanoscience Institute PhD school, University of Basel, in collaboration with Rod Lim, Prof.
"Fabrication of low aspect ratio three-element Boersch phase shifters for voltage-controlled three electron beam interference" by Pooja Thakkar et al. is now published in Journal of Applied Physics.
EU project, LEAPS-INNOV, submitted by the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS), was granted, wherein the development of the high-throughput protein crystallography instrument combining the acoustic droplet ejection and the acoustic levitation diffractometer is a part of the WP5 Beamline Technology -- Sample Environmennt and Handling.
S. Tsujino presented "On-demand droplet loading of ultrasonic acoustic levitator with small droplets for protein crystallography application" in 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), which was held virtually this year.
Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Uni. Basel awarded a PhD project in collaboration with Prof. Rodelick Lim, Biozentrum, Uni. Basel.
Swiss National Science Foundation awarded a funding on the development of automated crystallography pipeline for membrane protein samples is available.
Pooja Thakkar gave an oral presentation of her work, Demonstration of the voltage-controlled three-beam interference of high-energy coherent electron beam, at the 33rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2020) fully virtual. This work is in collaboration with Forschungszenntrum Jülich (Peng-han Lu & Prof. Rafal Dunin-Borowski) and LMN (Vitaliy Guzenko) and co-supervised with Prof. J. P. Abrahams, supported by Swiss Nanoscience Institute.
The new book Acoustic Levitation From Physics to Applications (ed. D. Zang) , in which Tsujino and Tomizaki contributed the chapter 9 Applications of Acoustic Levitation in Chemical Analysis and Biochemistry, is now published.
Chiwon Lee, who has been working at Max-Planck-Institute of Structural Dynamics and Matter for his PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. R. J. Dwayne Miller in collaboration with S. Tsujino, has successfully defended his thesis "Development of Ultrabright Electron Sources and Time-Resolved Low-Energy Electron Diffractometer (LEED)" at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!
"Oscillation resonances and anisotropic damping of the motion of acoustically levitated droplets in single-axis acoustic levitators" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.
"On-demand droplet loading of ultrasound acoustic levitator and its application for protein crystallography experiments" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.
S. Tsujino was named as a top reviewers 2018 of Applied Physics Letters.
"Single crystal time-lapse measurement using ultrasonic acoustic levitation", which was presented at the 13th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018), is now published in AIP Conference Proceedings.
"Transverse structure of the wave function of field emission electron beam determined by intrinsic transverse energy" is now published in Journal of Applied Physics.
"Transmission low-energy electron diffraction using double-gate single nanotip field emitter" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.