Experimental Station

The endstation is in active design phase and is currently under construction. 


The experimental table is designed to allow a constant beam-table height with pitch adjustment to maintain parallel along the full 8.6 m length. Fixed optical components are mounted within the first 2.6 m including SiNx exit window assembly, a set of filters allowing selectable beam attenuation from 0.5 - 5 absorption lengths across the full energy range provided by the optics (4.5-60 keV).

The first moveable table gives a working space of 1x1 m for the sample environment. The sample manipulator has +- 60mm motion in X and Y axes, 0-35 mm in Z axis capable of a 30 kg load and is equipped with a continuous rotation stage atop. Beside, an arc segment with focal spot at the beam position, comes with 3 selectable detectors attached: 7 element rayspec SDD for fluorescence measurements, compact X-ray eye for beam shape and size measurements and a 3rd position designed as a modular interface. Upstream, a compact 15 cm long Ionitec Al bodied ion chamber is utilized for incident X-ray intensity, I0, measurement, an alignment laser and a pinhole for beam conditioning for X-ray scattering experiments.