Neuigkeiten aus dem Hotlabor

First combined Plasma and Gas Source Mass Spectrometer for alternate isotope and element ratio Analyses of Solids, Liquids, and Gases

MC-EBIS-ICP-MS – a unique dual Ion Source Mass Spectrometer

This highlight presents a successful, in-house developed integration of an Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) able to ionize gases to high charge states with a customized commercial MC-ICP-MS. The successful joining of the two ion flight paths is a milestone towards comprehensive routine analyses of solids, liquids, and gases using THE SAME MASS SPECTROMETER, the latter analyses free from atmospheric contamination. After implementation of an introduction system for gas mass spectrometry, routine analyses will comprise isotope ratio and relative abundance determinations of fission gases in used nuclear fuel. In addition to the unique versatility of the MC-EBIS-ICP-MS, inclusion of the EBIS furthers opens the little-studied field of mass spectrometry of highly charged ions.

Swiss CoA

Neue Betriebsbewilligung

Am 21. Februar 2019 erteilte das Eidgenössische Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (UVEK) die neue Betriebsbewilligung für die Anlage PSI Hotlabor

Focused Ion Beam

New Focused Ion Beam (FIB) in the Hot Laboratory

The implementation of Focused Ion Beam instruments in material research laboratories during the last decade has not only strongly improved the preparation of very thin specimens for the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), in particular at interfaces, but also led to the development of new analysis methods inside the instrument itself. It became a powerful instrument for the analyses of highly radioactive materials, because it allows for the production and analysis of very small specimens that can be then analyzed with very sensitive detectors without strong interference from the radiation field of the specimen itself.

Pellet Periphery Teaser

UO2 fuel behavior at very high burnup

The investigation of the nuclear fuel at very high burnup is critical for evaluating the safety margin for the evaluated fuel in normal as well as in accidental conditions. PSI is one of the very few hot laboratories which possess access to irradiated UO2 fuel with very high burnup from commercial reactors. The application of relevant tools for the investigation, handling and analysis of those highly irradiated materials emphasize the necessary expertise.

Inside Hotcell 6

Refurbishment of HZ6

The hot cell 6 is dedicated to the storage and conditioning of high level solid waste. This cell has been completely refurbished in the period 2015 – 2017. This include the complete dismantling and conditioning of the highly fuel contaminated old infrastructure, the cleaning of the cell and the installation and test of the new improved infrastructure.

Pt nanoparticles: The key to improved stress corrosion cracking mitigation in boiling water reactors

The formation and growth of cracks by stress corrosion cracking (SCC)in reactor internals and recirculation pipes due to the highly oxidising environment is a serious issue in boiling water reactors. At first, SCC mitigation was attempted by injecting H2 into the feed water, where the injected H2 recombines with the H2O2 and O2 to water and reduces the electrochemical corrosion potential, and consequently the SCC susceptibility. Several disadvantages of the injection of high amounts of H2, have led to the development of noble metal additions to the reactor feed water. With injection of a much smaller amount of H2, the noble metal particles of a few nanometres in size, formed in-situ, work as catalysts for the efficient reduction of the oxidizing species formed by radiolysis, and thus lower the ECP and SCC susceptibility.

Sample Management Software

New Sample and Task Management Software 

The AHL accounts, according to internal as well as external regulations, nuclear materials and moderators. For the detection and control of nuclear fuel samples and monitoring with respect to criticality safety, AHL developed a new sample and task management software (IPV).

Delivery of Tanks

New sewage cleaning system and tank farm

PSI Hotlab is collecting and radiologically cleaning the entire radioactive waste water from the PSI East side. In the years 2014-2016 a major refurbishment took place, where the old tank farm was decommissioned, and new stainless-steel tanks were installed together with new, modern ultrafiltration systems during normal operation of the lab.