Scientific Highlights and News

SPIE Fellow Manuel Guizar-Sicairos

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos elected as SPIE Fellow member

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos was elected as a 2022 SPIE Fellow Member for his contributions to coherent lensless imaging, including ptychography and X-ray nano-tomography. The distinction was awarded in the SPIE’s Optics & Photonics conference in San Diego, California.

Guizar-Sicairos ICO prize ceremony

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos is awarded ICO prize

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, beamline scientist at the cSAXS beamline, is the 2019 recipient of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize. The distinction was awarded in the EOSAM conference in Rome.

Teaser ptychografie

How catalysts age

Media Releases Research with light Materials Research Future Technologies Industrial co-operation

Catalysts used in industry change their material structure over the years. Using a new method, PSI researchers have now studied this on the nanoscale.

SAS tensor tomography

Quantifying oriented myelin in mouse and human brain

Myelin 'insulates' our neurons enabling fast signal transduction in our brain. Myelin levels, integrity, and neuron orientations are important determinants of brain development and disease. Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography (SAXS-TT) is a promising technique for non-destructive, stain-free imaging of brain samples, enabling quantitative studies of myelination and neuron orientations, i.e. of nano-scale properties imaged over centimeter-sized samples.

Magnetic beauty within

Magnetic vortices come full circle

The first experimental observation of three-dimensional magnetic ‘vortex rings’ provides fundamental insight into intricate nanoscale structures inside bulk magnets, and offers fresh perspectives for magnetic devices.
