News & Scientific Highlights

Teaserbild Lemke Interview

Forschen und Tüfteln – Der SwissFEL im Jahr 2019

SwissFEL Zukunftstechnologien Materialforschung Forschen mit Licht

Die neueste Grossforschungsanlage am PSI, der SwissFEL, ist fertiggestellt. Im Januar 2019 begann der Regelbetrieb. Henrik Lemke, Leiter der Gruppe SwissFEL Bernina, zieht eine erste Zwischenbilanz.

Teaser Molekulare Energiemaschine als Filmstar

Molekulare Energiemaschine als Filmstar

Medienmitteilungen Biologie SwissFEL Grossforschungsanlagen Forschen mit Licht

Forschende des PSI haben mithilfe der Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz SLS eine molekulare Energiemaschine in Bewegung aufgenommen und so aufgedeckt, wie die Energiegewinnung an Zellmembranen funktioniert. Dazu entwickelten sie eine neue Untersuchungsmethode, die die Analyse von zellulären Vorgängen deutlich effektiver machen könnte als bislang.

PSI School for Masterstudents 2019

PSI School for Master Degree Students - Introducing Photons, Neutrons and Muons for Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science

From 17 – 21 June 2019 the Neutron and Muon Division (NUM) and the Photon Science Division (PSD) of PSI hosted 18 Master Degree students of physics, chemistry, materials and interdisciplinary science, as well as nuclear engineering to provide an introduction to the characterization of materials with large scale facilities like SINQ, SμS, SLS and SwissFEL. The course taught a basic understanding of how photons, neutrons and muons interact with matter, and how this knowledge can be used to solve specific problems in materials research.

Details of the program can be found at

Figure 1. Layout depicting the experimental conditions at the Alvra experimental station. (b) Fresnel simulation of the Talbot carpet: intensity distribution of the experimental conditions for a 1D diamond phase grating with a 200 nm pitch and 2.985 keV photon energy. The inset (c) shows the detailed structure of the interference pattern in the vicinity of the sample where the pitch is 190 nm

Towards X-ray Transient Grating Spectroscopy at SwissFEL

The high brilliance of new X-ray sources such as X-ray Free Electron Laser opens the way to non-linear spectroscopies. These techniques can probe ultrafast matter dynamics that would otherwise be inaccessible. One of these techniques, Transient Grating, involves the creation of a transient excitation grating by crossing X-ray beams on the sample. Scientists at PSI have realized a demonstration of such crossing by using an innovative approach well suited for the hard X-ray regime.


First femtosecond protein pump-probe measurements at SwissFEL

A major milestone in the commissioning of SwissFEL has been reached: the first pump-probe experiments on proteins have been successfully carried out. Crystals of several retinal-binding proteins were delivered in a viscous jet system and a femtosecond laser was used to start the isomerization reaction. Microsecond to sub-picosecond snapshots were then collected, catching the retinal proteins shortly after isomerization of the chromophore.


EU bewilligt 14 Millionen für Schweizer Forschende

Medienmitteilungen Materialforschung Zukunftstechnologien Forschung mit Neutronen Grossforschungsanlagen

Ein Team mit drei Forschenden aus dem ETH-Bereich wurde mit einem prestigeträchtigen EU-Förderpreis ausgezeichnet. Heute erhielten sie den von der EU unterzeichneten Vertrag zur Bestätigung der ausserordentlich hohen Finanzierung in Höhe von 14 Millionen Euro. Damit werden sie Quanteneffekte untersuchen, die das Rückgrat der Elektronik der Zukunft bilden könnten.

Dies ist ein Text aus dem PSI-Medien-Archiv. Die Inhalte sind möglicherweise veraltet.

SwissFEL's First Call for Proposals

The first SwissFEL call for proposals took place, deadline for submission was the 15th of September. In this first call for proposals SwissFEL received overwhelming interest from the user community. A total of 47 proposals were submitted for the SwissFEL Alvra experimental station and 26 for the Bernina experimental station. The Proposal Review committee PRC took place on 18-19 October 2018.


Bernina status first summer shutdown

The summer shutdown was used to install more missing hardware. With the new components the Bernina instrument will be already very close to the full design capabilities when the exciting time of user experiments will begin in 2019.
