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MYTHEN: Microstrip sYstem for Time rEsolved experimeNts

MYTHEN is a 1-D detector working in single photon counting mode. This allows to satisfy the stringent requirements of synchrotron radiation experiments in terms of low noise, high dynamic range and spatial resolution and additionally it allows to perform time resolve measurements thanks to its large number of independent channels that provide a parallel acquisition and can be read out at high frame rates rate (up to 1 kHz).

Picture of a MYTHEN module.

The detector has a modular stucture such that even large systems can be built to increase the area coverage. A detector module is shown in the figure. It is composed of 1280 independent channels acquiring in parallel in single photon counting mode, each connected to a strip of the silicon sensor.

The X-rays are absorbed in the silicon sensor, and the charge generated is collected at the electrodes and read out by a custom developed frontend electronics. The strip pitch, giving the spatial resolution of the detector, is 50 μm, the sensor thickness is 320 μm and the strip length is 8 mm. Custom sensors with different geometrical characteristics or materials different than sislicon can also be used to match the application requirements.

Thanks to the single photon counting capability the detector is virtually noiseless and has a dynamic range of up to 24 bits. The fluctuation on the number of detected photons is purely Poisson-like and thus the data quality is maximized also with low statistics. The low noise of the front-end electronics allows the detection of photons of energy down to 5 keV, while the short shaping time of the analog signal permits counting rates of up to 1 MHz/channel. The channels are read out in parallel with an inter-frame dead time of 0.07-0.25 ms. The maximum frame rate of the whole detector is limited by the data transfer rate which can be up to 1 kHz for a single module. Acquisition times down to 100 ns are possible and can be synchronized to users’ experiments using external signals. A small on-board memory can store 4 to 32 frames (depending on the dynamic range) in real time.

After 12 year of operation at the Material Science beamline, MYTHEN is going to be upgraded with a new version.

The new MYTHEN III readout chip features lower noise and threshold dispersion than its predecessor which will allow operation at lower energies and facilitate the selection of the energy also in presence of fluorescence. the shaping time is also much shorter, allowing a count rate capability higher than 1 MHz per channel, which can also be improved by pileup-tracking.

Moreover, each channel contains three independent trimmable comparators with gateable counters. This allows pump-probe experiments with multiple time slots, energy binning or pileup-tracking to increase the count rate capability.

Together with the new chip, the readout system will be upgraded, providing a frame rate which can be higher than 1 MHz when using a 1 bit for a single counter (and is still several kHz wit all 3 counters, 24 bit dynamic range). The readout is fully parallel therefore the frame rate does not slow down for increasing detector size.

The detector will also have a new mechanics which will allow the acquisition of a diffraction pattern in a single shot, without the need to move the detector to cover the gaps between the modules.

The new MYTHEN III detector is under commissioning and will be installed at the MS beamline in the first half of 2020.

MYTHEN was originally designed for powder diffraction measurments at the Material Science Beamline of the SLS. The system installed at the beamline is capable of acquiring 120° (in 2θ) diffraction patterns with sub-sec time resolution. Overall it consists in more than 40'000 channel acquiring independently in parallel and is optimal for time-resolved and dose-critical measurements.

Thanks to its outstanding performance and the calibration procedure developed at the SLS, the data quality is now comparable to that of traditional high-resolution detectors, with the further advantage of very fast data acquisition or, equivalently, very high counting statistics in acquisition times of the order of tens of seconds. MYTHEN is therefore also ideal for analyses of pair distribution functions (PDFs).

In 2012 the MYTHEN Detector has been upgraded by adding a second detector capable of detecting the hard X-rays transmitted by the first one. The use of thicker silicon sensors further increases the efficiency of the system, as shown in the pictures below.

MYTHEN modules are used also for several other type of experiments including energy dispersive spectrometers, beam position monitors and medical imaging.

