TASP: Cold Neutron Triple-axis spectrometer
Welcome to the web site of TASP, the triple-axis spectrometer with cold neutrons, located at the end of the 1RNR14 neutron guide of the SINQ spallation source. TASP is operated as a collaboration between the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering (LNS) of PSI and the group of Prof. Henrik M. Rønnow; the Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM) of École Polytechnique Fedérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
TASP provides incident neutrons with a wide range of wavevectors and allows for large momentum transfers. It offers the option of polarised neutron experiments with either longitudinal or XYZ polarization analysis and neutron spherical polarimetry. For these experiments TASP has the option of a Mu-metal Polarization Analysis Device, MuPAD. A broad range of problems in condensed matter can be explored with TASP, such as the study of magnetic and structural phase transitions and their associated fluctuations, superlattice reflections and critical exponents. It is well suited for the study of low-energy collective excitations with high energy and momentum resolution and due to the very high sensitivity of the polarized neutrons techniques, it is an excellent tool to investigate complex magnetic structures. In addition, using diffuse scattering at TASP one can investigate various effects of disorder. TASP employs standard SINQ sample environments allowing for measurements in wide ranges of temperature, magnetic field and pressure.
Examples of experimental results obtained at TASP can be found in TASP's list of publications. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- TASP upgrade: 5.5 T horizontal magnetic field is now available (MA07 cryo-magnet) for Ei = 3.5...14.7 meV
- TASP is operated in collaboration with the Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM) of EPF Lausanne
- TASP upgrade: 12 T vertical magnetic field is now available (MA15 cryo-magnet)