Scientific Highlights NES

NZZ am Sonntag has picked up this highlight am Sonntag (issue 7th March 2021)

«Price tags» of the Swiss energy transition

NZZ am Sonntag  has picked up this highlight in its issue on March 7th, 2021: The highlight refers to the analysis performed in SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling, where PSI-LEA performed the analysis of the energy transition pathways.

Increasing small scale details of a jet

Analysis of a large-scale turbulent round jet

The entire study is an investigation into the self-similarity behavior [1] of first and second order statistical quantities derived from a large-scale jet flow taken from one of the experiments in the PANDA facility using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD).

What is presented, are the merits, the potential and the characteristics of the corresponding underlying POD analysis. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a mathematical framework to extract large-scale structures which are otherwise eventually masked by the complexity of the fully turbulent flow; example: the meandering of a jet which is not so obvious for the original data.

Moeckli et al

Two scenarios for superconductivity in CeRh2As2

CeRh2As2, a nonsymmorphic heavy fermion material, was recently reported to host a remarkable temperature versus z-axis magnetic-field phase diagram with two superconducting phases. In this material, the two inequivalent Ce sites per unit cell, related by inversion symmetry, introduce a sublattice structure corresponding to an extra internal degree of freedom. In this work, we propose a classification of the possible superconducting states in CeRh2As2 from the two Ce-sites' perspective.


Luc Van Loon

Für eine Million Jahre sicher verwahrt

Energie und Klima Forschen mit Licht Kernkraft Energiewende

Die Schweiz plant, bis zum Jahr 2050 ein Tiefenlager für ihre radioaktiven Abfälle zu errichten. Forschende am PSI helfen dabei herauszufinden, welcher Standort am geeignetsten ist.

Tom Kober

Energiewende der Schweiz

Medienmitteilungen Energie und Klima Energiewende

Kann die Schweiz ihre CO2-Emissionen wie geplant bis im Jahr 2050 auf null senken? Was ist dafür nötig? Was könnte es kosten?


Rezeptorproteinen beim Verbiegen zuschauen

Forschen mit Licht SwissFEL Biologie Health Innovation

G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren vermitteln unzählige Prozesse im Körper. Im Interview erzählt PSI-Forscher Ramon Guixà, wie er die Rezeptormoleküle auf dem Bildschirm lebendig werden lässt.
