At LSF we have applied synchrotron radiation based tools for a variety of industries. Topics of industrial R&D include catalysis, fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical applications, cement industries, and nuclear waste management. With our new dynamic in-situ and 3D capabilities we can contribute to the characterization of reactive materials and applications in advanced manufacturing. Industrial R&D opportunities at SwissFEL include serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) applications for structure-based drug discovery.

If you are interested in proprietary measurements at a SLS beamline or at the SwissFEL, then please feel free to contact Frithjof Nolting, CEO of the SLS Techno Trans AG or the corresponding group leader.
We are licensing in-house developed technology to commercial partners. If you are interested in certain technologies contact the corresponding group leader or the PSI technology transfer, please.
Please contact the Head of Laboratory Christoph Bostedt to discuss your applications and needs and to establish contacts: and +41 56 310 3594.