  • Bergamaschi A, Andrä M, Barten R, Baruffaldi F, Brückner M, Carulla M, et al.
    First demonstration of on-chip interpolation using a single photon counting microstrip detector
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2022; 17(11): C11012 (9 pp.).
  • Spiliopoulou M, Karavassili F, Triandafillidis D-P, Valmas A, Fili S, Kosinas C, et al.
    New perspectives in macromolecular powder diffraction using single-photon-counting strip detectors: high-resolution structure of the pharmaceutical peptide octreotide
    Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances. 2021; 77: 186-195.
  • Andrä M, Barten R, Bergamaschi A, Brückner M, Casati N, Cervellino A, et al.
    Towards MYTHEN III - prototype characterisation of MYTHEN III.0.2
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2019; 14(11): C11028 (8 pp.).
  • Osaka K, Yokozawa Y, Torizuka Y, Yamada Y, Manota M, Harada N, et al.
    Versatile high-throughput diffractometer for industrial use at BL19B2 in SPring-8
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  • Andrä M, Dinapoli R, Bergamaschi A, Barten R, Brückner M, Chiriotti Alvarez S, et al.
    Towards MYTHEN 3: characterization of prototype chips
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2018; 936: 383-385.
  • Ruat M, Andrä M, Bergamaschi A, Barten R, Brückner M, Dinapoli R, et al.
    Photon counting microstrip X-ray detectors with GaAs sensors
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2018; 13(1): C01046 (9 pp.).
  • Elbracht-Leong S, Bergamaschi A, Greiffenberg D, Peake D, Rassool R, Schmitt B, et al.
    Characterisation of an electron collecting CdTe strip sensor using the MYTHEN readout chip
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2015; 10(1): C01024 (10 pp.).
  • Grässlin J, McCusker LB, Baerlocher C, Gozzo F, Schmitt B, Lutterotti L
    Advances in exploiting preferred orientation in the structure analysis of polycrystalline materials
    Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2013; 46(1): 173-180.
  • Bergamaschi A, Dinapoli R, Greiffenberg D, Henrich B, Johnson I, Mozzanica A, et al.
    Time-over-threshold readout to enhance the high flux capabilities of single-photon-counting detectors
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2011; 18(6): 923-929.
  • Lopez FC, Rigon L, Longo R, Arfelli F, Bergamaschi A, Chen RC, et al.
    Development of a fast read-out system of a single photon counting detector for mammography with synchrotron radiation
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2011; 6(12): C12031 (6pp.).
  • Bergamaschi A, Cervellino A, Dinapoli R, Gozzo F, Henrich B, Johnson I, et al.
    The MYTHEN detector for X-ray powder diffraction experiments at the Swiss Light Source
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2010; 17(5): 653-668.
  • Fadenberger K, Gunduz IE, Tsotsos C, Kokonou M, Gravani S, Brandstetter S, et al.
    In situ observation of rapid reactions in nanoscale Ni-Al multilayer foils using synchrotron radiation
    Applied Physics Letters. 2010; 97(14): 144101 (3 pp.).
  • Gozzo F, Cervellino A, Leoni M, Scardi P, Bergamaschi A, Schmitt B
    Instrumental profile of MYTHEN detector in Debye-Scherrer geometry
    Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: Crystalline Materials. 2010; 225(12): 616-624.
  • Bergamaschi A, Cervellino A, Dinapoli R, Gozzo F, Henrich B, Johnson I, et al.
    Photon counting microstrip detector for time resolved powder diffraction experiments
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2009; 604(1-2): 136-139.
  • Mozzanica A, Bergamaschi A, Dinapoli R, Gozzo F, Henrich B, Kraft P, et al.
    MythenII: a 128 channel single photon counting readout chip
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2009; 607(1): 250-252.
  • Rigon L, Arfelli F, Astolfo A, Bergamaschi A, Dreossi D, Longo R, et al.
    A single-photon counting "edge-on" silicon detector for synchrotron radiation mammography
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2009; 608(Suppl. 1): S62-S65.
  • Bergamaschi A, Broennimann C, Dinapoli R, Eikenberry E, Gozzo F, Henrich B, et al.
    Performance of a single photon counting microstrip detector for strip pitches down to 10 μm
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2008; 591(1): 163-166.
  • Rigon L, Arfelli F, Bergamaschi A, Dreossi D, Longo R, Menk R-H, et al.
    PICASSO: a silicon microstrip detector for mammography with synchrotron radiation
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  • Dreossi D, Bergamaschi A, Schmitt B, Vallazza E, Arfelli F, Longo R, et al.
    Clinical mammography at the SYRMEP beam line: toward the digital detection system
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    A multi-sample automatic system for in situ electrochemical X-ray diffraction synchrotron measurements
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  • Schmitt B, Brönnimann C, Eikenberry EF, Hülsen G, Toyokawa H, Horisberger R, et al.
    Development of single photon counting detectors at the Swiss Light Source
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2004; 518(1-2): 436-439.
  • Schmitt B, Brönnimann C, Eikenberry EF, Gozzo F, Hörmann C, Horisberger R, et al.
    Mythen detector system
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2003; 501(1): 267-272.
Personne Position Phone Nr. Courriel
Dr. Anna Bergamaschi
Group Leader Detector Science and Characterization
Dr. Roberto Dinapoli
Microelectronics Engineer, leader of the chip design group